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Make room for old people in your life

Make room for old people
Other societies embrace the inevitability of death (and are less angst-ridden for it) while ours glorifies youth and hides our old people where we can’t see them. So many things are wrong with this picture – we miss out on their stories for one thing. God didn’t intend this. He set it up in …
By Seth Barnes

Other societies embrace the inevitability of death (and are less angst-ridden for it) while ours glorifies youth and hides our old people where we can’t see them. So many things are wrong with this picture – we miss out on their stories for one thing.
ministry 1

God didn’t intend this. He set it up in the beginning that our elderly would be vital parts of our community who help with the grandbabies and inspire the next generation to live godly lives. I don’t understand how our elders have taken over entire states like Florida and Arizona while our youth live in gangs elsewhere. Both generations lose out.

So, if society is broken, how do we fix ourselves? Begin with the old people in your life. Are they tucked away somewhere? Ask God how you can connect with them. Or, if you can live near them, that’s even better. I’m at an age where my friends are losing their parents. It’s so much easier if their parents are close by.

Or, make the time to visit a senior citizen home nearby. My high school daughter used to do this weekly and it enriched her life.

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