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Receive updates on the latest posts as Seth Barnes covers many topics like spiritual formation, what if means to be a christian, how to pray, and more. Radical Living blog is all about a call to excellence in ministry, church, and leadership -as the hands and feet of Jesus. we hope to see a person be raised from the dead prasie god
God is the same forever if he was raising people from the dead int he past he will do it today too
Let’s hang out. As I read your comment my first thought was, “I want to chat it up with guys like this.” FYI, I only read the blog and your comment, so I don’t know if you were referencing certain remark. I did find your analysis of unconditional love quite interesting. As a christian I, admittedly going off my blink reaction, would agree with you. Unconditional love is without condition. God does love regardless of sex, gender, size, shape, and faith. Where I’m confused is where or what has given you the impression that followers of Christ don’t believe this. The love still needs to be accepted. Parent has children. Dad loves both boys. One boy accepts. One rejects. Dad still loves. The characteristics of God doesn’t change based on the inferior efforts of his followers.
And, agreed, believing out of fear sucks. Quite miserable actually. Very mediocre, hypocritical lives ensue.
I have a good friend who actually joined David Hogan’s ministry in Mexico and spent 6 months there ‘learning’ under Hogan’s leadership. He left very confused and upset with what he experienced. He told me there was much verbal abuse, a lot of crazy expectations, and various other problems that caused most of the ‘new recruits’ to bail out asap. My friend had formerly been a staunch Hogan supporter, even encouraging me to spend time listening to his sermons.
I think this further proves that unless you really go, and see, and have an opinion of your own , then why even comment?
David Hogan, says he has raised people from the dead, if this is true how many of you have been there when this was done, and do we have documeted pages to back up his claims. I believe that Jesus was the one that raised people from the dead and that no human has the power to do this.
hi Tino,
you are right, no human has the power to do this. Jesus is the only one who has the power to do this, and he is doing it in many parts of the world. If you want to see a documented video of a person raised from the dead, go to this link:
I know the Hogans personally. They loved me when I was so unloveable! They never gave up on me hoping and praying that Jesus was get hold of me. I now do prison ministry along with other. Life is tough in the jungle. If you go to mexico saying “I know God told me to come here!” and you can be run off, well I reckon you havent heard from God after all. Think about it. I love the Hogan family they are full of Jesus and His unconditional love. somr people I am sure probably go to mexico hoping to get in on the action, but they are unwilling to pay the price.
I know the Hogans personally. They loved me when I was so unloveable! They never gave up on me hoping and praying that Jesus was get hold of me. I now do prison ministry along with other. Life is tough in the jungle. If you go to mexico saying “I know God told me to come here!” and you can be run off, well I reckon you havent heard from God after all. Think about it. I love the Hogan family they are full of Jesus and His unconditional love. somr people I am sure probably go to mexico hoping to get in on the action, but they are unwilling to pay the price.
In all of the videos and tapes that I have viewed or listened to, I have never heard David Hogan say that he raised the dead. He always states that it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that they are brought to life. I also agree that if you can be chased out then you probably have not heard from God. Faith and the mustard seed, greater things than He, are words that come to mind.
There IS a price to follow Him.
I know someone who worked w/ Hogan for 8 1/2 years. They never saw one person raised from the dead, never saw one person healed. I do not doubt the power of God to heal people and raise them from the dead, but if there really have been 250+ people raised from the dead through his ministry, I expect there would have been some sort of documentation in at least 1 or 2 of those cases. I’m not judging the guy, I just think it is wise and biblical to test these things. Truth stands any test.
I have seen David Hogan preach. I will not pass judgment on him, however if you want to know of true testamonies of raised from the dead look up “midnight ministries” or type in Pastor David Isaac Ohuoba. Why are the people who are documented and witnessed being raised happen in Africa and other third world countries? I believe these peoples faith much stronger, as they dont have the creature comforts, and really RELY on God’s grace for nearly everything. They have faith as a little child. We have much to learn from them.Ask yourself, could you believe for that?
here is the link Lea refers to:
I a bussiness man from Huauchinango, Puebla, Mexico I have seen people raise from the dead. Hogan and his people teach the indias the word of God, no one goes where he goes, none spent the time with the poor indians. God bless David Hogan and his ministries.
Please read the following:
Chap. 11. – Satan’s Last Day Deceptions
Under the Garb of Christianity
We are approaching the end of this earth’s history, and Satan is working as never before. He is striving to act as director of the Christian world. With an intensity that is marvelous he is working with his lying wonders. Satan is represented as walking about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He desires to embrace the whole world in his confederacy. Hiding his deformity under the garb of Christianity, he assumes the attributes of a Christian, and claims to be Christ Himself.8MR 346 (1901). {LDE 155.1}
The Word of God declares that when it suits the enemy’s purpose, he will through his agencies manifest so great a power under a pretense of Christianity that, “if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” [Matt. 24:24].Ms 125, 1901. {LDE 155.2}
As the spirits will profess faith in the Bible and manifest respect for the institutions of the church,
their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power.GC 588 (1911). {LDE 155.3}
The strongest bulwark of vice in our world is not the iniquitous life of the abandoned sinner or the degraded outcast; it is that life which otherwise appears virtuous, honorable, and noble, but in which one sin is fostered, one vice indulged. . . . Genius, talent, sympathy, even generous and kindly deeds, may thus become decoys of Satan to entice souls over the precipice of ruin.Ed 150 (1903). {LDE 156.1}
Miracles Cannot Supersede the Bible
If those through whom cures are performed are disposed, on account of these manifestations, to excuse
their neglect of the law of God and continue in disobedience, though they have power to any and every extent, it does not follow that they have the great power of God. On the contrary, it is the miracle-working power of the great deceiver.2SM 50, 51 (1885). {LDE 169.4}
The Bible will never be superseded by miraculous manifestations. The truth must be studied, it must be searched for as hidden treasure. Wonderful illuminations will not be given aside from the Word or to take the place of it. Cling to the Word, receive the engrafted Word which will make men wise unto salvation.2SM 48 (1894). {LDE 170.1}
The last great delusion is soon to open before us. Antichrist is to perform his marvelous works in our sight. So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy Scriptures. By their testimony every statement and every miracle must be tested.GC 593 (1911). {LDE 170.2}
why aren’t miracles enough?
The man who makes the working of miracles the test of his faith will find that Satan can, through a species of deceptions, perform wonders that will appear to be genuine miracles. [SELECTED MESSAGES, BOOK 2, P. 52.] {NL 47.2}
Satan is a cunning worker, and he will bring in subtle fallacies to darken and confuse the mind and root out the doctrines of salvation. Those who do not accept the Word of God just as it reads, will be snared in his trap. [IBID.] {NL 47.3}
Evil angels are upon our track every moment. . . . They assume new ground and work marvels and miracles in our sight. . . . {NL 48.1}
Some will be tempted to receive these wonders as from God. The sick will be healed before us. Miracles will be performed in our sight. Are we prepared for the trial which awaits us when the lying wonders of Satan shall be more fully exhibited? Will not many souls be ensnared and taken? By departing from the plain precepts and commandments of God, and giving heed to fables, the minds of many are preparing to receive these lying wonders. We must all now seek to arm ourselves for the contest in which we must soon engage. Faith in God’s word, prayerfully studied and practically applied, will be our shield from Satan’s power and will bring us off conquerors through the blood of Christ. [TESTIMONIES, VOL. 1, P. 302.] {NL 48.2}
Nobody can work miracles who believes that the moral law of God has been changed or abolished. The word of God will test false prophets and healers.
Jeff Burnette
your critique would have greater credibility if you quoted from the Bible more than you quoted from another book. it’s ironic that you place such great credence on it, yet spend all your time quoting a man rather than God’s word.
Raising of dead people will be in the future when Jesus will rule all the world. (John 5:28 and 29) meanwhile all supposed miracles are faked.
I am kindly ask you to pray for my son who is diagnosed with autism and have severe challenging behaviour. I have put down giving any therapy or any treatment. His difficulties are never curable thats what the doctor informed us. my life ruined because of this and i can not go anywhere and could not take my son with me . he will pinch, kick, spit, scrach others and throw things and damage all the households. he hurt himself and bang his head against the hard surfaces.
I have read your raising from the dead, i just beleive if you could pray for my son to be healed from autism. and we will give testimoey for the entire world. I am kindly asking you to contact me
thank you
Remember, Jesus gave us the athority to speak, lay hands on the sick, ect…
He didn’t tell us to beg him. Jesus handed his athority to us, the church. When will the church start using the power God told us to use.
I serve a God who loves me and heals me. Over the last 23 years as a christian I have lost count of the amount of miracles God has done in my life.I know, and have no doubt at all that God has power over any sickness on the face of this planet and He has the keys of death.
It all comes down to obedience. If God asks me to go and pray for a dead person I would. If He wants to release them from death He can. It is NEVER about us or any ability we may or may not have its ALL about Him.
Oh ye of little faith. Through the power given to us through our tongues (in the name of jesus and the empowerment of the holy spirit), all things are made possible in faith. I know my bible says to not to jusy believe every spirit, and to test the spirit, but also Christ himself telling us that we’ll be performing miracles even greater than these. You know, seeing such skepticism, I wonder if Jesuus were walkin the earth again would you notice Him or would you need proof, and more proof, and even a first hand encounter to believe. In a situation like this, I pass no judgement, but would immediately go to God, asking for humility and discernment to understand the things in which I don’t fully understand. I especially wouldn’t want to be passed by due to my lack of faith and ignorance do you? Pray about it. Truthfully, you will find the answer family. I love you all. Stay blessed.
Oh ye of little faith. Through the power given to us through our tongues (in the name of jesus and the empowerment of the holy spirit), all things are made possible in faith. I know my bible says to not to jusy believe every spirit, and to test the spirit, but also Christ himself telling us that we’ll be performing miracles even greater than these. You know, seeing such skepticism, I wonder if Jesuus were walkin the earth again would you notice Him or would you need proof, and more proof, and even a first hand encounter to believe. In a situation like this, I pass no judgement, but would immediately go to God, asking for humility and discernment to understand the things in which I don’t fully understand. I especially wouldn’t want to be passed by due to my lack of faith and ignorance do you? Pray about it. Truthfully, you will find the answer family. I love you all. Stay blessed.
Jesus said we must bear fruit and that anything we asked in his name will be given to us so that the father would be glorified and that we would bear much fruit. If God loves us with a jealous love and wants us to have a relationship with him and wants us to know him and wants us to call people into the Kingdom and he will choose them. If he tells us that we can ask in his name and do not doubt but receive it and that there will come a day when his people those who have received the spirit of son-ship will do far greater things then what he did, when will we begin to Rock our communities and have the impact he did?
I have been a Sunday school teacher now for about 8 months and the main topics I see being brought up is Jesus can do anything, Jesus is our friend, and Jesus heals. So I say if I believe this to be true and I teach my children this every Sunday, when will I and you yes you those who do not doubt but believe in the name of Jesus begin to step out and go into our hospitals, bus stops, malls, restaurants, movie theaters and after some time of praying that all disbelief be removed completely, focusing that Jesus is sitting on his throne on the highest of highest level of heaven and you could get to him, if you are repentant and living in the spirit, and ask him to place in your hands and toung and heart these things not for yourself but to bear fruit and glorify the Father just do it!
I pray for all of us that we come to Jesus like the women with the issue of blood and cry out abba father let us touch the veil of your robe, just so that he will say virtue has come out of me, so that virtue would come into us, so that we can in turn glorify the Father, this is how we can give God thanks for all that he has done for us!
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I have faith that the mother of my kids will be raised from the dead. If the devil is using his powers to take our loved ones away from us. We can also use the power that God has given us to undo what the devil has done by bringing our loved ones back to us. In the name of Jesus.
There are dead people all around us,open your eyes and look the harvest is ready.
I will not judge the motives or intentions of Pastor David because that is very dangerous ground. God is and always will be the same, If through the name of Jesus a person once was raised from the dead why do we not believe it could happen today? Is it because Google doesn’t say it could? As for signs and wonders I am a living testimony to the power of Jesus! If Jesus offers us salvation, such a great gift then why is it so hard for us to believe he cannot or will not cure our cancers or heart problems ect…? Jesus himself said “By My stripes you are healed!” Don’t think can He, will He… Just believe he can, without doubt and stand on his promise! I believe God can do anything we believe he can do! So do I believe Pastor David? Without doubt because he gives all Glory to God whom it belongs. I unlike some here do not need documented facts, If you believe the bible you have to believe that it’s the TRUTH, God says we will do even greater things than this…… So to all who do not believe, check yourselves! Hurry cause the end is near, just read the paper or watch a news channel.
Peace and Love be with you all!
Love your Brother in Christ!
I need to know does he operates in raising the dead. i miss my mother so much. i believing in God for a real Man or woman of God the has the power to raise the dead. Please contact me at
Michael, thanks for being open with your thoughts.
I think most Christians don’t think about tough things like this. Generally, we accept things that we’ve been told without really questioning them. We need to come to a place where we aren’t acting out of selfishness (conditional love), but instead are loving without expecting anything in return. The rewards in heaven are just a bonus, and, I think, God protecting justice. He will set all things right.
Admittedly, most “Christians” I’ve come across don’t know what it means to be a Christ follower. But God has all of us on a journey.
And you’re right, we do believe all these things by faith. Hearing stories like these really helps build my faith!
I agree and am saddened by the discrepancy we as Christians have in our faith and actions. We like to pick and choose the things we want from the Bible. The things that don’t inconvenience us too much and that we can fit into our lives without much noticeable change. Sure we want the power and supernatural ability to raise people from the dead. But to love people who I don’t agree with, or that annoy me…well that is just asking too much.
This is a dangerous game to be playing and doesn’t give an accurate example of who Christ intends us to be. Michael is right in calling out this error and pointing believers back to the fact that we love unconditionally because Christ first loved us….there’s no other reason needed.
You are right, people usually do find what they are looking for, and the devil does have some tricks. However, there are some tests we can do to see if it is from the Lord.
2 of which are:
Does it exalt Christ? Does God receive the Glory?
Does it bear good fruit? Are things changed for the better?
God’s house is not divided and things that are of him will prove to be not by claims but by lasting effects.
God is also interested in co-partnering with humans ie, Adam, Abraham, David, Jesus (fully man but also fully God) and Paul for examples. Jesus died so we could wake up to our identity in Christ. His son’s and heir’s to his throne. If we are suppose to look like Christ then shouldn’t we also do things that he did? We should be living reflections of him. If Jesus raised the dead, then maybe that means the Christ inside of me might be able to do the same thing.
Also, John 14:12 is compelling.
“The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”
I’d say a man is better off erring on the side of action than of being passive. I’d rather be found being fooled by the antichrist than be the one who never did much and wasn’t fooled. Which is better, knowing a lot about what the Bible says or trying to do what it says, while failing and succeeding along the way?
I also think that experience and relationship are the two most effective tools in learning.
Many atimes i have seen Lord Jesus personaly and above that He said,”If you belive ye shall do all what I hav done, even greator things”. and He said,”what you saw me doing ye shall also do if you belive and doutanot.”
And because of this two scriptures christians can rise the dead, for we can do all things through christ who strengthens me, u can rise the dead if belive it.Amam
David Hogan is a liar and a con man. If you believe his lies please send me $10,000 to pay the taxes on the sweepstakes you have won. He only brags about what happened there and gives excuses for why it doesn’t work here. He can’t seem to get his eyes healed and has to wear coke bottle glasses. This man is a rip off!
I only have a couple of comments here:
Does the man and his actions glorify Yahweh? I have watched hours of Davids sermons and his messages have promoted me into no longer sitting on the side lines as a Christian.
It would be nice for there to be some evidence of his claims if anything else for the Doubting Thomas of the world. However even with the religious witness in the Bible Yeshua was often called a heretic, and was accused of casting out demons in the name of Satan.
Davids messages are not for everyone, and if he is of the devil he will fall hard if and/or when he does. Leave that up to our Lord. In the mean time lets get off ofthe blog site and win souls for the Lord. Nothing is more important then “loving the Lord your God…..and loving your neighbor as yourself.”
This is the first time I have come 2 learn about David Hogan & looking at all these comments & stories I don’t know what 2 believe or not 2 believe.
However I would just like 2 say that if all the miracles about raising from the death as published by his ministry is true, then let it be 2 glorify the Lord & He will reward him but if he is faking it just 2 gain popularity, God is the witness, He will judge him in the end according 2 his deeds.
It’s interesting. When we think of false prophets we often imagine men deceived and telling cunning lies and thus misrepresenting God, like Satan when he first conversed with Eve. As a christian we perceive lies via the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Everything spoken to us, whether by way of a preacher or a friend gets filtered through our holy spirit filter.
So Holy Spirit remove our need for an opinion and filter everything we hear and see connected with David Hogan. If we need to repent from critical bitter jealousy convict us now. If we need to raise the dead through you, guide us today to step out in faith.
I think that whether David Hogan is genuinely led and empowered by the Holy spirit is not a worthwhile question to be consumed by. Whether or not you and I are personally led by and sanctified by God is worth all our attention.
Please do not respond to this post.
Just the fact that Jesus is alive today is far more exciting than any David Hogan testimony or video.
For those who criticize the work GOD is doing through the ministry of David hogan just stop and think for a moment. If it is GOD it will last if not it will fall. Also if u look JESUS told us that the miracles and signs and wonders and people being raised from the dead etc. that he did we shall do greater bc he is going to the FATHER. so why doubt JESUS? If he said it then it’s true.
God is merciful and gracious….be willing to PAY THE PRICE…build yourself up…I am not sure i am strong enough to pay the price David pays…kindly listen to him u will understand how God has so mercifully poured His grace upon David’s life for the things he does for God.. U r likely to ask, “do I have to pay?? is it not all by grace? yes, it is by grace and you have to pay the price. David’s sermon’s build my faith. May God keep his hand of grace, mercy and power upon David and may David continue to be mightily empowered for amazing exploits for the KING!
My name is Austin Manuel, my brother Romeo met with an accident on 1st Nov 2012 and had severe injuries on his brain, he expired on 13th November 2012. It is a total shock for all of us as all the 13 days he was unconcious and never uttered a word. But I have still have faith that God will raise from the Dead and will send him back to us. My famliy is totally shocked with this incident and no one includinghis friend is able to believe that Romeo is no more. Many a times he has even come in my dream, Can you please help me in getting my brother back to us.
I gave my life to JESUS at the tender age of 14 years of
age, and about two weeks later this is what happened to me. On one morning
in late 1986, I was getting up and I saw that everybody was sound asleep.
Right across my room was the restroom, and as I begin to walk toward it, I
heard the spirit of GOD say to me, „Look in your hand‰. I began to say
back to the spirit of GOD, „Why would I look in my hand?‰ Then the spirit
of GOD spoke for the second time, „I said look in your hand‰. By now I am
still talking back to the spirit of GOD because I didn‚t know what was
going on. I was only 14 years old when this happened to me, so as you can
imagine, I was frightened. So for the third and final time the spirit of
GOD‚s voice got really loud and HE said to me, „I said to look in your
hand!‰ This time I looked at my right hand and I saw what looked like a
puddle of blood, but here‚s the thing: it was not bleeding. Then, right in
the center of my hand I noticed that GOD had put a beautiful cross in my
right hand.
By now I had gone to my mother‚s room and knocked as hard as I could on
her door and when she opened the door and saw my hand, the only thing she
could say to do, so we just decided to pick up the phone book and call up
some of our local pastor‚s to tell them what had happened to me. My mother
and I came across a particular pastor in Newnan, Georgia, and we decided
to call him. My mother started to tell this pastor about all that had
happened to me, and this is what the pastor told my mom: „Tell your
daughter to show as many people as she can about the cross that GOD had
put in your hand‰. The pastor also told my mother that GOD had Œmarked
your daughter‚. It was so amazing and so touching that GOD had chosen me
and put a cross in my right hand, and yes this is a true story. To this
day that same cross is still in my hand. (LUKE 1:37 ˆFor with God nothing
shall be impossible.}
-I just Love showing people!
Thank you for reading My True Story!:-)
-Angel (I‚m now 40 years old)
Short story- I was born dead, but JESUS CHRIST raised me back too life. THIS IS MY TRUE STORY
I gave my life to JESUS at the tender age of 14 years of
age, and about two weeks later this is what happened to me. On one morning
in late 1986, I was getting up and I saw that everybody was sound asleep.
Right across my room was the restroom, and as I begin to walk toward it, I
heard the spirit of GOD say to me, „Look in your hand‰. I began to say
back to the spirit of GOD, „Why would I look in my hand?‰ Then the spirit
of GOD spoke for the second time, „I said look in your hand‰. By now I am
still talking back to the spirit of GOD because I didn‚t know what was
going on. I was only 14 years old when this happened to me, so as you can
imagine, I was frightened. So for the third and final time the spirit of
GOD‚s voice got really loud and HE said to me, „I said to look in your
hand!‰ This time I looked at my right hand and I saw what looked like a
puddle of blood, but here‚s the thing: it was not bleeding. Then, right in
the center of my hand I noticed that GOD had put a beautiful cross in my
right hand.
By now I had gone to my mother‚s room and knocked as hard as I could on
her door and when she opened the door and saw my hand, the only thing she
could say to do, so we just decided to pick up the phone book and call up
some of our local pastor‚s to tell them what had happened to me. My mother
and I came across a particular pastor in Newnan, Georgia, and we decided
to call him. My mother started to tell this pastor about all that had
happened to me, and this is what the pastor told my mom: „Tell your
daughter to show as many people as she can about the cross that GOD had
put in your hand‰. The pastor also told my mother that GOD had Œmarked
your daughter‚. It was so amazing and so touching that GOD had chosen me
and put a cross in my right hand, and yes this is a true story. To this
day that same cross is still in my hand. (LUKE 1:37 ˆFor with God nothing
shall be impossible.}
-I just Love showing people!
Thank you for reading My True Story!:-)
-Angel (I‚m now 40 years old)
Short story- I was born dead, but JESUS CHRIST raised me back too life.
No human? Ever read the Holy Bible? The Book with Jesus Christ in it where HE said we would do greater works than these, another area HE said we would do this same works and nothing would be impossible for us. Again HE said whatever we asked in HIS name would be done for HIS glory. I guess that’s why other’s like the Apostle Paul, the Apostle Peter, Prophet Elijah and Prophet Elisha raised the dead.
So….What is your point? What is in your hands after all these years ?
Thank you, Tony, for saying it like Jesus says it 🙂 Mat. 10:8
Amen to that!
David Hogan just came to our church in Telfair County, GA. The one thing I can tell you about Mr. Hogan is that he is on fire for the Lord. He tells it like it is. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything. I found him to be completely genuine. His ministry has been around a long time and he has done a lot of good in the world. The thing I would say to his critics is, get off your tails and do your part. This man has made it his life’s work to spread the gospel. We all can learn a lot from this man. He doesn’t blog and talk about what Jesus did. He does what Jesus did. The Bible states that Jesus said we would do greater things than He did. Where is the confusion? Part of the problem is people don’t believe. Therefore you have no faith. It is impossible to please God if you don’t have faith. Someone on this blog stated the truth. People in third world countries cannot depend on doctors to heal them. They have only God to depend on. There isn’t a person alive that hasn’t witnessed something that can only be attributed to God. God works in all of our lives to make himself known. Remember this, to deny God, and His son Jesus Christ, means eternal damnation. Get on your knees tonight and ask Jesus into your life. God doesn’t promise us tomorrow. The time to get your life right is TODAY!
When Jesus rules the world, there will be no more dead people to raise from the dead. The time is now, the time has been since Jesus ministry to raise the dead. Don’t only believe God exists, believe his word. Greater things than Jesus did will be done. He said it himself. It doesn’t mean that we are greater than he.
You know… there was a time in my life that I believed that Christianity was this “social club” that desperate people joined to feel wanted or accepted. I grew up as a pastors kid. I knew what it was like to see people live one way and preach another & boy did it keep me far away from God as a kid into my late 20’s. BUT after forcing myself to go see what had all my friends (mostly hard drug addicts) off the streets, I found myself smack dab in the middle of the most personal introduction to my new life with Jesus. NO ONE EVER told me it isn’t just belief system. NO ONE ever told me He would take all the pain & heart break out and LOVE me back to LIFE! So, No true Christianity isn’t just a bunch of people trying to make a doctrine based on opinions of words in a book. The word is LIFE, that sheds LIGHT and they reveal true LOVE! True Christianity is completely selfless.. hence why a major requirement is ‘die to yourself!’ I apologize if you were hurt by anyone who may have misrepresented Jesus to you, but I assure you… He is amazing & He loves you so much! Thank you for being an amazing person! Have an awesome day!
I don’t know David Hogan, but this is the powerful man of God, I have read a lot about this man of God. He is not a fake. If people haven’t experienced the power of God in their life, they shouldn’t talk bad about the man of God. This the genuine man of God. I have experienced the power of God like what i read about about this man. They are like Pharisees in the time of Jesus. Many men of God are undergoing persecution from the so called preachers who are thinking they are doing it for God.
Sounds like a lot of slander and false witness against brother David Hogan, who probably didn’t even read the slander and be able to defend himself. And why should he even stop to stone the devil’s dogs?
hello, I would like to visit the ministry of David Hogan in it possible for normal people? I’m not a pastor but I would like to see radical things how I can find them? thank you
I think there’s a thin line between false prophecies and genuine ones. People have erred on both sides. Some refused the miracles of Jesus because they attributed them to Jelzebul; others accept demonic manifestations as of God.
The key to not be led astray nor miss the manifestations of God, is to have the spirit of DISCERNMENT. Jesus said, by their fruits you will know them!
Brothers and sisters in Christ, we can’t go wrong if we are truly led by the spirit of God! Shalom!
But Jesus does it through somebody who has the faith to believe that he can do it. He has to have faith or He won’t do it because of your unbelief. He does it through His people or why else would He tell us in Matthew 10:8 to raise the dead?
why do you see christians who raise the dead as not normal? This is just what jesus was referring to when He asked in Acts 26:8l why this is so?
What you say about unconditional love is true. The church as a whole has not demonstrated true love as it shoud and that’s a shame. However, it does not negate the truth that Jesus can raise the dead as it says in Matthew 10:8. God bless you.
You are ‘t even quoting the bible, but Ellen G White, someone who many believe to be deceived herself. Quote the bible, not some human.
So all miracles are faked? Sounds like you needed one once and didn’t get it, so now you’re bitter, and rather than admit that others may have genuine miracles, leaving you to question your experience, you summarily dismiss all miracles as phony. You poor, wretched human.
U must be the thomas of our time.
hey bro, i was rude to a guy today and it makes me feel terrible. irony is i was in the middle of getting some selfless love programmed into me when he came. he might have swindled me. he accessed a part of the house to bring in the cooking gas cylinder. we had been getting swindled. instead of replacing an empty cylinder he might have taken a full one. the first he tells me was about unconditional trust and honesty and how historically he has been a great guy with the family.
i was trying hard to keep my cool and tell him to not go alone into the room that stores these cylinders and wait for me to accompany him. anyways he waits for me to pay him. so here iam back to square one, after a rude talk with him. trying to learn unconditional love. The Bible says that its better to be cheated than to be rude. its not easy. but i bet it would have made my life better. the next time that guy might not like me. he might dely things make shit difficult, and so on… worse of all he will never hear me when it come to topics about eternity. Am sorry.
Pushpa, Jesus healed your son today. Give your testimony to all the world.
When a speaker is centered on leading people to the Father, as Jesus did, I find it to be edifying, And he may incidentally talk about a revelation the Lord gave him, or how he came to know God for the first time. But those whose talk is mainly about themselves, eliciting cheers from the audience, all in the name of helping us in our walk with God, I can’t bear it .
I pray to God for you to have an open mind to allow constructive feedback to help you have some insight about the truth; Christians is only a language portraying those who believe in “Jesus died for our sins and is raised from the dead”. And if we believe in him and ask him to come into your life, you are saved through salvation and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the authority to exercise his mighty power to do miracles. This longing for Jesus must be truthfully coming from the heart and remember “God sees the heart and knows our plans, so He can not be fooled or persuaded. In fact, I can understand it clear because I have faith, and believe in Him. Whether one, believes in resurrection or raising people from the dead, etc. It still refers to the same belief that “Faith exists in us if we Trust in God, our Lord Jesus Christ and living a Godly life (denying the bodily lusts and worldly corrupts, following his character and the Word of God “The Bible”. One may disagree with the bible but it is a Wise guidance for everyone’s life in pursuing goodness and comprises of all His character. One can only know The Lord (Jesus Christ) by studying the Bible and meditating about it, therefore the Holy spirit will give wisdom and understanding through God’s grace, which will give insight and knowledge into one’s mind. “Love is an action, live for others”. Like mother Theresa said, A life not live for others is not a life. So as Albert Einstein also claimed. All Jesus character is based on love. Read the golden rule which ties together the ten commandments. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbours as you love yourself. If we follow that, we can overcome all evils and be a sinless soul (or closer).
People of today are still like people of the olden days like the Jews and Gentiles, still not believing in God’s miracles even though they see Moses, the prophets and Jesus showed them first hand. How lack of faith we are. Read Acts 2:17 In the last days, God will pour out His spirits to all people….sons and daughters will prophesy,young men will see visions, old men will dream dreams…”. That’s why these faithful servants of God in America, Africa and all other parts of the world, carried out miracles in Jesus’ name, because they are given authority through their FAITH and remember, faith is earned through spiritual dedication and actions, this involves ongoing prayers. So you can be one of those “all people” if you come to know Jesus Christ. All I can ask is allow yourself to come to Jesus Christ. Do not be stubborn but get you a Bible and study it just for the sake of experimenting what faith is, and then ask Jesus to come into your life and be your guidance to give you insight knowledge. Let me tell you “God is Love and He loves You” Through His grace upon Jesus Christ who dies for us, we are all given a second chance to come right if we allow Him into our lives. I was like you, but now I am born again and this is why I want to share the Love of Jesus Christ who save me, before it was too late. God Bless you my friend. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
I wish you said it was you, who experienced David’s Hogan’s ministry but sadly it is your friend who is not here to speak for himself. In God’s grace, I am forbidden to judge you and I can not judge David Hogan but in faith, I believe in what he said because I have already researched others’ testimonies likewise. Anyway, I pray for the grace of God and Jesus Christ to be upon you my friend. I do not know David Hogan but today I will start to learn about him and his ministry. I have faith in the resurrection and I do believe that Jesus died for our sins so it gives me and you a second chance to live, put wrong to right and aim for our eternal destiny. Whether we doubt if there is heaven or not but at least we do what is right and we will never regret when the last days approach. We all gonna die one day but at least we can live the truthful life today to determine our destiny. I don’t know about others but since I am born again, I know that I am going to be with Jesus Christ when he comes in His glory. How I do it? I will commit to a Godly life, Trust in the Lord with all my heart and love my neighbours like I love myself. Faith is believing what we can not see, and with miracles that David and others have claimed to be bringing people from the dead, I can confirm IT IS TRUE by faith…..The Apostles did it and Jesus also spoke that He will give us that authority to do mighty things if we believe in Him. So you and me can do it too if we open our hearts to receive the Holy spirit through continuous prayer and actions of faith. We all need to research other sources to evident our queries if we still have doubts, but most of all READ and study the bible which is a book of life and it can only instructs us to act on love and carry out Jesus’ character of love, because GOD is LOVE. For David and all other devoted servants of GOD, keep up the good work. Remember, you and all other devoted preachers of the gospel are like the apostles when Jesus said; (Matt10:16) “I am sending you out like sheep amongst wolves”. ( Matt 10:8) “Heal the sick, raise the dead…” So with my faith, I believe that Jesus died and rose again and He is alive. My friend, I invite you to study the Word of God and He will give you insight and true wisdom which will answer all we doubt about God’s grace which makes us receive His gifts and blessings. May the grace of God and our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you always.
Way too long homie! Way to long!!!!!
Man Resurrects 7 days after the burial–22–resurrects-7-days-after-burial
I’ve been studying the Gospel of John – where Jesus raised the dead once, healed someone twice, but confronted evil men countless times!! That is something to consider when we are looking at present day Christendom.
boy resurrects after 2 years buried in tanzania
1 when text appeared
2 text exhumation exhumation site
I believe People can be raised from the dead.
Please pray that my brother Todd will be raised from the dead. He died before his time (suicide)
I believe People can be raised from the dead.
Please pray that my brother Todd will be raised from the dead. He died before his time (suicide)
I’m so sorry for your tremendous loss. I was just searching this topic because I was missing my big brother that died by suicide also. Yours was so recent, I truly know how you feel, and will hold you and your precious family up in prayers. I do believe God has the power to raise people from the dead, I hope he allows this to happen for you and your family.
My husband died 8/17/14. Something keeps telling me deep in my heart that there is something I can do about it. I have been praying for the lord to bring him back every day and night since he has been gone. I have also been praying for guidance from God. It is hard because I am the only one that feels this way orbelieves it. I emailed David Hogan for his thoughts and guidance today. Please help me pray for my husbands return
Pray for my brother Todd to be raised from the dead today. He died before his time(suicide) He was worried about past due bills, his business was not making any money, his first DWI. He did not mean to commit suicide. He was going to sell his motocycle the next day. He was going paint for my mom the next week. God needs to correct this mistake He needs to undo what the devil has done to Todd and our family. I am believing that God is going to raise Todd from the dead today because he died before his time and did not finish what he was suppose to do on earth.
I do believe God is still raising the dead!!! I’m believing that he will when he gets ready he will raise my husband back to life and send him back to me and we shall preach the gospel of Jesus Christ Raising The dead!!!!
Dear David Hogan! Please add to my skype: themeofday11. My brother needs in help!!! I cannot heal him by myself! If The God heals people through you, then may be you can help to my brother and find for him a little your precious time? I called to your office, but your daughter said to me , that you are busy and she not sure you could call me back.
Bless the God all of us!
I know him, he has preached at my brothers church, he is a scam artist, never had one single person raised from the dead, has never healed one single person, he is a liar with tall tales and no proof. I live next to a funeral home, I have keys David, come make one person get up and walk out and ill give you everything I own.
I strongly agree with u,,,He is the same yesterday,today and tomorrow,,my boyfriend died last week on Friday,,I blv God will give him back to me this zthutsday as we hold a service for hom
God has a name Yahweh Jesus the son
I read the article about the boy in Tanzania. He APPEARS to be someone who died two years ago. The doctors were going to test his DNA – the results are not in.
He could not speak clearly. And if he could, what would he have to say about where he had been? Did they check the burial sight to see if his body is still in there to prove whether this boy is an imposter, or just a misunderstood wandering homeless boy who has suddenly found people who will accept him as their own?
Listen, simply put with the way reporters are in Mexico they show up for anything miraculous to report on it even if it’s a piece of cinnamon toast with the likeness of Jesus or the cross in it and yet there is NOT one report about anyone bring raised from the dead by Hogan or his pastors. You do understand that if he was able to do what he says there would be no use in him traveling to churches big and small to prey on them for money. Hogan is a hoax 100% and there is plenty of testimony out there from firsthand experiences. If you don’t believe it then go to Vera Cruz yourself and see. Or do you really believe that people fly around at his church meetings there or that skyscraper sized demons chase David and his buddies around ??? Come on people!!!
I have faith that Jesus will raise my son from the dead. He left me 5 weeks ago.
I feel his death was a mistake and a result of Satan..Please pray with me as I will pray for all your loved ones.My son’s death was a tragedy and sudden. His loss is unbearable. The only thing that keeps me going is the faith in the Lord and my belief that he will bring josh back to me
Loss of a loved one is unbearable. Our faith is in Jesus, the resurrected one, that we will be where he is one day, in the Resurrection, and your son will be there, my grandson, and my son.
The joy will be completely unspeakable and full of the glory of God.
I have written his ministry asking this question, but I did not receive a reply. My question was, “why has there never been anyone raised from the dead when there happened to be a video camera on and recording? Why has there never been anyone healed of anything obvious such as someone having a limb restored or something that can not be faked on video? Why is all the miracles that people tell about, something that happened somewhere else or long ago? But you know what, I never get an answer when i ask. I am not denying that God can do such things, but I maintain that He would probably do them more often if people did not fake miracles and or just lie about them.
Why is it not allowed that we just believe without question, when people claim to raise the dead and heal major sickness and injury, when there is plenty of video equipment that is capable of recording them telling about it, there should be some of these miracles recorded on that same video equipment. I asked the pastor of a church I was going to recently “why don’t you record some of your services and the ministry you do in Africa and let us at home see some of the miracles performed in your trips to Africa?” He said “we don’t carry any equipment with us when we go to Africa or Jamaca,” I asked, “well, do you carry cell phones?” Later he told the church that he was going to stop traveling for a while because the local church needed him there more.
I guess it is OK for a church to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars paying for him to travel supposedly to other countries to minister, but it is too much to ask for the church to be blessed by seeing these great signs and wonders he was performing all over the world.
I am sick of people making wild claims and Christians just accepting anything they say under the fear of “touching God’s anointing.” We have the right to see the proof of what they claim. God would do wonders if ministers would not fake things and lie about things.
OK I got the email, I thought I could link on and get back to the comments now I signed in and nothing happened, I’ll try again, if I have to waste 3 minutes I will just not plan on seeing the comments.
Sorry for the IT frustration.
God is still healing. Read the accounts:
You might want to read this book:
Why has there never been anyone raised from the dead when there happened to be a video camera on and recording? Why has there never been anyone healed of anything obvious such as someone having a limb restored or something that can not be faked on video? Why is all the miracles that people tell about, something that happened somewhere else or long ago? I am not denying that God can do such things, but I maintain that He would probably do them more often if people did not fake miracles and or just lie about them.
I don’t know about Hogan, but I’ve documented multiple healings and people raised from the dead, some on camera. Read the accounts:
Does anyone on here for real know of Christian ministers who can pray for the dead to be raised. I am being very serious. We have lost twins recently here in London, England.
I believe that Jesus through his Holy Spirit still does tbis today. Look at the work of Smith Wigglesworth.
Serious responses please..
did your friend really see people raised from the dead you were dead for a few days? or was it faked by someone who really was not dead? and have you heard of hogan’s friend Curry Blake of John G. Lake ministries in plano, texas and do you know anyone who worked for Curry Blake?
Matt 10:8 “Heal the sick, raise the dead…… please clear that raise the dead mean those dead who die before 3 or 4 days before, or those who die before 40 and so on days before. mean who buried befor 40 and so days can we pray and hope for them to raise???? please must tell please…
That’s not what the bible says at all, if you believe one word you must believe it all. “These things I do you will do and greater things because I go to the father.” That’s pretty close, if not spot on. Miracles are for every generation through t
he power of Christ.
That’s not what the bible says at all, if you believe one word you must believe it all. “These things I do you will do and greater things because I go to the father.” That’s pretty close, if not spot on. Miracles are for every generation through t
he power of Christ.
That’s not what the bible says at all, if you believe one word you must believe it all. “These things I do you will do and greater things because I go to the father.” That’s pretty close, if not spot on. Miracles are for every generation through t
he power of Christ.
That’s not what the bible says at all, if you believe one word you must believe it all. “These things I do you will do and greater things because I go to the father.” That’s pretty close, if not spot on. Miracles are for every generation through t
he power of Christ.
That’s not what the bible says at all, if you believe one word you must believe it all. “These things I do you will do and greater things because I go to the father.” That’s pretty close, if not spot on. Miracles are for every generation through t
he power of Christ.
That’s not what the bible says at all, if you believe one word you must believe it all. “These things I do you will do and greater things because I go to the father.” That’s pretty close, if not spot on. Miracles are for every generation through t
he power of Christ.
Hi Eugene,
As to your question about proof of miracles and why it is hard to come by.
Even if you could produce video evidence, critics will claim it to be a fake. For the same reason unbelievers ridicule the content of the Bible. None of us can prove the miracles Jesus did, because we weren’t there., even though we believe they really did happen.
Tthis makes us ‘believers’ and those who reject it ‘unbelievers’.
I have personally witnessed many amazing miracles, but when they took place they were seldom spectacular.
I remember a crippled man being healed in a meeting in Ghana, West Africa. I had seen him drag himself to the meeting on his bottom, using his arms to move over the ground. When he got up and walked it was obvious this was physically impossible. He had no development of calf muscle and what should have been his thighs were just bone covered with skin. Yet he walked. Although it looked odd to say the least, a critic may look at that and write it off as nonsense.
The bottom line is that no amount of miracles will convince the critics. The same people who witnessed the miracles Jesus did, were the ones who murdered him. Go figure.
I have same questions.
I’m very close to suicide
..hoping I can experience a miracle…I need my, my life is living in hell.
Hello Simona-
How is your son? I have a 14 year old son with Down Syndrome and want to believe for his healing.
Hello Simona-
How is your son? I have a 14 year old son with Down Syndrome and want to believe for his healing.
Hello Simona-
How is your son? I have a 14 year old son with Down Syndrome and want to believe for his healing.
Tyler I saw your post 3 months later but I hope you got your miracle. I will ask for one for you. The best thing I can tell you is, Trust Jesus, he came to give you an abundant life. He ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full.
Kyle I am in agreement that all need to get busy for the Kingdom. However, concerrning David Hogan, there are some serious warning signs. We should not ignore them. Otherwise we will be helping someone who is a fraud. The last person we should give money to is a man who is a liar. There are good ministers out there who need our help. If we give our funds to those who are frauds, we won’t be able to help the real ministers. As to David Hogan, he has been a missionary to Mexico for many years. He reports hundreds of people raised from the dead. He said he raised a man from the dead on an airplane and that he has done many other spectacular miracles. The only problem is that not one of these has ever been shown to be true. LIsten to his testimonies of his “miracles” and you will find that 1) he never mentions the name of anyone who was raised from teh dead 2) he never says where it happened and 3) he never says when it happened. For instance the case of the man raised to death on the plane. My goodness that would have been on the news! A whole plane full of people would know. But not a word from anyone about this. Beucase it never happened. No name of the “deceased” man, no mention of when it was, or where the plane was going. The same with all his miracles in Mexico. He speaks a lot in the US raising funds and then goes back to Mexico. In all his time speaking in the US he has never had a single reported case of a resurrection. All his “miracles” seem to occur far way in unnamed places with unnamed people. We need to beware of people like him.
His eyes are now healed Fred 🙂 I met him when he had those glasses you talk about.. and have met him after they were healed
I pray in agreement with you for a healing in the name of YAHUAH the father, YAHUSHA JESUS the son, and the holy spirit.
I pray in agreement with you for a healing in the name of YAHUAH the father, YAHUSHA JESUS the son, and the holy spirit.
Have you, or anyone you know of, ever seen someone who died and was cremated years before brought back to live? If so, please tell me how it came about. Thank you.
Firsthand, anything anyone believes concerning God, is and only is a matter of faith; not fact, period. The Hindu, the Christian, the Muslim…and all doctrine pertaining, resides a matter of faith. All argue that “their” way is the way and equally/immeasurably are convinced.
You Christians don’t even realize that “Christ” scripturally never, never said believe in the Bible (in it’s present form.) The Bible did not come about until several hundred years after “Christ” and is the result of Constantine and the Council of Carthridge who decided to take the many works written well past “Christ’s” life and structure them as so. It is by “faith” that you accept this was God guided, and is God’s word. It is by “faith” you accept “Christ” existed beyond the developing mythology of that time.
Not in ONE SINGLE case has there been credible doctors/medical personel, studies, verification that these people were in fact dead to begin with. Let’s see Hogan bring an aborted fetus back to life or that of someone whom has been autopsied and proven clinically dead by not some third world country goof, but by a collective expertise ruling. If Hogan can raise the dead let’s see him restore an arm to one born without. Easy enough right? Hell, he can raise the dead – what’s an arm, huh?
You do know that in Mexico and other third world countries there is a concoction that people take that mimmics death; no pulse, stiffening, etc. It’s quite common knowledge and scientifically proven that this mixture can be taken and that individual deemed dead can later be remedied.
True raising the dead is resoring not the pulse of individual but the love in a loveless/hopeless life.
You Christians are so desperate to believe that many of you believe all the tales if the Bible literally but don not believe in unconditional love literally. If you did then you’d understand that UNconditional love means just that; there isn’t anything you must nor can do to receive tat love; meaning it is NOT conditional on your beliefs in God, the Devil, Jesus or anything/anyone – otherwise it is not UNconditional love. And if it is condtional upon your faith it’s still not unconditional. The world has plenty of conditional love as it is.
You believe what you believe out of Fear, Insecurity, Want, Power, Control, etc. All you maintain is a punishment and reward system.
How many Christians would still be Christian if ther were no reward of eternal life, or blessings? Huh?
How many of you would love unconditionally for love’s sake not because you believe you must, or that in doing so you’re storing “treasures” in Heaven or are afraid of eternal damnation? That’s pathetic.
To love for no other reason than to love is true love and sacrifice – true charity – no reward- period. Not because God told you to, Not because you must obey, Not because you’re trying to appease God. To love for love’s sake is true sacrifice. How many Christians actually truly LOVE their enemy – the Muslim, the Hindu, the prostitute, the poor, the addict – not in regard but in deep sentiment and action. Love is an action not just a regard.
You should never believe in God because of Fear not to.
All you Christians are seeking Self; what believing in God does for you – blessings, eternal life, healing, etc.
Unconditional Love is “Self”less –
Learn that first!!!!!!
I have personally seen and heard new cartalege form in the shoulder of a former police officer who had it destroyed in a high speed crash. I have personally seen God cause ton ligaments to grow and reattach to bone in the wrist of a rock climber who had destroyed his wrist in a fall. These and many more miraculous healings were done this year, not by someone I know, but beneath my own hands by the power of God in Jesus’ name.I have seen cancer go, lupis healed, and deliverance from depression and insomnia. These signs shall follow those who believe….
In Matthew 10:8 Jesus is not speaking of the hope of the resurrection but of the present physical resurrection of a person who has recently died. This occurs more frequently in hospitals and at the scene of actual deaths than instances where a body has been removed for internment, but there are accounts of people being raised many days after death has occurred. There is plenty of personal testimony and documentation for anyone willing to do the research. I know one personally, and her testimony is extremely credible.
In Matthew 10:8 Jesus is not speaking of the hope of the resurrection but of the present physical resurrection of a person who has recently died. This occurs more frequently in hospitals and at the scene of actual deaths than instances where a body has been removed for internment, but there are accounts of people being raised many days after death has occurred. There is plenty of personal testimony and documentation for anyone willing to do the research. I know one personally, and her testimony is extremely credible.
Dear Pushpa, check out John J. Lake Ministries, Curry Blake’s healing teachings. I have a son who is walking out of his diagnosis of down syndrome by faith in Jesus. Be blessed. I speak peace, love, healing from head to toes over your son in the Name of JESUS! All harmful behaviors STOP in Jesus Name! All autism we command you to GO! By Jesus’s wounds this boy was healed! So be it!
The key is can we pay the cost to become an empty vessel for the power of Jesus to indwell in us and stand on the scriptures.
Thanks for the link. Made it worth while reading trough the comments.
You are welcome.
Typical deception. People even accused Jesus of casting out Satan by the power of Satan.
the devil as well can make miricals as well 2 get people 2 follow the wrong path. The anticrist will perform amazing miricals. Jesus doesnt need 2 prove him self 2 us 4 it is us who have 2 prove ourselvs 2 him blessed are those who believe with out seein me. People wana c magic and miricals b4 their happy. You wana c somthing amazing go lo0k up how your circulatory system works or your nervous system works n0w thats amazing works of god
whats everybody going 2 do when the anticrist comes and he dies infront of the whole world and his death is literaly documented by real doctors and he rises from that then what they follow him rite off. It says 2 beware of this kinda thing in the last days many will perform miricals in my name. You wana learn m0re bout crist read read read ur bible disect it u may read sumthn and take it 1 way sleep on it go back 2 it and it may be telling you an0ther. Alot of us find what we are l0oking for n0t what he wants us 2 find
Pray for my brother Todd to be raised from the dead and in my mom’s house. He died before his time(suicide) He was going to paint for my mom the next week and sell his motor cycle for his first DWI. He worked every day but he drank every day.
Pray that my brother Todd to be raised from the dead today.
Pray that God, Jesus Christ will raise my brother Todd from the dead. He died before his time(suicide) Pray that God, Jesus Christ will raise him from the dead today.
Pray for my brother Todd to be raised from the dead today. He died before his time(suicide) He was worried about past due bills, his business was not making any money, his first DWI. He did not mean to commit suicide. He was going to sell his motocycle the next day. He was going paint for my mom the next week. God needs to correct this mistake He needs to undo what the devil has done to Todd and our family. I am believing that God is going to raise Todd from the dead today because he died before his time and did not finish what he was suppose to do on earth.
I believe God, Jesus is going to raise my brother Todd from the dead. He died before his time(suicide). He said he was going to turn his life around. He had received his First DWI after going to hog happening. I think God, Jesus will raise him from the dead because he did not get a chance to finish his purpose in life.