Some Q & A about knuckleheads
What is a knucklehead?
Let me offer you a definition from the Barnes unabridged dictionary:
A knucklehead is a person who does things when he should have known better. The implication is that there is a set of rules out there that somehow we should all know by heart. Knuckleheads don’t know…
By Seth Barnes
- What is a knucklehead?
Let me offer you a definition from the Barnes unabridged dictionary:
A knucklehead is a person who does things when he should have known better. The implication is that there is a set of rules out there that somehow we should all know by heart. Knuckleheads don’t know the rules that the rest of us have learned.
- Why is it that we have knuckleheads?
They never read the set of rules in the first place.
They just don’t care about those rules.
They have a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease, acting before thinking.
- Is being a knucklehead like being a sinner?
No. Being a sinner is a serious offense in God’s eyes, whereas being a knucklehead is kind of a matter of style like being absent-minded. As we look at scripture, we see that Jesus didn’t advocate condemnation but tolerance for knuckleheads since we all have been one at one time or another. Peter was the prototypical knucklehead (see #5).
- Where do you most clearly see this distinction between sinners and knuckleheads?
You see it most clearly in the institution of marriage. Husbands are all knuckleheads and the wives all know it.
- Can you show me any clear biblical examples of how Jesus felt about knuckleheads?
Yes! Peter was a knucklehead. Walking on water. Denying Jesus. Jumping out of the boat. Just look at Matthew 16-17:
Matthew 16
7-12 Peter rebuked for little faith (stock is down)
15-19 Praised for recognizing Jesus’ deity (up)
22-24 Rebuked for failing to see God’s plan (down)
Matthew 17
1 Chosen to accompany Jesus to transfiguration (up)
4 Offers to build shelters (down)
8 Obeys Jesus (up)
- If Jesus treated Peter this way, how should we treat others?
Romans 15:7 and 14:10-13
- Am I doomed to be a knucklehead all my life, or is there hope?
There is hope, but only as we seek to walk by faith, not by sight. If Jesus can accept Peter the knucklehead, then we need to accept one another.
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Ha! That’ll preach!
Sign me up as a lifetime member of the K.C.A. (Knucklehead Club of America)
I vote for Scott Molgard as President…
Molgard would self-appoint as president, but there are moments that I can out knuckle most heads out there. Love the differential between a knucklehead and a sinner. Sincerely, K.C.A. FM (second member to sign up) Are there annual dues?
I asked my beautiful bride if she agreed with your assertion that all husbands are knuckleheads. Her response:
Naw, maybe occasionally boneheaded or certainly hardheaded, but knuckleheaded – nope. Our sons, on the other hand……
(boneheaded defined as “I can’t BELIEVE he just did that”.)