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Meeting your family for the first time

Questions to Ask in 2021
Last week I shared about how Jenn Watson, a racer, fell in love with a little boy named Zi Ping at an orphanage in China. Jenn felt like he would fit perfectly in her family, and she decided to take a risk and try to make it happen.  She asked her sister Katie and her brother-in-law Josh…
By Seth Barnes
From updates.theworldrace.orgLast week I shared about how Jenn Watson, a racer, fell in love with a little boy named Zi Ping at an orphanage in China. Jenn felt like he would fit perfectly in her family, and she decided to take a risk and try to make it happen. 

She asked her sister Katie and her brother-in-law Josh if they would be willing to adopt Zi. They immediately agreed, and they've dedicated the last year to bringing him home.

God opened every door and last week they boarded the flight home from China. Their family and a few racers were there waiting for them. Here's a video of their emotional meeting at the airport. We showed it to our staff this Monday and needed a few extra tissues in the room.

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