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Praise the Lord.God is good God .May God bless all of them specially sister Jenn and Zi.
I’ve asked God to keep me soft and to break my heart with what breaks his.
Maybe that’s why I have tears right now.
Thanks Seth.
This brings back so many memories of the journey to bring our son Samuel home from Korea and daughter Tatiana from Russia.
What a JOY!!! Praise the Lord
WOW! Mind blowing…beautiful. Like reminds me of how Christ adopts us and how all of heaven rejoices! Sweet precious little boy! tears indeed!
sweet video. what a blessed boy Zi is, his life is completely altered from a racer! 🙂
I can feel the love even just by viewing it. To God be the glory!
Very moving; very comforting to see the little boy getting a loving home. Thank you so much for posting this.
Very moving; very comforting to see the little boy getting a loving home. Thank you so much for posting this.
That was AMAZING!