One meal a day in Swaziland

If you’re a child in Swaziland, you’re doing well to get one meal a day. Eating is a privilege. You have to hike miles to get water. You grow up accustomed to the regular gnawing pain of your stomach growling.
And in the southeast of the country where we work, it’s as bad as it gets. When we …
By Seth Barnes
If you’re a child in Swaziland, you’re doing well to get one meal a day. Eating is a privilege. You have to hike miles to get water. You grow up accustomed to the regular gnawing pain of your stomach growling.
And in the southeast of the country where we work, it’s as bad as it gets. When we first arrived there a year and a half ago, small children clothed in rags often wandered by, desperate for food.
Things are a little better now. We serve them a regular meal every day. Karen and I just got back from Swaziland yesterday. One of our highlights came when the community bought a goat (Gary Black was given the honors of slitting its throat) and served it with a plate of rice and beans to the children. Nothing in that goat was wasted. If you look closely in the video above, you’ll see that most are just getting a little piece of intestines in a broth.
I grew up in a house where you heard, “Eat everything on your plate, there are orphans starving in Africa.” It’s one thing to hear that and quite another to see it. It was humbling to watch how ravenously they consumed whatever they got. We complain about our food here in America, yet we are a nation that struggles mightily with gluttony.
I don’t think I’ll be so nit picky about what I’m served for quite a while.
Want to help? 7 cents a day feeds an orphan and $50 buys all 700 orphans in Nsoko a meal. Click here to give.
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I read your blog everyday and I pray for you, your family and the children. I watched this video just before I sat down to eat my lunch with my two kids and I thought to myself what if my children had nothing to eat, What if they only got to eat one meal a day, What if no one responded to there cries of hunger and help…. Well I ran back down and made a donation of $50.00 to feed all 700 orphans a meal. I pray that your ministry to these childrens keeps growing and is blessed.
What a moving series of videos you have posted. Those children looked so happy with their meal. And the washing of the feet – well it just brought me back to bible times. Truly, you served when you were there. God Bless you and the team!
Dear Dadi Seth,
Greetings and blessings from Pakistan.
Those children looked so happy with their meal.This is great blessings for the orphans of Swiziland.I remember this the same example which Jesus shouls in the Bible.Dear Dadi,we pray for you,your family,your all AIM mission work and your country.
God Bless you.
Yours Son in Christ.
Emmanuel Sadiq
Amazing what 1 goat can do to feed the hungry! Much like the fishes and loaves of bread. Exciting to see God’s work! Jason who commented above inspired me so I have also made a donation.
Seth, if you can get 101 prayers, surely we can get 50 people to give $50. With 50 giving $50 and that would equal 35,000 meals! WOW! I a praying for God to move peoples hearts to do this. 50 X $50 = 35,000 meals. What a difference this would make. Let’s just do it!
Please see the link >
WOW,seeing this children made me think of how spoil we are,we have everything we need& we are always asking for more.
I want for this children to have food to eat, so man I am in brother.
Thanks seth for being the man of God & being obedient to His calling.
mary lou