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Photo Contest: Some awesome entries already

Photo Contest
With 274 submissions to our photo contest in the first two weeks, we’re off to a good start! There are three judges. They are all-stars. One of them is Grant Miller, who was the White House photographer for George Bush. You can see his work here. We haven’t really begun to get the word out about…
By Seth Barnes
With 274 submissions to our photo contest in the first two weeks, we’re off to a good start! There are three judges. They are all-stars. One of them is Grant Miller, who was the White House photographer for George Bush. You can see his work here.
Hamares Village SomaliaWe haven’t really begun to get the word out about this contest other than on my blog, so let me ask for your help. I’m hoping for thousands of submissions. This first round qualifies our top 30 photographers whom we will then judge based on a small portfolio of their work in rounds 2 and 3. Some people have gone overboard in submitting their stuff. Photographers: I’d prefer it if you capped your submissions at maybe 10 or so initially. All you need is one excellent photo to qualify for round 2. To submit your photos, click here. The photo above is an example of what we’re looking for. It’s a shot of people thrilled to get drinking water (albeit muddy) in Hamares village in Somalia.
Although the judges have not started the selection process, here is a small selection of photos that I personally liked of the many submitted so far. I will be posting a small selection like this every weekend until we judge them next month.
Lindsey Whitney took this in Burkina Faso.
I like the way she framed it. Burkina Faso Lindsey Whitney
 I couldn’t tell who shot this, but the person who submitted is running in the slums of Mazatlan, Mexico.
I think the same person took this in the Tando Dumps of Manila. I had seen this pic before & loved it. A classic shot.
Tando Dumps Manila
Here’s another that I’ve always liked. Gary Weston took it of his wife Katherine on the first World Race trip. Whether the judges will like these or not remains to be seen.
China Gary Weston
For a look at the submissions so far, go here.
A final note to our photographers: Please don’t bother submitting scenery or face shots in this first round.  We’re looking for ministry shots – human interaction that gives us place, soul, moment, & ministry.

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