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Our despair and God’s timing

Questions to Ask in 2021
I love, as Paul Harvey says, to be able to share “the rest of the story.”  A little over a year ago, I posted a blog about when God is silent. A woman named Jessie responded, sharing the despair she was feeling. We corresponded and she wrote this: I have to tell you the truth, I have lost most o…
By Seth Barnes

I love, as Paul Harvey says, to be able to share “the rest of the story.”  A little over a year ago, I posted a blog about when God is silent. A woman named Jessie responded, sharing the despair she was feeling. We corresponded and she wrote this:

I have to tell you the truth, I have lost most of what I believe.

I was so sure God would do something about my injustice but it didn’t happen.
Scripture is not absolute, not even close

Time moved on for Jessie.  She endured this hard fact: that God can be inscrutable sometimes. He leaves us in the middle of horrible situations where we can only conclude, “God doesn’t care about me – he has abandoned me to sort out this problem on my own.”

Yet, what we see over and over again and what Jessie saw here is that it’s just a question of timing. He is working on multiple chess boards at once and has an answer that just takes more time than we’ve allotted. In Jessie’s case, it took another year. Over that time she and I stayed in touch and I tried to encourage her.  Then, recently she sent me this email:

I can answer my own Q. now

GOD answers prayer in his own time frame and on his terms.
I will never understand losing my baby but I’m slowly getting my faith back.
I’m relying on his word to be authentic.

For all the people who sent a word of encouragement –thank you
Sometimes we need the faith of others to assure us it’s all before God and he sees and hears our cry.

My friend, keep praying for me and all the people who need your scripted words of scripture.

Sometimes it’s all we have to get us through the following hours of despair
Pray without ceasing even when it seems to be not working. Hard to see it when you are in it but I can look back now and recognize all the “links” to GOD.

Keep writing people Seth, don’t get weary.  It’s your missionary work.

God Bless,


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