My dream could happen tomorrow
I’ve got this dream of a generation waking up and changing the world. Tomorrow, at The Call in Las Vegas, it may begin to become a reality that you can watch in real time at the GodTV link below.
I’ve been writing about it on this blog for a couple of years now. You can see the progression of my thinking in the follow blog links: “Awakening a generation,” “Dream of a generation fully alive“, and “A generation like birds flying toward a volcano.”*
Young people know that they were made for something better than the safety and comfort of Americana. They just need a little help and they will leave their narcissism and comfort behind, going boldly into dark places to take on the problems of AIDS, hunger, and hopelessness.
Of course, none of this is new – Jesus did it. He came to set captives like our spoiled young people free to realize all the incredible potential he’s deposited in them. He used initiation experiences like the ones described in Luke 9 and 10 to start waking his disciples up like this, and we need to do the same. It’s not rocket science.
For a couple of years, we’ve been doing this with something called The World Race – a “Luke 10 experience” for our time. Young people leave family and friends behind for a year, take nothing more than a backpack and minister the power and love of God as they travel around the world. This, in turn, is part of a three-year discipleship experience guided by mature Jesus-followers whose own children have grown up and who want to invest in the next generation.
We just took Jesus’ model of discipleship and asked, “What if we were to replicate it, what would it look like?” He invested intensively in a few young people for three years, asking them to trust him completely. And they changed the world.
So, why, if this has been going on for two years, is the dream suddenly becoming a reality? Because tomorrow, one of our World Race leaders, Gary Black, just flew in from Africa and will be on stage at The Call sharing this dream and calling the tens of thousands of young people there to go and die in the nations.
He’ll be challenging the 20-somethings to go on the World Race and trust Jesus in radical ways. Who knows how they will respond, but the dream is so compelling, I think that the response will be combustive. Over 100 Racers are currently in Cambodia, Thailand, and other Asian countries. What would we do if 10,000 signed up to do this? How could we possibly respond? What do you do when God answers your dream and it overwhelms you?
Please be praying with us about this and tune in here at GodTV at 1 pm (e.s.t.) tomorrow (10/20/07) to watch it live.
* For a link to several dozen of my blog posts on the subject, go here.
If you or someone you know is interested in being part of a generation that is coming fully alive, you can fill out the World Race application here.
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Lord I pray we are overwhelmed with applications! This is a great opportunity for the young people of this nation to be radically changed and to do some radical world-changing. I can’t wait.
After sharing the journey with you for many, many years; it’s a great blessing to see “your dream come true”. You have always been “a dreamer of dreams”. It is
visionaries like you who will assist in
thrusting the Body of Christ forward in the fresh new world of true Christianity. We stand with you by faith that you will see your dream become reality. Blessings and peace to you and all the Barnes family. I am your “forever” friend and brother.
I’m glad you DARED TO DREAM!!!!
Dr. Jimmy Hope
What a great opportunity Seth! I have been to three CAll events, the first in DC, then NY, and TN. Each one of them impacted my life in powerful ways. I will be believing with you for a great harvest in mobilizing young people as ambassadors to the nations!
GO GOD !!!!!
He says “WE HAVE NOT BECAUSE WE ASK NOT” He has given you a dream, you ask and now he is providing, why are we so surprised when he does exactly what he says he’ll do?
Congratulations my freind.
Seth – you know where I stand ! Just adding my ‘Yes!’ to the weight of this heart cry . Gary is getting some of his inheritance ! A.
Very well deserved! You are such a dedicated radical for Jesus! I will be praying for you tomorrow… I wish I could watch, but I will be traveling to a GATOR game with my son…. However, Please link it so I can watch it when I get home!!!!
Wow. Seth, this is incredible. I’m so proud to have been a part of your visions and the movements that you have put in place with God’s direction. My heart is racing with the anticipation of what Gary’s message will do to this generation. I hope the WR staff is prepared….for the onslaught! HA!
Go get ’em, boss!
I praise God for your dream. I will be believing with you for a great harvest in rouseing young people as a great warriors.I stand with you by faith. that your dream become reality to rise up and bodly advance the kingdom of God.
Your dream is shared by many. One of the ministries that I have been following for a while is R.A.G.E. Ministries. Reaching A Generation Endangered founder Ryan Fontenot shares your dream. Praise God that the collective dream of many is being realized in youth throughout the nation.
PRAISE GOD for what he is going to do today! I can’t wait to get the phone call that we are overwhelmed with apps for the 08 WR! Praying for Gary right now!