Mother Teresa’s poem – ANYWAY

Here’s a good poem that Ma Teresa had on her wall. I don’t know how she did it. All those needy people constantly asking for a piece of her.
And I can relate – I’ve been feeling heavy lately. Just tired. Too many people need a piece of me and I don’t have answers for them.
People are so needy. I want to escape from their needs – go on vacation or have a pity party.
Instead, I’m re-organizing AIM and counseling people, and encouraging people, and coming up with new strategies, and praying for people. And I don’t have much left.
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Be good anyway.
Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People need help but will attack you if you help them.
Help them anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
*Kent Keith first wrote this poem in 1968, and Mother Teresa placed it on her children’s home in Calcutta in a slightly different version. As a result, many have attributed it to Mother Teresa.
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thanks for posting this. how beautiful a reminder. thank you also for serving us through AIM and the World Race. we are so blessed by your leadership, Seth, and I know the Lord sees your service, and your weariness, and will see you through.
*beautiful* poem and photo, Pastor Seth.
may our Heavenly Father bless, fill and refresh you!!!
in our Savior’s love,
mrs. e.
I can relate to this feeling Seth. The emotional, spiritual, physical needs in our church are so great sometimes, how much more the needs of the community, the U.S., Burma or the world. Thank you for persevering. Psalm 103:13-14
You are truly making a difference through your obedience Seth. Thank you so much for be willing to sacrifice so much for my generation.
Thanks for the kind words, folks. Today was a better day. I took Karen out on a date last night. Today I stayed home, went for a run, wrote a letter to my leaders, had a couple of meetings, and enjoyed the day. Some days you just have to say NO to TO DO lists ANYWAY.
Love you Dad!
Glad to see you’re doing better. Will pray for strength for you. I’ll be back soon and hopefully will be able to help you and the tribe.
All the best,
Tell me you’ve heard the song (that MUST have been made from this) – it’s beautiful put to music:
(Martina McBride – anyway)
Your faithfulness, through AIM and this blog, has been a HUGE encouragement to my husband (gabe) and I. thank you for continuing on even on days like this when you are tired. The poem was great, and your ministry will be richly rewarded in heaven, as you are having a great impact in advancing the Kingdom here on earth. Thank you for serving.
Great poem from Momma T.
mother teresa you were a great friend to all of us you enspier so much people thank you for want you did
Her Anyway poem is absolutely true!THANKS
Ma Theresa’s poem is a good reminder on how to live your life. all too many times we take what peiople say all too personal and let it get to us when it will never be about you and them anyway…
I admire what you are doing.
mother was a nice and wonderful person and will always will be she is still with us in a way and i look up to her and try to be like her one day and Thank you for being
a good mother teresa!!
this poem is just reminding me of what happens in my life. the more one tries to be good to people the more they take as a bad one. be good anyway
A very powerful and fitting poem no matter what age/race/colour/ any other denomination you can think of!
Thanks for sharing.
mother was a great person, we still love her lot & thanks for posting about her, i really likes your post & keep remembering our great Mother.
Love Poems
This poem is truly beautiful and inspirational, although I may be young I certainly know that she is one of the few peole we should follow. Another grand poem by mother teresa to read is called Life. It is an extremely powerful poem!
I admire you Mother Teresa
Wow, first time reading this poem. What a loveliness! I do think you’re in this poem — the part about being good with words, wit, love, and people — your keen perception about books, how you converse so eloquently with all of us —.Sorry to hear about the kitchen burn and broken plate! Thank you for sharing your preferred poem
llove the weay this article has been created it alloms us as people to feel free and comment about what we thing of
Wanted to share my video for the song ONE LOVE.
The song and video are a tribute to Mother Teresa.
Marcel Morejon
Here’s a link to the video on Youtube
THE QUOTE “DO IT ANYWAY” IS FALSELY ATTRIBUTED TO MOTHER TERESA!!! This quote, called The Paradoxical Commandments, was written in 1968 by Dr. Kent M. Keith, a Christian student leader, in his handbook on youth leadership. Mother Teresa hung the quote on the wall of her orphanage in Calcutta without giving credit to Dr. Keith, and many have since falsely attributed the quote to her. Give credit where credit is due.
Mother Teresa was a charlatan. It is a fact that, over several years, she received BILLIONS of dollars’ worth of donations, ENOUGH TO COMPLETELY ENRICH ALL OF INDIA’S POOR COMMUNITIES – did you ever stop to think where it all went? She said she had built a kindergarten to accommodate 5000 children in India, but when reporters got there, no such school existed, and none still does. Reporters who visited her hospital for the dying observed that they were reusing dirty needles to inject the patients with; the nurses claimed the patients were going to die anyway, so there was no use in sterilizing them. One reporter claimed there were some patients, especially a teenage boy, who were supposed to have been rushed to a hospital and whose lives could have been saved, but Mother Teresa’s staff gave up on them and left them to die. Rumours have it that the money was siphoned off to the CIA and/or the Vatican, but whatever the truth is on that, it is a fact that when reporters investigated her Missionaries of Charity bank accounts, they found only around half a million dollars in there. WHERE DID THE REST OF THE MONEY GO?
It is also well documented that she was not a Catholic (certainly not a Christian), because she was seen joining in Hindu chants and Buddhist mantras with patients. It is also a fact that she was exorcised on her deathbed. Do your research.
This poem is truthfully attractive and inspiring; another striking poem by mother Teresa to read is identifying Life. It is an awfully authoritative poem! Thanks for sharing this!
The Lord knows what you are going through and he will provide all that you need to succeed. I was honored to be a part of Aim, and blessed by your devotion to the call of the Lord on your life. What an amazing example you set for all of us at Aim to follow, though I might add none of us could keep up with you ! I will continue to pray for you.
she truely was a holy mother worthy of emulation she is a blessing to the catholic church, she will always be rembered for ever. nigerians just can’t stop talking about her holy life. we all love her here in nigeria