Andru Ball died four days ago and lies in a mortuary in Virginia Beach. You can read Andru’s obituary
here. He was a wonderful young man who went on numerous mission trips.
What’s unusual is that his parents, Drummond and Gail Ball, are still praying for him to be raised from the dead. And, they’ve been praying for Gail’s dead brother Tom longer than that. Gail says, ” One of my dear friends said that it was ‘weird’ to expect the raising from the dead.”
A few days ago Gail showed up
on my blog asking for prayer. She introduced herself by saying,
“My only son died in his sleep yesterday. My husband and I are believing that he will be raised from the dead.” She was encouraged to know that people like my friend Caspar McCloud had been raised from the dead.
A friend of mine knows the Ball family and thinks they’re great folks. Some facts about them:
- Drummond is principal
at an elementary school.
- Gail is a practicing defense attorney.
- Tom is an ethnomusicologist with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
- Andru is a paralegal.
Gail says: “Please feel free to share any or all of the above information to whomever you wish. God is up to really big things! We can’t wait–we are standing and seeing the salvation of the LORD. This morning we gave the funeral home clothes for him to be dressed in–really nice suit. I felt confident that he would approve of his clothes at his raising.
Jesus gave us authority in Matt. 10:8 to raise the dead, but how many of us ever exercise it like the Balls are exercising it? Will we scoff or will we seek God for miracles like this one? What are we to make of a radical like Jesus who sent his disciples out to heal, cast out demons and raise the dead, and what do we make of people like the Balls who take him at his word?
How do you respond?
My pastor died three days ago, and I would like you to prayer for his resurrection,He is past er mark Hodge of st Kitts.
My pastor died three days ago, and I would like you to prayer for his resurrection,He is past er mark Hodge of st Kitts.
I know this is truly God I would love to speak with you Gail Ball please email me at swcosby@yahoo.com and Terry a friend of mine told me about David Hogan just 2 weeks ago. I just recently my 40 year old husband born again believer unexpectly passed June 1, 2011. And my entire church was believing for Donald Cosby my husband to be raised and God told me to keep believing and I have a group of friends who are surrounding me who believe without shadow of doubt and God has been confirming it. God has been talking to me and sending encouragement my way through visions, dreams and conversations between me and the Lord along with sermons of people who believe in the supernatural. I am so glad there are believers that believe like me. I feel the same way as Gail, I know it was not Don’s time yet. God had promised us so much and I always spoke Word and stood in faith for Don and have seen God do some awesome things in our lives as results of the Word and faith. I know God is not through with us yet. The devil is a liar!!! God promised long life. I just believe that God is up to something big and it is going to be marvelous. This week for the first time I said God I am going to stand in prayer with other people who are believing the same thing. I said Lord I know there got to be others who are believing just like me for there love ones to be raised from the dead. Check out Hebrew 11:35…it will bless you. I am also learning that praise and worship releases the power of manifestation as well. The tangible prescence of God in the Glory. My Pastors been teaching on the supernatural for the past 8 months. I believe that my husband is the seed and his ressurrection will bring a harvest of souls. My husband was full time realtor top producer with great ambition, deacon, choir memeber, praise team member,finance ministry, children ministry awesome provider, great father and husband. Very well respected and he was truly a people person. On May 22nd my husband went to a basketball practice for our men’s tournament at our church. That very same week my Pastor was going to be hosting annual Men’s conference in New Orleans this year. My hubby was all prepared to go. He was going to play on basketball tournament and sing with the Men’s praise team. My husband attend the Men’s Conference every single year for the past 8 to 10 years. Well on May 22nd he said it was a freak accident. He went up for a lay up came down and broke his tibula. Noone touched him or made contact with him at all. Thats why he called it a freak accident and for those who seen it. That Tuesday he was suppose to leave for New Orleans all the men was calling him and texting him on how they miss his prescence. That Wednesday I took him to Orthopedic Surgeon they schedule surgery for Friday. The day of the incident he went straight to emergency room. They put something on his leg for support and crutches. That Wednesday night and Thursday he had been having charley horses in same leg with much pain. He was in tears. On Friday when they prep him for surgery we told them of the cramps they checked his legs and thigh both of them. They found blood clot in the injured leg. The Dr. was going to postpone we was ok with it. They said they would put a filter in to prevent the travel of the blood clot. My husband never had history of blood clots before. After the filter later that day the Dr. decided to proceed with surgery. I asked the Dr what was the reason to proceed he said it will be harder to do surgery on his knee if I wait. I thought he knew what he was talking about. I thought the doctor had my husband best interest at heart so we said ok. Then they kept him for 2 nights after surgery. They said knee surgery was successful. They needed to get his T cell count and blood pressure down due to surgery and they gave him blood thinners. On Saturday they took x rays of chest and Sunday Dr told him that blood clots very small ones in his lung area. I was not at the hospital when they gave him the news about clots in lungs. I had to take care of some business for my husband that was related to his real estate business. Well they still sent him home that evening and the nurse gave him and I both directions with medications and to see primary Dr. weekly to check blood levels of blood thinners. Then Sunday night Don passed out at home got rush to the nearest hospital. The blood clot travel to his heart and he went into cardiac arrest. They worked on him for 1 1/2 hours they got his heart beat back at hospital but due to lack of oxygen and the fall from passing out his brain swell and the venilator was breathing for him. We had a prayer chain all over the US and members of our church and our Pastors just praying over him and speaking Word. I had praise and worship music going on in his room all the time the prescence of the Lord was so strong in the room. The physcians took him off the ventilator 3 days later I was against it but they said they ran test and no blood going to the brain and no brain stem function. When they took my husband off; me and 2 other people was with me and in addition the dr and nurse. 10 minutes the plug was pulled my husband lifted up his chest with his arms. The Dr and nurse just stood there. We did not give up even though he was in the morge at the hospital or funeral home. It did not stop our believing. At the burial my faith got shaky and for 2 days after the burial I said God do you want me to keep believing because if you don’t I will accept what happen and I will help my kids get through it and we will move on. Well 2 days later as soon as I awaking in the morning; as soon as I lift my head off the pillow, I heard a voice say so clear if you don’t want to believe for yourself believe for your kids. I was like alright Daddy I hear you loud and clear.I am a woman of faith and I truly believe that God has prepared me for this test like I said Don and I have had so many faith test and I exercised it daily so the supernatural is not foreign but never thought I would be exercising it in this way. My family live in Fredericksburg Va. The last 2 weeks I have been at the Calvary Campground Ashland Va where 2 speakers I heard delt with the supernatural believe in sign wonders and maricles including the director of Calvery campground. The Glory is in those services…they praise and worship, dance, shout and sing to Jesus and each of those nights people were being healed and delivered and much more. Campmeeting don’t end until Sept 4 people from all over the world come. When I was there as much as 36 countries were represented. If you google Ruth Heflin the campground information will come up. People who believe don’t hesistate to email me people who don’t believe I don’t need comments or contact. Blessings!!!! It is already done!!!!!!!!!!!! God is good!!!
I am so in agreement with you. I have been standing on some of the similar scriptures you have a above. God has been showing me that He has released a gift of faith to people around the world to believe for their love ones to be raised from the grave. I am one of them…Daddy(keeps confirming it)I have kept a journal since my husband Donald Cosby has gone on his journey June 1, 2011. Dad will not allow me to accept his passing…what the enemy meant from evil God is going to work the return of Don for His glory. From June to Oct 2011 I was going back in forth of whether I was hearing from God but after October a turning point has happened for me and I have not looked back. God has been giving me prophetic dreams to me and my son. There are others in my church that God has awaken their spirits to reveal to them that Don journey is not over and have high expectations. God has been giving me instructions after instructions concerning my husband. Some examples are declaring the Word and promises that I had been doing before his unexpected passing. Declare that he is here! Picture him home…picture him spending time with me and the kids. Plan our renewal of our vows that we talked about and I can go on and on. I have been declaring Eziekel 37:1-14 and after confessing it for so many months God showed me that there is a army of ppl that He is going to raise from the grave. He is so pleased with our faith. He told me is so excited and that a cloud of witnesses are excited to. My husband know that he is returning. I am so excited!!! I am to the point I don’t care who think I am crazy even his side of the family or any church family. Two months ago God told me to wear my wedding ring again. I was procrastinating then I heard a minister say on tv say you can put your ring on…I was like omg…and I went and got a guard b/c I lost weight.
I just bought a book called Raised from the Dead by Father Albert Hebert on Amazon. True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles…You know when Christians think about ppl raised from the dead they always think about those that may have recently died say within 24 48 hours but they don’t have the revelation that the raising of the dead includes those who have been put in the grave. I am so excited b/c I can see it, taste it that my husband is back!!! The same effort that God takes to heal a cold is the same effort it takes for the raising of the dead. God has told me that on many of occassions it man that have the mindset of difficultiness. Nothing is impossible. The return of someone from the grave and the army of ppl is a piece of cake. God showed me that during this time he is developing me and pruning me and this gift of faith for miracles is just so awesome. I don’t see raising men women and children from he grave as impossible, it is a piece of cake.Feel free to contact me via email!!!!
Hallelujah! I am so excited for you Gail. Every since my husband’s journey June 1, 2011 God has told me to keep a journal and He just confirming about keeping my expectation up. Keep picturing my husband back with his family and I can go on and on. I thank God for this journey of faith. I thank God for raising up us to believe what man deem impossible.
I am in prayer in agreement with you, Evelyn and all the people around the world that God has released the Gift of Faith to believe for the resurrection of their love one or love ones. Do you know what is so awesome the believers that God got believing the loved ones know that they are returning. My husband knows that he is coming back and countless others in heaven know as well. This is so exciting. I am rejoicing ahead of time.
You are not crazy ma’am. It’s God that has released this desire in our hearts. God has been giving evelatory knowledge concerning my husband and others being raised I could only talk to you via phone or email but not publicly. But I am no longer at the stage of asking God to raise Don b/c I see it Don. It’s already done…its just that time has to catch up with what is already is. My husband is already home. I don’t have to beg or cry this is God’s doing and I am just in agreement with God. of course I am not letting go until see the manifestation. It’s done! I am just rejoicing. I just thank God by His grace to choose Don as one of the ones to be raised. Hallelujah! God could had been like Sharon I want you and the kids move on. But no God would not let me accept it. I had interceded and spoken so much life over our family and marriage of over a little of 14 years that God said those things you declared over your marriage and family continue. Always believe Mark 11:23 having what I say as God does not want me to stop now. I am going to have what I been saying. Praise God! Be bless woman of God!
For the ladies who commented on this blog, I would like to connect via fb and create a closed secret group for us on fb. Only for those who God has mandated for us to stand in the gap for our love one, ones and pet to be raised. Don’t want noone in the group that is a spectator just wanting to be critical. If interested email me…my email address is in prior comments. God Bless!
There is a movie Series coming on ABC March 9th called Resurrection. Its from Jason Mott’s Book Returned. It will come on at 8 Central/9 Eastern Time….I found this out this morning through a widow group on facebook. This is so encouraging because my husband Don just had a brithday 43 on 13th and yesterday was Valentine’s Day and because it has been almost 3 years everytime I want to just move on wth my life because of the time lapse and I miss him so much that I thnink if I just stop believing what God has told me then I feel at times it will be easier for me to act as if He never told me or make up excuses of maybe I made this up in my head. But here is information you can to the following page on FB to get more information.
Jason Mott wrote the Novel Returned and turned it into a series Resurrection
The Book Returned
Jacob was time out of sync, time more perfect than it had been. He was life the way it was supposed to be all those years ago. Thats what all the Returned were.
Harold and Lucille Hargraves lives have been both joyful and sorrowful in the decades since their only son, Jacob, died tragically at his eighth birthday party in 1966. In their old age theyve settled comfortably into life without him, their wounds tempered through the grace of time. Until one day Jacob mysteriously appears on their doorstep-flesh and blood, their sweet, precocious child, still eight years old.
All over the world peoples loved ones are returning from beyond. No one knows how or why this is happening, whether its a miracle or a sign of the end. Not even Harold and Lucille can agree on whether the boy is real or a wondrous imitation, but one thing they know for sure: hes their son. As chaos erupts around the globe, the newly reunited Hargrave family finds itself at the center of a community on the brink of collapse, forced to navigate a mysterious new reality and a conflict that threatens to unravel the very meaning of what it is to be human.
With spare, elegant prose and searing emotional depth, award-winning poet Jason Mott explores timeless questions of faith and morality, love and responsibility. A spellbinding and stunning debut, The Returned is an unforgettable story that marks the arrival of an important new voice in contemporary fiction.
The Returned has also been optioned by Brad Pitts production company, Plan B, in association with Brillstein Entertainment and ABC. It is slated to begin airing as an ongoing television series titled Resurrection beginning March 2014.
The Resurrection Series is About
What if someone you lost returned? Resurrection will make you question everything you believe. Watch the Series Premiere Sunday, March 9 at 9|8c on ABC.
What happens when someone that youve mourned and buried mysteriously appears at your doorstep as if not a single day has gone by? The lives of the people of Arcadia, Missouri are forever changed when their deceased loved-ones miraculously return, causing them to confront the emotional depth of their relationships and what it means to be given a second chance.
I pray for the resurrection power of God to locate my sister Emeji Nwamaka Francisca now in the Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ……Amen
I am choosing to have faith and to join the Ball family to believe that God can raise Andru from the dead. I just read Mathew 10 and if Jesus gave us authority to raise the dead then I have to believe He can perform this miracle. I am praying God’s promises tonight for Drummand and Gail Ball and trust God to be faithful!
I like Paul’s response in regards to this. Acts 26:8 reads, “Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?”
I remember John Wimber talking about how he began to believe in signs and wonders, how he started praying for people and how for years nothing happened. In fact many people got sicker or died. I remember him saying he had just prayed with someone for healing, turned to face their partner to begin to explain why God doesn’t always heal and they stared past him because the person he had prayed for was sitting up, completely well and healed. He danced down their garden path, punching the air and saying “we got one!”
I love it when people stick their neck out and try. So does God I believe. One day, they will turn around and find people are staring past them at the miracle God just did. Sometimes you have to stick at it a lot before you see it. Don’t ask me why. Just the fact that God will sometimes do it is enough to keep me asking.
I hope for the ending these guys wish for, but even if not, they had a son who loved Jesus. Where he is now is so wonderfully beyond words to describe, lost in telling the One who saved him how much he adores Him, it is absolutely a win either way. “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” Both are great options.
You referred to the ‘dead’ in the present tense. Hey saints, Jesus did not say, “I WAS the resurrection and the life…”
Here is my response I put on another blog:
“Many years ago when I was a young christian my grandad was dying from lung cancer. As he death approached I wanted to go to his house and pray for him and talk to him about Jesus but my family wouldnt let me (they are not christians) So I went to my bedroom and began praying, and praying. I was so annoyed for being stopped from visiting my Grandad that I told the enemy that if my grandad died without being given the oportunity to except Jesus as his Lord ans Saviour then I would raise him from the dead and Jesus would get even more glory!
That night my grandad died.
I found out where they had laid his body to rest and I set out specifically to do what I said I would. I entered the chapel of rest and found my grandad. I had never seen or touched a dead body before but this did not deter me from the mission I was on.
As I began to pray the presence of God filled the room and the Lord said to me “what are you doing?” I said “Lord, I have come to raise him from the dead so you can recieve even more glory!” and He replied “But this is not actually my will!”
I learnt a very important scripture that day Proverbs 19 v 2 “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way”
Raising the dead is no different from casting out demons or healing the sick. It is a combination of the 2. In Jesus we have authority over the spirit of death and we have power in the Holy Spirit to heal the body that contains the spirit we have just set free from death.See it in “logical” spiritual realms and your faith will grow. NOTHING is impossible with God but just make sure you are being obedient to His will. Jesus didnt heal every one in every town, He only did what He saw His Father doing.He didnt raise everyone from the dead either.
Obedience is the key to all we do. If He asks you to raise the dead then be sure that if you step out in faith He will not let you down!”
If its God’s will then go for it church!
Gail, Drummond and all the family that has gathered: Still standing with you in faith and hope. Wish I could be there.
Dear Ones, We cannot thank you enough for your prayers and support that we felt at Dru’s service on Friday,Jan 16, 2009. My husband and I were given an hour by ourselves with Dru before others were allowed to come into the chapel. As I placed my hand on Dru’s head and chest I prayed in the Spirit. Drummond was praying behind me in English and in tongues. A powerful anointing came on me as I was touching Dru and I had the strong sense that Dru’s spirit was hovering right above his body. We kept the casket open during the entire service because we wanted him to be a part of it. The sermon, music and testimonies were wonderful, and the pastor gave an invitation at the end of the service. I asked him about how many made decisions and he said that many did, but there were too many to count.
We did go to the cemetery for a brief service and there was no visible raising at that time. However, after I inquired of the LORD, He indicated that this was not the end of the effort and that we should continue to believe for Dru’s raising. There is definitely no problem for the LORD to send angels to unblock any physical barrier to his raising. He did it with Jesusrolling back the stone. He can surely manage 20th century situations.
Again, we do believe that Dru did not finish the course that God had for him in the beginning of the world, so that is why we are continuing to pray. In addition, the world needs to see demonstrations of God’s power through the GLORIOUS CHURCH.
Whatever happens, our family stands confident that the LORD is good and He is gracious and kind to us. Our faith will not be shaken in the least!
Thank you so much for all who have prayed for us. We can certainly feel it. We have been lifted up above all these circumstances that have been challenging. We’re excited about what God is doing.
Love to all, Gail
we have prayed for sarah and nothing happened
Dear Seth, I wanted to give you an update. (Also, my email has changed.) Thank you so much for your faith and your encouragement. Another event has occurred in our lives.
My mother had been living us for many years and was failing in health. I usually anointed her with oil each morning and claimed James 5 for her, fully expecting her to be totally healed. When any of the family was around, we joined in prayer together for her healing. She was almost 89 years old.
After Dru went to heaven we do believe that Mom decided she wanted to join Dru and my brother Tom and my father Wallace so off she went on January 22nd. (Dru left on January 11th.) Most of the family came to Dru’s service on January 16th (and my cousin who is a missionary to the San people in Botswana came all the way from Africa just last week to be with us during this time.) Since so many family members had just traveled many miles I thought it would not be good to have everyone come again so quickly, yet we all wanted to honor Mom (Dorothy Avery) who is a great saint and lover of Jesus. I talked to my law partner and he said, when is her birthday? why not wait for her memorial service to occur at that time. As a matter of fact, Mom’s birthday is the same date as Dru’s birthdayApril 7th. SOwe are going to have a service at the church where Dru grew up and Mom was a member for many years. We’ll have another go at this raising project!!! Praise God. We are all still standing in faith. And to top it off April 7th is one day before Passover this year! WOW!! Thanks again. We are gathering more faith people all the time. Love to you, Gail
Dear Seth, I just wanted to touch base with you tonight because a friend of mine (and my assistant),Debbie Leseberg,and I went to a visit a friend, Joyce Maltby. Her son, Mark Maltby was also visiting. Your name came up (naturally) and Joyce mentioned that you graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois. I wanted to let you know that my brother, Tom, and his wife Kristy also graduated from Wheaton (1971). They were both music majors there. What a small world we really live in. Won’t heaven be just like a family reunion!! God is blessing. WOW!! Love you, Gail
I am praying for my roommate who died from his prescription drugs to be raised from the dead…I will never stop…Jesus said keep on keeping on to receive..
God raises the Dead….That was the faith of Abraham when he
was to sacrifice Isaac…If you read it it tells you that He knew that God could raise the Dead…
Jesus can raise the Dead with just a WORD….
Keep on praying and don’t give up even if he is laid in a grave…God can open the grave and resurrect anyone..
Dear Seth, I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that Andru has not as yet been raised, but Drummond and I have received more words from the LORD that encourage us to keep believing for it. It is amazing the various confirmations that we have had over these months. Of course, the timing is up to the LORD. We are just waiting, listening, and trusting Him to be faithful as He has promised. God has provided for us perfect peace beyond understanding. Truly HE is GOOD to us! We love Him more each day. Gail Ball
P.S. Thank you for allowing LaToya to come to Andru’s memorial service in April. She is a delight. It truly meant so much.
This so encouraging.’ If you believe your brother(son) will rise’
I am believing for my son Fola Jr. He died on 16th Feb 2009. His work was not completed. He ministered the gospel on the streets, estates, college ,in rap ,body popping ,street preaching to warn his genration.He was loved and full of the Holy Spirit and life.
We put him in a handsome suit he looked good so when he rises . He was confident that God is able to do the impossible.He kept on praying I will live and not die to declare the gospel,even though I walk through the valley of the shawdow of death I will fear no evil. Ex ward member in the hospital where he died testify that Fola jr had no fear of death. We belief that He had trust that if God slays him ,He had the power to raise him.
WE are standing on word he gave us ,this is not unto death but to the glory of God.
I am praying with you Gail.It is a great thing to read this amazing faith journey. Our saviour is the resurrection of life.
God desires is to reward our faith in Him.
May our God be glorified in our lives and find faith in us when He returns.
God bless
Dear Seth, Someone contacted you and asked a question about the possibility of someone who had been dead for a while being raised. Just a couple of examples came to mind regarding that question.
Lazaras (John 11:17,39) Martha, the dead man’s sister, told him, “Lord, he already stinks, It’s been four days.”
v. 40 Jesus said to her, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”
Also, ( Matthew 27:50-53) Jesus shouted again with a loud voice and gave up His spirit…v. 52, “The tombs also were opened and many bodies of the saints who had gone to their rest were raised. v. 53 And they came out of the bombs after His resurrection, entered the holy city, and appeared to many.”
Therefore, I do believe that someone who has been at their rest for a while can be raised. We are still believing for our son, Andru, to be raised. The timing is, of course, the LORD’s. May God empower you to prosper. Gail Ball
Dear Gail Ball, I would love to share somthing with you and your family about the believing for the dead to be raised I dont have a blog or a website just an email address and to be quite honest I am so encouraged by reading about your believing for your son to be raised. It is so awesome to know that people are believing. What is too hard for God? Nothing at all. Have you ever heard of David Hogan? God has used him to raise over 300 people from the dead. He is a godly man he isn’t a nut. How will we know what God will do unless we ask and believe
My MOM passed away on Nov 12th 2011 . Am praying for my MOM to be raise alive from Grave . Our Jesus is a god of impossibilities . All we need to do is trust and believe Jesus that he is a god of impossibilities. We need to pray fervently
and with patiently. Jesus can do miracles beyond nature .
All we need to do is to believe JESUS .
Luke 17 : 6 , Hebrews 11: 35 ; 1 john 5 : 14,15 ; Matt 10: 8;
Ezekiel 37 : 1 – 14 ;1 Solo 2 :6
Kindly uphold my MOM Helena Thompson in your prayer who entered into glory on Nov 12th 2011.
Thank you so much.
Am so encouraged to continue my prayers and stand in faith for the glory of JESUS.
Praise be to God.
God Bless ….
Dear Seth, It has been exciting to read the latest entries on this blog. I believe that the glorious church is going to be revealed shortly. On December 1, 2011, as I was praying the LORD said, “This coming Pesach (Passover) will be extraordinarily special to you and Drummond (my husband) and to the world.” I didn’t know that date so I then looked on the calendar and saw that the first day of Pesach is April 7, 2012. This date “happens” to be our son, Andru’s birthday! Not only is this date on the Jewish calendar as the day Jesus died (and many were raised from the dead according to Matt. 27:51-53) but it is also the Christian Resurrection weekend! We are so excited, as you can imagine. The LORD is speaking to His Body to be READY for the Glory of the LORD to be revealed in the earth! Thank you for this opportunity to share. Gail Ball
Shalom! Gail and family. Just read about the fraud/ assault Satan committed against you. Kindly get in touch. Jesus is the beginning and ending (alpha and omega)NOT DEATH/ cessations of life or existence/ time-span. Jesus is in the NOW. Not past or
future. Kindly link up; more to be said.
many thanks
Yours in Christ
I am encouraged to know that there are many people who believe in resurrection today.
My mum passed away on the 11th of feb 2012 and i have been believed God in the Name of Jesus to raise mu dear mum. With God all thiings are possible.
I looked up on the internet to see if I could find some dead raised up…… that is how I ended up on here.
So many people don’t believe in raising the dead but then so many don’t believe in healing or other miracles either.
Either the Word of God is TRUE or a lie.
God Never lies!!!!!!!
The devil will try to get us to believe his stupid lies!!!!but then he would, he is the Father of LIES!!!!
I am believing as well for a sweet family member to be raised up from the dead….some people might have a problem with this too., but I am standing in Faith…… Believing God and His Word ….. it says in the Word, that we have authority to raise the dead….My sweet family member is our sweet cat, that passed away last month., she is part of our family and a wonderful friend., who Loves to hear the WORD OF GOD!! Animals have souls and spirits too., it says in the Bible to “preach the gospel to every creature”…..I know if you are believing for a miracle you don’t have to have anyone believing with you but it is encouraging. We haven’t buried her yet but she is in a casket type box that we made.,
I will be praying and believing with the others on here for there loved ones to be raised up from the dead.
Here is one verse that keeps showing up lately and is strong on my heart…. John14:13-14…..it is Jesus talking,
“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If ye ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”
He didn’t say He might do it… He said I WILL DO IT!!!!!
That’s exciting!!!! Miracles weren’t just for Jesus and the desciples., they are for Now too.
Jesus… the Same, Yesterday, Today, and Forever!!!!!
Continuing to Believe!!!
Praise the Lord, I believe Jesus Christ & God the father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,God & Father of our Savior & Messiah Jesus Christ will raise my husband Sailesh Aarav Nath Mohan, I have full faith in my Jesus & God the Father that they will raise my husband. my husband died suddenly at the age of 41, he went to work on 19th September 2012, we spoke on the fone 30 mins before, later i recieved a call from a man that my husband is in a critical condition in the hospital,when i reached the hospital i was shocked to see my husbands condition, bcos he wasnt sick wen he went to work? he was then admitted, he died on 22nd september 2012 , he suffered Massive Right Basal Ganglia Haemrrhage with uncontrolled hypertension. I still couldnt believe he is gone. we loved each other so much, we were married for past 10 yrs. he always wanted to have kids but i wasn’t able to give him one as i have tumor in my uterus. he was a born Hindu but when we got married he converted to Christianity, as i was a born hindu also but i followed Jesus when i was only 7yrs old, though i received lots of beatings from my dad for going to church. when my husband died i went through lots of trouble as his family’s who r hindu’s wanted to do his funeral in hindu, but since he was abaptised Christian i wanted to do his funeral in Christan way to buried him so that he get a chance from got to be raised again, this religion fight ws so bad that i ended up in a police cell for one night,his parants thought if i’l get locked up in police cell then they could do his funeral in a hindu way, but Our true liveing God & Jesus Christ was was seeing wat all i was going thru, and God our Heavenly father & our Lord Jesus Christ came to rescue me, and Blessed me & also helped me to do my husbands funeral in a Christan way. we buried him last Wednesday on 26th September 2012. my husband was a very devoted christian, he loved Jesus so much, and my husband was my only hope, he cared abt me alot and i have no family’s no friends to help me or to support me. and when i remembered about Jesus raised Lazarus from death i felt peace inside me that Jesus Christ can raise my husband back to life again because Jesus Christ is same yesterday today & forever, Jesus Christ said if u believe you will recieve anything u ask for in prayer,Jesus Christ also said Knock and the door shall open, seek and u shall find ask and u shall recieve, and if u believe u shall recieve anything u ask for in prayer,Hebrews 11:35 Through faith womans recieved thier dead relative back to life and also in Mattew Jesus Christ gave us Authority to raise the dead. if only all the Churches believed in all this we could have seen more n more faith in people. Please my Brothers & Sisters pray for my husband to be raised to life, I need him I have full faith in our God & Jesus Christ that they still raise the dead to life, what is impossible with man is possible with God, and our God & Jesus never changes,Though people laugh at me when i say God will raise my husband, i still pray and have faith that GOd & Jesus Christ will raise my husband Sailesh Aarav Nath Mohan back to life.. my email is aaliya.nyesha@yahoo.com please do write to me, I will keep u all updated with the mirical Christ will do to my life and my husband life. Praise the Lord
I will pray for your husbands return. God bless you and please pray for my brother in law Christian whom passed suddenly last night in Indonesia. I am praying for his ressurection and return to his sweet wife and 4 year old son. He was only 40. Matthew 10 gives us the promise of the authority to raise the dead and heal the sick. Let us pray and continue to belive. He will be laid to rest tomorrow and I pray for his revival and heart beat to begin before that. God bless us all here and I am praying for us all. In Jesus name, .amen.
Hi I just read what you wrote and posted on the website about praying and believing for your husband to be raised from the dead., I am believing with you and will be praying as soon as I send you this message.looking forward to good reports!
I am praying and believing for my wonderful family member, my cat and my best friend to be raised from the dead., she loves Jesus sooo much and loves to hear the Word of God read out loud.if you want to and feel like you can be believing with me., Thank you;.
Thank you… for praying and believing with me! I am continuing to believe and Not giving up! I just really miss her soooo much and am happy to see your email tonight! I am continuing to pray and beleve with all of you for your loved ones to be raised up from the grave!
Hi my boyfriend died 5 December 2012 ever since he died I’ve been praying to god to raise him from the dead. And I was also hoping he was gonna raise him before the burial but I’m stil hoping and I have a very strong hope that one day I will be with him. But his family and my friends they don’t believe that the dead will be raise. To them I look like a fool they think I’m mad. But what I want is my man back in my arm so I’m praying by my self for the return. But all I is we all gonna be when he returns I just can’t wait. Every time when I dream about I become so happy knowing that he’s gonna come back to me. Please pray with me guys in the name of sweet Jesus amen. Thank u very much
Dear Ones, I am now committing to pray for everyone who has submitted prayer requests on this blog. It seems that there are enough people in faith for the raising of the dead that together we should present a mighty case before the court of heaven to effect real power and great wonder at the throne of God. it is not often that i speak about my continued faith in the raising of the dead before the rapture because i detect a “normal” unbelief that it stops me from sharing my faith in the Word of God where it is promised. Old testiment prophets accomplished it, Jesus accomplished it, the apostles accomplished it. We are promised it. Let’s do it by faith in the Almighty God in and by the Name of Jesus! Let’s do it! Praise the LORD!
Sharon and fellow pray-ers, I think this is a great idea! Count me in! Gail
That is a Very good Idea.. I like that! I will be joining in starting tonight., 2/20/13…. so no matter where anyone is.. it is 8:30 pm there time?
I am continuing to pray and believe for my cat., my best friend and family member to be raised from the dead., and praying and believing for these other loved ones to be raised up also.
God is More than able., …. He is able to do exceedily abundantly Above All we can ask or think!!!
I was reading a few min ago in Ezekiel 37 in the Bible where God brought the dead back to life… and they were dry bones… and not even put together!
God did miracles and raised the dead in the Old testiment and He still does!!!
Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of my fathers death. God has really been speaking to me about premature death. When my father died there was prayer for him to be raised from the dead. My father was a pastor in Nairobi Kenya and do not believe his work is done I truly believe he died prematurely. This morning i woke up with a sense of urgency to pray i was stirred up and began to pray for my father to be raised from the dead. I kept asking God..”am i crazy? you can’t be serious?” But i’ve been praying and i’ve been encouraged. Something in me knows that our God is God of the impossible and He is about to show himself in miraculous way . I began to read the word and pray and then did a search on the internet because i knew that if this had happened somewhere there would be an account of it somewhere. I came upon this blog. It has encouraged me so much that there are people out there believing in the “raising of the dead” once their loved ones are in the grave. I just want to encourage all those who have been praying and believing. I know in my heart this morning that God stirred me up i haven’t been holding on for the past year praying and hoping in fact i have been working through grief and accepting the passing of my father but then this morning happened . I am fully aware of how crazy praying for the dead to rise sounds and seems BUT God is bigger. Bigger than death. He is true to His word. I would love to be in contact with people who are still praying. I believe God is up to something. Jesus said to “heal the sick and raise the dead” he didn’t specify to say raise the dead who have only been dead for hours or just a couple days. He said raise the dead. Don’t lose hope. Trust in the Lord. Keep on praying.
Please pray for my cat Hunter urgently to heal after being attacked by a dog. I pray he will get the light of life and breath of life and healing powers from God. I ask in Jesus name and thank Jesus for the miracles and blessing about to receive including Hunter. Please pray for Hunter. Amen
I will be praying for a Healing Miracle for Hunter!
Dear Gail
I absolutely thank God for your faith that has inspired everyone here to believe in the resurrecting power of the Jesus Christ. My name is Mbula Ngulube from South Africa.
I have two friends who have had a parent pass away last week. Both parents were sick for a while and then passed away. One friend lost his mother (Mrs Mashaba) and the other friend lost her father(Mr Madikizela). My two friends’ names are Dandy (the boy who lost his mother) and Siphelele( the girl who lost her father).
I believe in My Spirit that God can raise both parents from the dead, the bodies have not been buried yet and this is a moment for God to get all the glory and for the families of these to people to see the power of the Spirit of God. I am asking for you to join me this whole week in praying for these two people to “RISE UP AND WALK,OPEN THEIR EYES AND LIVE IN THE POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS!” and I believe that by the end of the week there wont be any need for anyone to be buried and God will be glorified. Dorcas (Acts 9v36-42) and the story of Lazarus (John 11v1-45) are the scriptures that I have been standing on and confessing while praying for this miracle. Please join me, I am sure of this-God is great.
I lost my husband on 4/6/13. He was only 39, it was very sudden and unexpected. We lost a child in 2001 and that is still hard. We have a 12 yr old daughter and we , after twenty years , were finally the family we were meant to be. I am believing, praying and standing on Gods promises that Bobby will be raised from his sleep and brought back to us. We have alot of years left to give God the glory and what a testimony! All things are possible in the name of Jesus!
Praise The Lord !
I do believe above raising from death. one of my cousin 33 years old lady past away 2days back and on Wednesday is her funeral but we are praying that Jesus can raise her from death, As he did for Lazarus.When God prophecies for man of God that will definitely going to happen and God has prophecies through so many pastor’s that our pastor going to raise the death people and i believe as we go tomorrow night at 10pm at her place to pray for Resurrection power of life for her there will be great miracle……. to Glorify our heavenly father . So please join with me tomorrow 2nd july 2013 at 10pm. God is great.
Dear Thomasz, We shall surely join you in prayer for the raising of your cousin. The LORD wants us to step out with faith in His WORD. We agree with you! Gail
Thanks Gail !
Really inspired by you and your faith. Yes our God is great and this is the day that lord has made we will all rejoice …. Time to bring glory for him and for his kingdom. We will meet spiritually at 10pm today. Praise The Lord ! Thank u Jesus !
Jst to let u knw the current time here is 6:35pm. we have left 3 and half hr.
Is it a sin to pray to the Virgin Mary and other dead saints?
Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus said to him, “Go Satan! For it is written,’ “You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’ ”
Praying to any person or anything is worship.
WORSHIP DEFINED: To revere, stressing the feeling of awe or devotion. Adoring reverence or regard.
Any worship of anyone or anything other than God is sin.
The Virgin Mary is not God nor does she have the power to grant petitions of prayer. If men could pray to dead saints and get them answered, then why not pray to saint Moses, saint John The Baptist, saint Abraham, saint Job, saint Enoch, saint The Thief on The Cross or any other dead saint?
Dead people cannot hear your prayers and if they could they would not have the power to answer them.
Prayer is worship and only God deserves our worship.
God knows our every thought. God is aware of every sin we commit. God knows our every move.
God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Those are the attributes of God and what you would need in order to answer prayer.
Neither the Virgin Mary, Moses, John The Baptist nor any other dead saint has the attributes of God. They cannot hear you nor can they answer YOUR PRAYERS.
YOU ARE INVITED TO FOLLOW MY CHRISTIAN BLOG. Google search >>> steve finnell a christian view
I know He will because it is His will. Let us all stand in agreement that His will be done Here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen. Jesus Reigns
Bishop i have been dreaming of raising the dead,healing,miracles ,giving international prophecies and doing bigger crusades.but when ever i prayed for the faith i hear a spirit telling me u can not.i want u to pray for me for God to have his way to silence the accuser spirit in my life
I have a big problem n i dnt knw what to do on20/9/2013 my friend met with n accident n died on the spot m now all r blaming for me for his death pls pray to god to return him bck n do one great miracle because nothing is impossible with god..
Dear One, Yes, I am praying that your friend is raised according to the LORD’s will and that you be delivered from all distress. Gail
I have personally witnessed the brain dead being raised back to life three times and a woman that was raised from the dead that had been on life support for about 10 days and several other divine healings. There is a certain way that I pray for people on their death bed. I ask the Lord how he would have me to see the situation and specifically how he would have me to pray regarding the person because each deathbed situation is different and prayer formulas are an insult to God. Furthermore, I also believe God’s perfect will in many situations is to work through modern medicine and doctors and I know that statement does not go over well with the faith crowd. So of course I believe in praying for people that are about to die or have been dead for a couple of minutes or several hours BUT come on people, what is up with praying for people that are embalmed and are 6 feet in the ground. Remember what King David did when he heard that his child had died that he was praying for. He got up and dusted himself off and accepted it as God’s will and went on with his life.
For those seeking prayer, I just ran across this ministry:
I am praying for a lady to come back from death that overdosed. I don’t know why God won’t raise her when he raised an atheist up from hell and became a Christian. God promised if we are saved our whole household is saved. I hsve prayed and fasted snd nothing.
Im so happy to hv been taken 2 this block by de HOLY SPIRIT,,Let us hold on our faith,,this is real,, one of my brothers in the LORD ,,was raised after he died in a fatal accident,he had just given his life to Christ ,,,his brother who led him to Christ was called en told abt the death ,,,he refused to accept en said no!!!he is not dead en he remembered our Bishop’s declaration that we will not bury any member of our family this year!!!the one who called him insisted en told him there’s nothing we can do your brother is already been taken in a mortuary, and he said in a commanding voice “right now i want to speak to the authorities “”brethren this can only be GOD ,,he told the authorities exactly what he told the nurse,,his brother was taken out of the mortuary as he commanded ,after intense prayers en reminding GOD of HIS WORD!!his hands en legs started moving after 2 days,,he climbed the altar on Sunday to give back HIS GLORY and LOVE!! the devil thought he won,,but no!!God who never lies always truthful is alive!!!therefore brethren let us be fully persuaded until the truth prevail,,let us not be moved,,let us not be confused by de devil thought,,he will always lie 2 us ,,he forgets dat he was long stripped of HIS power by de KING OF KINGS!!THE KING OF GLORY!!THE ROCK OF AGES!! KEEP ON BELIEVING !!WITH GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE
Please pray for my husband David Finch to be raised from the dead he is my heart my soulmate my other have he is my world he died on April 13 it wasn’t his time to go yet someone suffocated him he was only 35 we just got married march 18 we were going to have a baby build our new home he isnt finished here yet we still have so many things to accomplish I truly believe God will bring him back to me and our 5 kids we need him more than anything he is a great man he would do anything for anyone who needed help I pray every morning and night for him to come home to us I’ve been having dreams where he tells me he is still here that he’s not gone and my children have dreams where we are all together like we used to they miss there dad so much so please everyone pray for my husband to be healed and raised back to life with god all things are possible thank you so much I’m very happy there’s others who feel the same as I do In Jesus name Amen
Man Resurrects 7 days after the burial
Hi iam am moved by this my husband too is dead can he be raised to.
First giving honor to God who is the head of my life. I too believe that God will raise the dead. On 4/26/14 the love of my life. And father of my child was murdered. We were all devastated and still are. On day the Lord spoke to me and said this is a dream. So I thought when I woke up the next day Tremayne would be back. But he wasn’t, so I didn’t understand why did I think is was a dream. So as time passes Im becoming closer to the Lord. And everyday he is revealing things to me. And I know he is going to bring Tremayne back.I have learned so many things about our Lord. And I thank him for opening my eyes. I used to say I didn’t believe in marriage always knowing Tremayne is my husband. I was mean and Tremayne is full of love. I know the Lord wouldn’t reveal this to me if it wasn’t true. I believe Tremayne will b raised from the dead I pray very very soon. I love him soo much and so does soo many others. I pray in Jesus name and I thank him in advance for making what I’m going thru just a test to open my eyes to how wonderful God really is. So Tremayne and I can go and tell the world nothing is impossible for God. Please pray with me that The Lord will return him to earth he is so full of life and he loves The Lord his work here is not done. In Jesus name I pray this prayer Amen amen amen
Hi Mrs. Cosby whatbis the great news ????
Problem with this story is that it is not scriptural.
If your granddad was not saved, God would NOT stop
you from raising him from the dead.
Your family members who stopped you from visiting
your granddad and giving him the plan of salvation (hopefully leading him to the Lord in a salvation prayer)
were NOT acting in accordance with God’s will.
“He (God) is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance”
So, God would not come to you and say “this is not my will” to raise your grandfather from the dead so he can accept Jesus (My Son) as his Savior, when that is contrary to scripture. If your granddad was saved unbenonst to you, God would have shared THAT with you.
Also, you said Jesus didn’t heal all the sick in every town.
That is misleading. Jesus HEALED ALL that came to him for healing. In one town Jesus COULD NOT do many miracles (not because it wasn’t God’s will) because of their UNBELIEF
Check our Jerry Savelle on the prayer of petition
Meanwhile, he and his wife, prayed for their baby’s finger to GROW BACK after it was severed.
They turned off the TV, and prayed in tongues for days concentrating on the prayer to restore their child’s finger.
I don’t remember the EXACT protocol but only that they didn’t allow any unbelieving people in their home at that time, they didn’t watch TV or read negative print or listen to negative news, etc. etc. and maybe even fasted (not sure,
but that will always help as well)
They kept thanking God for healing the finger and kept praying in the spirit.
Well, after the bandage was removed from the doctor (two weeks later I think it was), the finger was totally RESTORED.
“My people are destroyed for LACK of knowledge”
“Study to show thyself approved unto God”………”rightly dividing the word of truth”
“If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed NOTHING shall be impossible for you”
Check our Jerry Savelle on the prayer of petition
Meanwhile, he and his wife, prayed for their baby’s finger to GROW BACK after it was severed.
They turned off the TV, and prayed in tongues for days concentrating on the prayer to restore their child’s finger.
I don’t remember the EXACT protocol but only that they didn’t allow any unbelieving people in their home at that time, they didn’t watch TV or read negative print or listen to negative news, etc. etc. and maybe even fasted (not sure,
but that will always help as well)
They kept thanking God for healing the finger and kept praying in the spirit.
Well, after the bandage was removed from the doctor (two weeks later I think it was), the finger was totally RESTORED.
“My people are destroyed for LACK of knowledge”
“Study to show thyself approved unto God”………”rightly dividing the word of truth”
“If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed NOTHING shall be impossible for you”
My sister is in the mutuary now, I have faith that God that did it before will do it again.let my sister come back to life from the mutuary in the Name of Jesus AMEN
She’s a very sweet soul.her name is Marysean Kopji.thank you Jesus 🙌
boy resurrects after 2 years buried in tanzania
1 when text appeared
2 text exhumation exhumation site
Jesus, please hear our prayers… We are imperfect but your love conquers everything… Let your light and glory shine in the remote parts of the world… I ask a favour from Thee to each of your child and, in particular, raise Riad to life, give him a second chance as, God, you are great. Let your kingdom come…
Have been reading the stories on this site with great interest and I just would like to know if any one has as yet had a loved one returned to them.This week I lost my beautiful and much loved and much missed companion-my adorable little cat. I believe Jesus loves our animal friends as much as he loves our human ones. I pray continuosly for him to awake her from her sleep and help her to return home safely. Am I pushing the Lord and expecting too much.? I am so lost and heartbroken. I cannot bear to go home from work as there such a huge,empty void in the house. I know the Bible teaches us that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead but has anyone on this site been blessed with a loved-one’s return. I am desperately seeking enlightenment.
I don’t know for sure if anyone has had a loved one raised back to life here on this site yet…. I lost my sweet baby girl, my best friend, 2 yrs ago… she loves to hear about Jesus and here God’s Word read out loud more than anything. I miss her and love her so much! I have prayed and believed and prayed more for God to bring her back… and finally just gave it to God …… and prayed He would bring her back to me.
I have more kitties now., i love and am thankful for them.
But I still miss my little sweetie.,, no one can take her place.
I know with God All things Are Possible!
He is the One who created all of us.,
so why couldnt he raise the dead…. He is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.
I will be praying and believing with you for your adorable little cat to come back to you.
I do know with No double we will see them again in Heaven and we know there is no suffering there., but God wants us happy here too.,
Praying for you too, and i will be hoping to hear a good report!!!
Hi Diana
Thank you so much for replying to me.I am so sorry that the Lord has not returned your beautiful lady to you as yet. I get so impatient with the Lord and do not understand why he makes us wait when he can see how heartbroken we are. I cannot understand why he does not want us to bear witness to his miracles.Surely, it would be to the glory of God .
Diana, I want to ask you if you still join in prayer at 8.30 each night. I read the earlier messages between yourself, Sharon and Gail. I do not live in the States but in England and our time is so much different from yours.
Nothing will make me stop praying to the Lord to entrust my little lady back to my care. I know all things are possible with God. My friend’s husband was cremated and yet he opened her front door with a key, walked though her living room in the flesh, spoke in an audible voice to her and went into the next room. She was dumbstruck and by the time she got the courage to go to the other room, he had gone. My friend is not crazy and oddly enough is not a believer. If God can do this to someone who was cremated, then how much more can he return a dear little friend. I pray that you will see your little one again.
Thank you once again for replying to me.
hi Wendy…. I am happy to see your message., sometimes i think it doesn’t matter what other people think., But when others Do believe God and come into agreement …it’s nice! and actually it put a smile on my face when I read your message., Thank you.,
I will be praying and believing with you about God bringing your little lady back to you.
My husband and best friend for 14 years took his own life 3 weeks ago. It was not his free will. He was battling depression and was not in his right mind. I truly believe that it was not his time to go. Since his death life is unbearable for me, our kids and his family. I don’t know how I am going to go on. I feel that the way I feel now is how he did and it us hell on earth. I need him back so we can beat the demons in his mind. He is a great provider husband and father. Always made every one laugh and was just the best. Since he has died something in me says that I can do something about it and I cannot accept he is gone. I have been praying to God to bring him back and show me a sign that my prayers will be answered. I have too looked on the internet for stories of people back after they are buried. I have not found any. Has anyone else? I know I need to have patience and faith in God that he will answer my prayers. Please add me to your prayers ladies. I need it.
God please hear my prayers and answer my prayers and help me open my heart soul and mind to hear your answer. Please bribg my husband back to me as soon as you are able. I love you and I love him
Dear Stephanie, I will pray for you, dear one. The LORD sees your pain and your struggle. He cares for you. When our son died too soon, the LORD told me that he didn’t want me to become depressed (which is natural) because of the glory that was to come. Please spend time in God’s Word every day. Trust in Him to be in charge of you and your family. He is strong and capable to handle all of your needs. This may be extremely difficult, but you must forgive your husband for leaving you. On some level you may understand why he did it. And you may believe that you don’t really need to forgive him. But you do. You may even need to forgive God, even though that sounds preposterous. The LORD can take it. He loves you dearly. He understands. AND He will come to you personally and speak to you. Praying, Gail
Thank you for your prayers and kind words. I will keep praying for God to bring h back. Do you know any other websites or Facebook pages for people that believe God will resurrect our loves ones? I could use the prayers and extra support.
I am sorry for you loss of your husband I recently lost mine too on August 17. Somethingkeeps telling me I can do more to get him back and not to give up. I believe it is God telling me this. I pray every day for him to come back and I am waiting. I will pray for your husband also.
I will pray from your brother to be resurrected. Please pray for my husband he also committed suicide but it was not his time. The demons of depression did it he was not in his right.mind. the day before he did it he bought a new stove. Was supposed to.install it that day. It was not in his plan. I believe he can come back
Hi…. I just want you to know I am continuing to pray for you for peace and comfort and for your little sweetie to be returned to you so you can both be together here on earth., even before you are in Heaven.
as far as joining in prayer at 830 ea night., I am going to start back to it TONIGHT!… I just read that in your message., and so I will be again.
Jesus loves you! THANK YOU for any and all prayers.
So many people have No idea….. they say things like you have others now., or time heals the pain , or the hurt will go away with time…. this is definatly Not true with me., and actually makes me even sadder to think that with time I would think or miss her less., … anyway …. I am praying for you and with you and Thank you again.
Thanks! I will continue to pray for your brother!
My husband also passed before his time. He did not live out his ordained number of days and I am standing in faith for his resurrection.
Yes i am to GOD words say it and we will believe in THE 21 Century that GOD word does not lie!!!! HE WILL BE RAISED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THESE!!!!!!
EMAIL ME AT x0id@sbcglobal.net
love jo
PLEASE EMAIL ME AT x0id@sbcglobal.net and we can pray and believe in GOD that all things are possible because we believe!!
Love ya Jo
COUNT ME IN TO: EMAIL ME AT x0id@sbcglobal.net
love you all
Prophetess JO
yes he does raise the dead!!!!!!!!
Love Prophetess Jo
Love Prophetess Jo
Hunter is healed in JESUS NAME AMEN
Love Prophetess Jo
Hello my sister Mbula,
No matter if were in their graves GOD can raise them from the dead just like he did all the people back then ok, just keep believing. I’m believing that GOD can raise the dead, and I know that he will raise all of our love ones to show the un believers that he is still GOD Amen
Love Prophetess Jo
I am believing with you that your love one will be back on the earth risen back to life for many more years to finish what GOD has call him to do or her!! I lost my husband but I am truly believing that he is prepared by GOD to come back on this earth to show those who don’t believe that he is still in the raising the dead back to life amen!!!!!
Sister Gail, your faith will make your life whole your love one is on his way back to you through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen!!! I am believing that my husband is on his way back as well, he will be coming sooner, I’m in hope that he come before Thanksgiving Amen!
Prophetess Jo
Brother Dan,
Hearing your belief has really spoken to me. I also lost my husband. The story is in the post above. I would really like to speak to you some more. I tried to email you but got not response. I will try again. Please respond
God bless. Praying for you and your husband
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I strongely believe what he to those who believe in his name will do. Everytime someone that I know dies I get into intercedeing that God would restore them back to health and this continues even till the day of the funeral. My sister passed away 2 years ago and I continue to pray for her return sometimes I sense her present in our home, sometimes the phone will ring and no one speaks. When I talk to my christian friends I always get the same answer that it is not God’s will or his time. I remember reading in the bible that both Peter and Paul prayed for individuals who died and came back to life so my christian sisters and brothers cannot relate to me nor I to them. Glad that this site is up and I see that I am not alone when it comes to having faith in what the Son of God said. God you know your word is true for you will to done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you Jesus that you have faith in the believer to trust in your name
eI too am believing for my beautiful darling christian wife to be raised from the dead and restored to me. She died tragically last December as a result of the enemy’s attack before her appointed time. She was only 48 and was doing great things on behalf of our saviour Jesus Christ . I am basing my faith on and expecting God to honour His promises in John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8 and John 16:23-24. Please join me in prayer for my miracle and for the restoration of what the locusts have eaten and what that filthy murderer and father of lies satan has prematurely stolen from me, my beautiful loving wife of only 8 years. I love my wife more than my own life and I desperately need her back in my life .
Thank you all for standing in prayer and faith with me for this absolue miracle.
I also will be in prayer for anyone reading this request who also needs a miracle in their life and a demonstration of Christ’s might power in their or a loved ones life….God Bless.
eI too am believing for my beautiful darling christian wife to be raised from the dead and restored to me. She died tragically last December as a result of the enemy’s attack before her appointed time. She was only 48 and was doing great things on behalf of our saviour Jesus Christ . I am basing my faith on and expecting God to honour His promises in John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8 and John 16:23-24. Please join me in prayer for my miracle and for the restoration of what the locusts have eaten and what that filthy murderer and father of lies satan has prematurely stolen from me, my beautiful loving wife of only 8 years. I love my wife more than my own life and I desperately need her back in my life .
Thank you all for standing in prayer and faith with me for this absolue miracle.
I also will be in prayer for anyone reading this request who also needs a miracle in their life and a demonstration of Christ’s might power in their or a loved ones life….God Bless.
Amen to this! I am believing the same for my wife. We of faith have to stand together in faith and belief against the unbelieving naysaying christians who believe that such miracles as the raisng of the dead does not any longer occur in the 21st century. I believe the Lord’s word and His promises as recorded in the Holy Bible is the same yesterday, today and forever and His words never come back void….
Amen and again amen to this!!!!
Please believe in faith with me for my darling most loving wife to be returned to me from the dead. I know that she is basking in the glory of being in the presence and with her saviour Jesus Christ in heaven, but she was stolen prematurely from me after only 8 years of our beautiful marriage in a most horribly tragic way by the enemy, and I claim her back in the mighty name and blood of my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Nothing is impossible with Him. I am relying in faith on John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8 and John 16:23-24.
I will continue to believe with you and your family for the return of your son. Please believe in faith with me that my wife who died last December 2013 and was a born again believer in Christ will be restored and returned to me. She was stolen by the filthy murderer and father of lies satan in a most horribly tragic way. She was doing great things on behalf of her Lord and saviour and the enemy was angry as a result. She has a lot more to accomplish in her mission on earth for Jesus and I love her more than life itself and need her back desperately as I am missing her more than words can tell and am extremely lonely and griefstricken without her to share my life with. I realize that she is basking in heaven with Jesus, but she was taken way before her appointed time and I claim her back in the mighty name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ (Yeshua). Some passages that my faith and assurance rest on that my darling wife will be returned to me, are John 14-12-14, John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24 and John 11: 40.
Amen and amen!!!!!! Right on. All praise, honour and glory to the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour. The same yesterday, today and forever. Yes those weak in faith christians and the world of unbelievers’ jaws will drop to the ground and I believe many will drop to their knees and accept and profess Him as Lord and saviour of their lives….. Talk about a Holy Spirit revival.
This is truly an exciting time to be on the earth! We do believe that the LORD is soon returning. Also, many signs and wonders will precede his coming and that’s where we, as believers in the resurrection, come into play. We are watching, praying and encouraging each other with these words. Blessings are abounding! Gail
I will continue to stand in prayer and faith with you for the revival, resurrection and return of your sister. Most christians lacking or weak in faith refuse to believe that God will, and is fully able, to raise loved ones from the dead today in the 21st century. But the Bible teaches that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. As the lyrics of the old hymn says, Great is thy faithfulness oh God to thee. There is no shadow of turning in Thee. God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all created things in the earth below and the heavens above…… NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD, all praise and glory to Yeshua Hamashiach…
I also feel the presence of my darling loving wife, who I lost last December 07 2013 in a horribly tragic way, in our home
and I know this would sound crazy to most christians and to the world at large, but I am believing in faith that she will be returned to me, because she was attacked and taken by the filthy deceiver, liar and father of lies, the murderer satan before her time. She was doing great things on earth on behalf of her saviour and that made the enemy in high places angry, so he attacked her mind and she eventually succumbed. But I firmly believe in faith that God will restore what the locusts have eaten and destroyed and my darling wife will be returned to me. I don’t know when, only God has that answer, but I cannot lose faith in God to return her to me. Please pray for me that my faith remains strong in the Lord, as I believe and expect the absolute miracle of my wife’s return to me. I love her more than life itself and need her more than anything else in my life. I am praying and pleading with God for her very soon return. It is the only gift I want or desire this Christmas 2014. Absolutely nothing more or less do I want or desire.
God bless as we stand in belief, obedience and faith together for a display of God’s mighty miraculous acts of restoration from the dead to us, as we rest in faith, obedience and love in Him. It is of no use asking most of my christian friends or relatives to stand in faith with me for God to perform the miracle of restoring my wife to me, because they do not have that depth of faith. I prayed with a pastor and a couple of christian friends for her restoration to me shortly after she died, but I only sensed in my spirit that they were praying to humour me and did not actually believe by faith that God could or would answer my prayer.
May you have a blessed Christmas as we await God’s mighty miracle working power of resurrection and restoration.
I know beyond a shadow of doubt that my wife is basking in the presence and glory of God and her saviour Jesus Christ in heaven, but I also know her horrible death was not God’s perfect will for her. So that makes my faith even stronger to reclaim her from her premature death so that she can continue to perform her unfinished mission on earth for Christ, and we can continue our beautiful marriage and live and love together again as we re-sanctify our lives and marriage to Jesus.
Some of the scripture promise passages that I am relying on in faith are, John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24
and John 11:40.
I am in the same boat as you. I lost my most loving, compassionate and beautiful darling wife under similar circumstances last December 07 2013. She was and is a born again christian and I also believe that her horrible untimely death was not God’s will for her. So I too am also continuing to believe and pray to Jesus and Father God in faith for her restoration and return to me from the dead.
I am finding it extremely difficult, as words cannot describe the unbearable and intolerable grief, loneliness, sadness, and emptiness that I am experiencing since her loss.
She was doing great things in the name of Jesus Christ to further His kingdom on earth and this made satan the enemy of our souls angry, so he attacked her mind and she eventually succumbed. He is a liar, the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning. But God has the final victory over death…..Nothing is impossible for God. His words do not come back to us void, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Praise be to our Almighty God and Father and our saviour, His one and only Son Jesus Christ.
Some scripture passages that I am holding unto in faith and obedience to his word are, John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24 and John 11:40.
Please stand in faith with me as I stand in faith with you for the return of our spouses to us.
God Bless and keep you.
Wayne, I lost my husband in August by the devil. I believe God will bring him back. I am praying and trying to wait patiently. I will pray for your wife to cone back. Please pray for my husband! I looked up all the Bible verses you listed they are all true and very powerful!
Gail, what is the name of your husband, so that I can pray and believe for God’s miraculous resurrection power to raise him from the dead, and to stand with you in faith for this answered prayer for a miraculous intervention?
Thanks for standing with me in prayer and faith for a similar outcome for my wife…. In case you would like my wife’s name when you pray and faithfully believe for her return to me, her name is Colette.
Standing with you in spiritual warfare prayers and believing for your husband’s return to you. For our war is not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in high places. So let us not forget to put on the full armour of Christ (Ephesians 6) and storm the gates of heaven by constant and unwavering prayer and fasting until we receive through faith in Christ our petition for miracles and the return of our beloved spouses, that the filthy lying and deceiving enemy has stolen from us.
In Christ.
Sharon keep on believing in faith and don’t let those weak kneed faithless christians discourage you or make you waver from your belief and strong faith in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to raise your husband Don from the grave. I have some christian friends and relatives who mean well but do not possess the faith to believe with me for my miracle of my wife being restored to me by God from the dead. I am believing in absolute faith for the return of my most loving, compassionate and beautiful wife who died a very horrible and tragic death last December 07 2013. She is a born again believer in Christ and was accomplishing great things to the glory of Christ. The enemy satan, that liar deceiver, murderer and father of lies attacked my wife’s mind and she eventually succumbed after months of terrible depression and anxiety. She has much more to do for JESUS on earth and I need her back in my life desperately. I love her more than life itself and honestly cannot bare continuing in this life without her. The grief, loniliness, heartache and emptiness without her to share my life with is more unbearable and intolerable than words can describe. My wife Colette and I were only married for 8 years and she was only 48. I know that nothing is impossible with God and he is the same yesterday, today and forever. Some scriptures that I am basing my faith on for the resurrection and return of my wife to me are, John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24 and John 11:40.
Please believe with me as I promise to believe in faith with you that both of our beloved spouses will be very soon returned by God to us….God’s word never comes back to us void. I have never removed my wedding ring and never will, because I want to make sure that I am wearing it when my one and only sweetheart Colette is restored and returned to me by my Father and Lord God Almighty. All the thanksgivin, glory and praise goes and will go to my wonderful Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamasachiach.
In Christ.
JO count me in too for joining in prayers of faith for our miracles of resurrections for my wife Colette and other loved ones. My email is deme7777@hotmail.com.
In Christ.
sappearedMy darling wife who is a born again believer died and was cremated last December 2013. I am absolutely believing in faith that my Almighty God and saviour Jesus Christ will restore and return my beautiful, loving and compassionate wife back to me, because nothing is impossible with God and the promises in His Word never comesback to us void.
I don’t understand the story that you shared about your friend’s husband who had been cremated and appeared to her in the flesh and then disappeared. Where did he go to if he had actually been resurrected in the flesh and restored to her by God? It sounds as if she might have been dreaming… Was she asleep at the time of her experience?
Some scriptures that I am basing my faith and relying on for the return of my sweetheart wife are, John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24 and John 11:40.
In Christ, Yeshua Hamaschiach
I too have promised God to spread His gospel of salvation wherever He chooses to send me , so long as my beloved darling wife Colette is restored to me and will be at my side as I proclaim His mighty gospel of salvation and miracles.
I totally, 100% can relate to what you are going through as I lost my beautiful, darling beloved wife the same way last December 2013. I am filled with intolerable and unbearable grief, loneliness,depression and emptiness since losing my one and only true love. We are both born again believers and she was doing great work on behalf of God to bring Jesus the glory, and that filthy enemy satan, the father of lies and deceiver was angry and stole her and our happiness together from me. But God has been, and is, victorious over spiritual and physical death and he is the Almighty God and conqueror over sin and death…. All praise and glory will go to Him when we receive back our resurrected and restored loved ones to us.
The passages in the Word of God that I am holding unto in faith for my miracle from God are, John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24 and John 11:40.
Please pray and believe along with me and join me in faith for the restoration and return of my sweetheart wife Colette back to me as I pray in faith and believe for the return of your husband….. They were both taken to be with the Lord, and I have no doubt whatever that my wife is with Jesus and his Father, God Almighty, but they were both taken way before their appointed times and I claim them back in the name of Jesus and His shed blood and for His glory.
NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD…. God’s word never comes back to us void.
Let us prepare ourselves through prayer and fasting to see a mighty and powerful demonstration of God’s miraculous ability and power to raise our loved ones from the dead in the 21st century, because God is the same yesterday, today
and forever….He is the Alpha and Omega.
Let”s give Him all the praise and glory.
In Christ
I am with you 100% in this collective prayer initiative…I am believing for the return of my beautiful, most loving and compassionate christian wife who was taken prematurely from me way before her time by that filthy liar and deceiver, the father of lies, satan.
All praise and glory to my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and to my Father Almighty God. Nothing is impossible with God, and His Words do not return to us void. He has defeated death and sin by shedding His precious blood on the cross for us if we believe in Him.
My faith and belief for the restoration and return of my sweetheart wife to me relies and rests on these Bible passages amongst others. John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24 and John 11:40.
In Christ,
On this Christmas night I pray for a Christmas miracle from God for everyone here. I claim life for all of our loved ones who have been lost. Life for NY husband Chris! The Lord is powerful and can do anything. I trust him with my heart abd soul because he created me and loves us all. His love knows no boundaries! I will wake up to Christmas this morning in my husbands arms. I have faith in the Lord! Faith and not just hope. That is the key. God happy birthday!!! I love you! Amen!!
I pray too that I will wake up very soon and my darling, sweetheart wife will be back in my arms again.
Praise the Lord!!!! All glory, praise and honour goes to Him. The miracle working Almighty God and saviour.
I too believe that Christ has the power and authority, but he gave that authority to us. We are the ones who are supposed to believe that we have the authority to do so, Sadly we don’t truly believe.
I am believing God and praying for the immediate resurrection of your wife. My best friend, boy friend, my LOVE was shot and killed in February and I have been praying with faith for his immediate resurrection. I need him back desperately and I hope you will pray with me. His name is Terrell Jermaine Irvin-Brown and, I am Marianne and we are both Christians.
Doesn’t look like anything’s been posted on here, recently; however, my cat just died (today), after being put to sleep by my parents following a diagnosis of spinal lymphoma. I’m a believer and am heartbroken; knowing the Lord can raise people from the dead, would be unscriptural, to ask for a full physical healing?
Praying for my daughter to be raised also. Lost her June 29, 2015. Praying for all of your loved ones. Many good strong Christians were told by the Lord that hers was not a sickness unto death.. she should not have passed. I believe our Lord can do the impossible!…Liz
My son has been gone 5 weeks and the pain is unbearable. His death was a sudden unexpected tragedy that was a mistake. I know Jesus the light and the resurrection will return my son to me. I have faith that he will be home soon. I continually pray for the Lord to bring him back and will devout my life to praise and serve the Lord. I will pray for all the loved ones on this site that they may be returned. My son’s name is Josh. Please pray for him also.
My son has been gone 5 weeks and the pain is unbearable. His death was a sudden unexpected tragedy that was a mistake. I know Jesus the light and the resurrection will return my son to me. I have faith that he will be home soon. I continually pray for the Lord to bring him back and will devout my life to praise and serve the Lord. I will pray for all the loved ones on this site that they may be returned. My son’s name is Josh. Please pray for him also.
Praying for Josh to rise Still praying and believing for my daughter to rise and will until she does. the Lord said we can raise the dead. Praying for all of you who are believing!…Elizabeth
Thank you Elizabeth. I am praying for your daughter too. I will never stop praying. What is your daughters name? I am praying for everyone on this site. I have faith god will answer our prayers!
My daughters name is Michelle, thank you so much! Praying for Josh! And all of these others !Elizabeth
I will be praying daily for Michelle and all the others on this site that they are returned to their living families! Amen!
Cindy and Elizabeth I am praying in complete faith and trust for Yeshua Hamaschiach (Jesus Christ) to restore and return to both of you your loved ones, Josh and Michelle, that were taken from you so tragically and suddenly. Please also believe with me in simple child like faith that God will also return my most precious, irreplaceable, loving, caring and compassionate treasure of my life, my wife Colette who was stolen from me by the enemy, that filthy father of lies and murderer satan in a very tragic and sudden fashion. She was a born again christian who loved and trusted the Lord with all her heart and was doing His calling and in His service when the enemy struck. Since I lost Colette on December 07 2013 my life has changed from one of joyful hope and expectations, as we strove to fulfill and achieve our goals, aspirations, hopes and dreams together. Without the love of my life to share the journey of life on this earth with, my life has now become an aimless, excruciating, crushing, lonely and depressed filled journey that is filled with indescribable grief and loneliness each and every day of my life. I love Colette more than life itself and I would do anything and give anything and every dollar and cent and material possession that I have for Colette to be returned to me, even though I realize that she is safely in the loving arms of her Lord and saviour in heaven. I ask the Lord every day of my life now, why He did not take me instead of my most beloved jewel and treasure of my life.
If you wish you can also read my earlier related posts on this site under the name Wayne.
May God bless you both and hear and answer our pleading petitions and prayers for our miracles of resurrections and return to us, of our most treasured loved ones as we approach His wonderful throne of grace, mercy and forgiveness of sins with our requests.
God is the Alpha and Omega, nothing is impossible for Him and He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah!!!!!
Thank you so much. I will be praying for your Colette to return to you. Like my son she died tragically by the hands of Satan. I have complete faith that Jesus will return our loved ones to us. I am so glad I found this site so we can all pray together. God is a loving compassionate god who will listen to our prayers. I too would give up my life to have my son back. He is not only my son but my best friend. May God bless you and keep you strong in faith until your wife returns! Amen!
Cindy, Thank you for your quick reply. Colette is my most precious love, my best friend, confidant, inspirer, encourager my all in all…..my life and my world.
When you pray, also read and meditate on Mark 11:23-24 and John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8 and John 16:23-24.
Let us keep believing in faith for our miracles of restoration of our loved ones and storming the gates of heaven in full expectation of God’s fullfillment of His promises in His Word.
Also, it is crucial to remember to put on your spiritual armor daily, as commanded by Christ in Ephesians 6:10-18.
I also believe the rapture of His bride, the Church of believers is very near at hand and we should also be looking up to heaven as our redemption draweth nigh.
Wayne , Thank you so much! I am praying for you and for the love of your life to be resurrected!!!! The word says we have that power thorugh Jesus Christ!…Elizabeth
Wayne thank you so much for the scriptures you told me about to read during my prayers. They have just strengthened my faith even more. I spend several hours a day praying for our loved ones return. I will never lose faith that the God is the resurrection and the life and will return them to us soon!
Wow this site is amazing! Seeing others who actually believe like I do about resurrection power has been incredible! Praying for all of you. Trying to find the scriptures Wayne posted,.Can someone send them to me. Lachance8@aol.com///Thank you all! Elizabeth
Hello Elizabeth,
Here are some of the scripture promise passages that I am relying on in faith in the Lord Yeshua’s miracle working power for Him to return my beloved wife Colette to me: John 14:12-14, John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24, John 11:40 and Mark 11: 23-24.
Wayne thank you so much! On my way home from Phoenix, where I spend a lot of time,as my daughter, Michelle, who passed, left 2 beautiful daughters 8 and 13, so I go down and help my son-in law, I stopped at sunset point that overlooks the mountains and prayed for Collette, Josh and Michelle and also asked the Lord to raise up the others on here who I do not know their names yet. Sometimes getting above it all helps our prayers get through. I believe God has his appointed time to bring each of these precious souls back into our lives. Praying it is soon for all of us! If faith really moves God it will be soon! Here for all of you!..I understand the deep pain. Losing my daughter has been horrendous on me and my family. and all those who love her………Elizabeth
Elizabeth it was so good to read your post. Just knowing that I am not the only one praying for the resurrection for my son strengthens my faith even more. I am praying several hours a day for Michelle and Colette and I know our prayers will be answered. Some members of my family think I am in denial and not accepting my son’s death. I know it was not time for my son to die and I will not listen to disbelievers. I will continue to pray no matter how long it takes Amen!
Thank you so much Elizabeth for your prayers for the return of my precious irreplaceable jewel and love of my life Colette to me. Yes, the crushing pain of grief, loneliness, and depression is truly unbearable for me, but I know that I know that my faithful and trustworthy Lord and Saviour will honour our pleading petitions and prayers made to Him in complete faith and trust in His wonderful miracle working power.
I pray for you every day and for the return of your daughter, as well as for Cindy and others on this site who have lost loved ones way before their time because of the enemy of all christian believers.
Let us keep strong in faith and obedience, through the Holy Spirit, in Christ as we wait patiently for Father God to move on our behalf and for Him to fulfill His promise in His Word to perform great miracles of resurrection and restoration of our loved ones for and to His Glory, that will confound the unbelievers and those doubting christians among us.
God bless you and all praises to Yeshua Hamasciach.
Cindy, I wholeheartedly agree with your determination to continue praying for the return of your son…. I will also continue to pray for the Lord to return my precious and beloved wife to me, no matter what others might say to discourage me.
When the Lord decides to move on our behalf, for and to His glory, then such unbelievers or Christian detractors will be made to eat their words, when they witness for themselves first hand the awesome miracle working power of our magnificent, all loving, omniscient and omnipotent Lord and saviour Jesus Christ our messiah.
A couple christian friends and a pastor, shortly after my wife passed on, prayed with me for Colette to be resurrected and returned to me, after I asked them to pray with me, but I sensed in my spirit that they truly did not have the faith to believe in their hearts for such a miracle…I sensed that they prayed with me only to humour me and because they thought it might bring me some temporary comfort.
Who I need to pray with me are born again christian believers who will believe along with me in simple child like faith for such a miracle….Unfortunately and with much grief, I have not found such an individual or individuals with this kind or level of faith. Remember Christ said in His Word, suffer little children to come unto me, and where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I also in their midst.
Let us never ever cease from praying in faith and continuing to storm the gates of heaven for our miraculous interventions from God Almighty our Father and saviour.
God bless and shalom.
Wayne, your posts are so inspiring and just make my faith stronger.I know God is listening and will answer our prayers when it is time. God Bless You!
Wayne and Cindy, I am right there with you, both. I have undoubting faith that the Lord meant what he said when he said we would raise the dead and do greater miracles than he did. it is great knowing someone else with the faith I have in this! What good is being a Christian without the faith that such miracles can happen. Isn’t that what it is all about . Miracles because we serve the true God! I will not stop praying til we all see our miracles. Colette, Josh and Michelle, COME FORTH in the name of Jesus Christ!……Elizabeth
Cindy, I know exactly what you mean. I don’t even tell some of my family what I am praying, only those who I know will stand with me. I too am spending many hours in prayer for your Josh and Colette and Michelle. Don’t give up. We are in this together. Satan robbed us and it is time for him to give back all he stole!….Elizabeth
All I can say is AMEN and AMEN to what you said!!!!
We serve a mighty and miracle working God of everlasting love and mercy.
As long as there is breath in my body I will never, ever give up believing in faith for my miracle and for miracles for all those who will sincerely join me and believe with me in prayer and fasting for the return and indescribable joy of reunion with our loved ones that were stolen from us before their divinely appointed times.
I want to share this commentary I found with those of you who, like me, are seeking God to dwell in the power He intended us to have:
“As soon as God reveals to you who you are in Christ, He calls you into action. Just as Jesus told his twelve disciples to go into the world and preach the Gospel…heal the sick…raise the dead…and cast out demons..that same commission applies to you and me as modern day disciples for Christ. We are not going to take nations for Christ through what we know as “the ministry” in its present powerless form. We are only going to do it the way God wants it done. For He is raising Himself up a people, a mighty army of believers.. who will operate in the fullness of HIS POWER!
Now you must be flexible to absorb the truth of Gods vision into your spirit. You have to reexamine concepts you have always believed, or preconceived ideas about how things should be done. But aren’t you glad you can be flexible in the Spirit? That you can learn to see with God’s eyes as He shows you HIS vision in the world.
The time has come to put your faith into action. Faith is a fact, but faith is an act! Now is the time to move in the power of the almighty God you serve and take up his commission and do the works he did upon the earth. There is no need to draw back, thinking it is too much for you…one single person. It is not who you are but what God can make of you! It is the power of the living God working in and through you! Keep you eyes on His power and not on your weaknesses! You are not going in your name ,but in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the one true God!!”
Matthew 8:5-10,13
Wayne I love the commentary. I agree we do not need to have a multitude for God tho hear our prayers. I am so glad that I found this site because it is so inspiring and helps when you are surrounded by disbelievers who have no faith in my prayers. Today I woke up and I feel like Josh is all around me. I feel he knows that I am praying hard for him to return. I will continue to pray for Colette, Michelle and Josh as long as it takes. I will never stop. The world has become such a terrible place with killings and hate that it is time for miracles. Praise God and I thank him for all the blessings he gives and for leading me to.this site. Thank you Wayne and Elizabeth it truly helps to know I am not alone. God bless you both and your loved ones. Amen!
Cindy, glad you liked the commentary. I found it in my husbands Bible on the side notes and it touched me and wanted to share it with you and Wayne and all the others who are believing. I did my 7 time around morning walk around our field and prayed for Josh, Colette, and Michelle to resurrect!. That wall must come down! So glad we have all met. …elizabeth
Elizabeth sorry I had put Wayne s name on that post when the commentary was from you. I think since joshs death my brain does not always function right. Praying seems to be the only thing I can concentrate on. Thank you again for all your prayers. My heart is always lifted when I see a new post. You are right the wall must come down! Praise God!
Cindy, I didn’t even notice that. I understand. Since I lost Michelle nothing feels or is the same. I try to be strong for my daughter, Shannon and my 4 grands who need me. Its tough though. but it will get better when we see our loved ones….which we will! Soon!
Elizabeth. I have two other children. My daughter is expecting our first grandchild in a few weeks and my son is expecting a baby in May. I need to support then but it so hard when you feel such sorrow. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing our loved ones will be back with us soon. God.bless you and your family!
I understand, Cindy. One does not replace the other. our loved ones that we lost hold a special place in our hearts just like the ones who are left. You will love being a Grandma. It keeps me going for sure! Michelle left two girls ,8 and 13 so I go down to Phoenix and help them out a lot. They had an amazing Mom and it is a big loss in their lives too. My Mom is praying for Josh, Colette, and Michelle to resurrect also. She truly believes they will. I promise, I will not stop praying til we see them again also! God bless your family!
You are deeply blessed Elizabeth and Cindy to have children and now grandchildren. That was Colette’s and my deepest prayer, longing and desire to have children, but that ultimate joy and what would have been a beautiful, joyous, prosperous and successful future and life together was suddenly, violently and tragically taken from us by that enemy of our souls.
Now I feel so lonely and crushed with grief and despair and depression.
I feel inside like my life has become one catastrophic “train wreck”. But I realize that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ my Messiah is still in control and in the business of still performing miracles in the 21st century.
Numbers 6:22-26.
Wayne, I am so sorry. I feel your pain and am praying continually for you and for Colette to come back. having another daughter and grands does help keep me busy but one does not replace the other. Each one has their own place in my life and one portion of my heart is missing and broken. Satan is out to rob and steal like he did Colette, Josh and Michelle and the others on here who are believing. Please know that I am genuinely praying and feeling your pain. …Elizabeth
Elizabeth I feel the same way. I love my other children and my future grandchildren but they can never replace the whole in my heart for my son Josh. I feel like I cannot feel the joy that the others in my life bring because I miss Josh so much. I try to feel happy but there is just a dark sadness that I cannot escape. Every waking minute I think of Josh and that he is not here to enjoy that he will be an uncle soon. I also think that there is no way I can feel happy because my son is not here with me. I know he is here but not physically. Each of us are suffering in our own way. The suffering will never stop until our loved ones are back home with us. I hope we can gain strength from each other until the day we are ask reunited. I not only pray for Michelle Colette and Josh but for us too. That we never loose our faith in jesus and that we never stop praying for our loved ones to come home!
Cindy, the sadness is always with me also. I feel like a robot sometimes just going through this life. I do enjoy my family, but there is always that knot in my stomach that Michelle is not here to enjoy the things we all did and do together. Everything feels so different. I will not stop praying for your son and Waynes wife and my daughter to return. I am taking the Lord at his word! somewhere along the way Christians have lost the power that the Lord himself said was ours and I am determined to bring it back, not just for myself but for all who need it! Thank you so much for your Much needed prayers. So glad I found you all on here.. I know God is going to answer because it is so strong in all of us. Most do not believe for what we are believing for. I saw a man sit up out of a comma that docs said he would never come out of and all I said was ” I ask for a complete healing for Steve in the name of Jesus. ” Instantly he was healed. Its all Jesus and His power!… its there and we are tapping into it so it has to happen soon.. hugs….Elizabeth
Elizabeth it is so good to hear that your mom is also praying. My family just thinks that I am in denial but we know different. Our faith keeps us going. True faith is not listening to those who try and tempt you not to believe like Satan. I pray for Michelle Colette and Josh and all those who faithfully pray for the return of their loved ones. Have a blessed night!
I woke up this morning with an overwhelming feeling that we will be seeing our loved ones soon. I had a dream.that I was told it will not be long until I see and talk too Josh! I know it was God letting me know our miracles are on the way!
Cindy, I pray to God that your dream becomes reality, as the grief and loneliness for me just seems to intensify more and more each day that I am without my one and only Colette.
Wayne I pray that you will not have to suffer with your grief much longer. I know it is unbearable. People tell me that my grief will lesson in time. You and I know that that is not true. It only intensifies the longer we are without the ones we love. May we stay strong in our faith that the Lord our Father will answer our prayers soon!
Cindy and Wayne. God speaks through dreams and he spoke to you, Cindy.My Mom wrote Josh and Colettes names down and is praying for them every time she prays for Michelle. I agree that it gets harder not easier as time goes on. It is time for the miracles that the disciples did start happening again. And Christ said we would do even more! Nothing is impossible with God . Nothing!!!1 Looking forward to meeting your loved ones soon!…Elizabeth
Elizabeth thank so much!. It is wonderful to know that your mom is also praying for our loved ones. I hope you and Wayne have both had a blessed Sunday. It is so hard too think of thanksgiving next week without Josh. He is a chef and loves making fall dishes. I have to be strong for the rest of my family but it is so hard. I hope you both find comfort in your family members. My daughter Jessics and Josh look so much alike that it is both a comfort and a constant reminder that he is not here. My grief seems to be getting worse but the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that our families will be complete again soon.I will never loose faith and will pray for both of you that you find comfort and the strength to go on until Michelle, Colette and Josh are home. I too look forward to meeting your loved ones some day. May God bless you both for being their because without my faith and your support I do not know how I would live another day! Good Bless!
Cindy, and Wayne. You will be in my heart over Thanksgiving this coming week. Don’t listen to those who think we are believing wrong. We are not. there is an orphanage in India that is run by a friend of mine. When he found out that my daughter had passed he told the kids and they have now named the orphanage after Michelle. They are praying for Michelle to come back ..all 40 kids…. over there they have strong faith and see miracles! I will get them to add Josh and Colette. God hears children!!!!!!! I know he does! Try to have a nice thanksgiving knowing that we will see our loved ones very soon!!!!. I feel like knowing you two are feeling the same as me gives me so much more strength! Thank you..Hugs..elizabeth
Elizabeth that is so wonderful about the orphanage being named after Michelle and that all the children are praying for her return. Thank you so much for adding Colette and Josh to their prayers. I thank god for directing me to this website. Amen!
Elizabeth, I want to thank you so much for adding my darling Colette to the list of loved ones that the children will be praying for. That is a lovely tribute and honour to Michelle to have named the orphanage after her. Yes, God does indeed hear the prayers of children.
Colette was a teacher and loved working with children, especially children with special needs. She was a very strong advocate against bullying of children or adults and in fact she would always stand up and speak out boldly and loudly against any for of injustice or abuse, and particularly where the abuse was aimed against those less fortunate individuals in society and in the schools she worked at.
She has/had a huge, loving, caring and compassionate heart for people and animals, and to me there is no one in this world that could replace her in my life and in my heart, that is why my grief, loneliness and depression is beyond mere words to describe how bad it is, and as Cindy and you say only gets worse with time…The expression time heals is nonsense, and when someone says anything like that to me it only upsets and makes me feel worse.
We had our Thanksgiving in Canada where I live in October, but I would like to wish Cindy and yourself and respective families a safe and blessed U.S. Thanksgiving.
I can’t wait to have my priceless treasure back in my life and arms again and for us to get to meet you, Cindy, Michelle and Josh, which will be the most joyful reunion, next to being raptured and in the Lord’s presence with all our saved loved ones for eternity.
Wayne, It means a lot to me to have met you and Cindy. If you do facebook at all, Cindy too, I am on there under BrianNElizabeth Lachance.Thank you for the prayers for safety over Thanksgiving for my family. My faith is getting stronger each day believing that God is going to answer our prayers. Colette sounds a lot like my Michelle. Everyone was her charity! So missed! I do believe that Colette, Josh and Michelle, hear and see us and know exactly what is going on! There is a book called “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn and he uses scripture to explainwhere our loved ones are and what they are seeing.. I will be heading to Phoenix for this week where Mom and I will be praying together for the miracle. Know that I will not stop til God answers!…Have a blessed day knowing it will be soon!…Elizabeth
Elizabeth, Josh also sounds like Colette and Michelle. He was the first one too try and help someone no matter what the cost. He loves animals also and I think he would save then all if he could. Have a wonderful time with your family this week. I will definitely send you a friend request on Facebook. I really hate when people tell me I have to move on and get over it. That is not even possible. If I did not have the faith and support that Josh was coming home I do not know how I would go on at all. I too believe that Colette Michelle and Josh hear us. They see our grief and love but they also see our faith and prayers for their resurrections. I am so happy when I read a post from one of you. Wayne I hope you have family and friends who are supportive. I am glad that you have your mom, Elizabeth. Although my family grieves and prays they do not have that same faith that Josh will be home soon. But like you both I will never give up until God answers our prayers! Good Bless you both and your families!
Cindy, my sister and brother are christians, but they do not live close to me and are not particularly supportive of me. For instance my sister will say we are praying for you, that the pain will lessen over time. She might mean well, but does not understand that such statements are only serving to cause me more intense and unbearable pain and grief. I have two christian friends but they too do not have the simple child like faith to pray and believe with me for a miracle from God for the resurrection of Colette.
I thank God that I have been able to communicate with both Elizabeth and yourself, as I have been fervently praying and petitioning God to send me even one or two other born again believers that will pray and believe in faith with me for the return of my beloved Colette.
Thank you both for spiritually standing with me and may Christ and our heavenly Father receive our pleas and prayers as fragrant incence at His Throne of grace, mercy and power, and return very soon our loved ones that were stolen from us by the enemy long before their divinely appointed times.
Cindy, my sister and brother are christians, but they do not live close to me and are not particularly supportive of me. For instance my sister will say we are praying for you, that the pain will lessen over time. She might mean well, but does not understand that such statements are only serving to cause me more intense and unbearable pain and grief. I have two christian friends but they too do not have the simple child like faith to pray and believe with me for a miracle from God for the resurrection of Colette.
I thank God that I have been able to communicate with both Elizabeth and yourself, as I have been fervently praying and petitioning God to send me even one or two other born again believers that will pray and believe in faith with me for the return of my beloved Colette.
Thank you both for spiritually standing with me and may Christ and our heavenly Father receive our pleas and prayers as fragrant incence at His Throne of grace, mercy and power, and return very soon our loved ones that were stolen from us by the enemy long before their divinely appointed times.
Wayne I am also so glad that God brought us together. My family means well too but they expect so much from me. It has been extremely hard to function. All I think about is Josh and prayers too God too bring him home. Life is so empty now. He was the sound of joy in our home. I know God is merciful and compassionate and hears our prayers. The bible says ask anything in my father’s name and you shall receive it. I read all the scriptures you posted everyday over and over. They keep my faith growing stronger everyday. I know Colette, Michelle and Josh will be with us soon. Have a blessed day knowing our prayers will be answered soon!
Wayne and Cindy, Don’t forget that there are 40 orphaned children who are prayer warriors praying for Colette and Josh also. Meeting you two has given me stonger faith and I thank God for both of you. We will see the prayers that we have all sown in tears answered soon! I close my ears to those who do not believe! The Lord promised us the power to raise the dead! I choose to believe HIm above any person. Hugs to both of you
Elizabeth thank you so much. Without you and Wayne I do not think my faith would be as strong. Knowing that the children at the orphanage are also praying for our loved ones to return is such a blessing! It makes my faith even stronger! I know god has brought us together for a reason! Have a blessed evening and a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Elizabeth and Cindy, I pray earnestly and fervently every day for the resurrection, restoration and return of Michelle and Josh, along with my Colette, as you so aptly put it Elizabeth, these prayers and petitions are sown in tears, which I pray and have faith and trust in our mighty Lord and saviour will be transformed very, very soon into tears of estatic joy as we hold and tightly embrace our most precious loved ones again in our arms. Yes, I too close my ears to all the unbelievers. They will in God’s perfect timing see His mighty miracle working power unfold and be revealed to them, when He answers our anguished cries going up to His heavenly throne for the return of our priceless treasures.
Until then, let us unceasingly,in childlike faith every day keep storming the gates of heaven for their return to us and to reclaim all that filthy evil father of lies and murderer satan has stolen from us, and further pray that Christ will restore everything and more that the locusts have devoured in our lives as He did for Job in the Bible.
Hugs and blessings to both of you and yours too.
Elizabeth and Cindy, greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I wanted to ask your opinion on something. Colette’s sister has indicated to me that she will be going to a tree of life ceremony on December 08 to honour Colette and her memory. Her sister is not a born again believer in Christ and is interested in Buddhism.
I certainly want to honour my beautiful and priceless love Colette, but how can I go to such a ceremony when I am praying and pleading with God daily in faith to resurrect, revive, restore and return her as well as your Michelle and Cindy’s Josh to us. To me, going to something like this ceremony is like saying to God, yes I have 100% faith that you can restore our loved ones, but I am not sure that you really can perform such a miracle. I feel as if I would be a hippocrite before God and doubting Him and His glorious miracle working power of yesterday, today and forever if I attended. Moreover, as far as I know it will not even be christian based, but of a secular nature.
By going to such a ceremony, I believe that this would undermine my faith and trust in Jesus and our heavenly Father to perform the very miracle that I have been daily and with pleading tears and heart throwing myself prostrate at the foot of the Throne of God and begging for him to perform.
Hope you both have a blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Remember to pray daily for the peace, security and blessings for and over Israel and Jerusalem (Genesis 12:3).
Wayne and Cindy. Mom and I together today praying! Kmow that you are not slone in this and that with God nothing is impossible. We get excited inside thinking of how the Lord is going to answer our prayers. Grateful for you two! Yes Wayne, we will keep storming heaven and not stop!!! Blessings! Eliabeth
Wayne I think I agree with you about the ceremony Colette’s sister is planning. Although I am sure she is sincere in honoring her sister it might seem as a lack of complete faith in the Lord’s power and glory to resurrect Colette. I know God knows what is in your heart and how strong your faith is but I think if it was me I would not attend especially if it was not Christian based. It sounds like Colette is a beautiful person who is loved by many. I will never stop praying for her and Michelle. Thank you Elizabeth for the added prayers of your mom and the orphans. Just knowing that we are not alone gives me more faith. May you both have a blessed evening. I cannot wait until our loved ones are back and we can all meet and celebrate and praise the Lord together. Praise be the Lord!
Wayne, Elizabeth, Cindy
I lost my husband over a year ago. You can see my post in the comments. My husband was taken from me by the devil. It was not his time and he tried to battle his depression but did not win and his life was ended. I found this website then and have been praying believing ever since that God will bring him back. Every night, everyday. I miss him so much he is my other half. Such a great funny man, a great father and provider. Wanted to give me all of my dreams. We are supposed to grow old and gray together, he is supposed to walk out daughter down the aisle and teach our son to drive. There is so much left undone and I know for certain it was not his time. God has blessed me so much since, taken care of all of our needs. I know he will bring him back to me. Just the wait is so hard. I have a few people that are standing with me for the miracle. I have been getting the notification for comments from this site for a while now and gave seen all of your posts. I have been prayong for all of you to get your loved ones back when I pray for Chris.
Wayne I looked and we had posted back and forth in the beginning. Lately there have been signs that the time is coming close for him to return . I feel like seeing all of you believing as I do is one of them. I will pray for all of us!!
Stephanie I will be adding Chris to my prayers. It is so wonderful to hear your story of faith and love for your husband. My family does not share my faith in a miracle and does not give me support. They say I should pray that I can find a way to move on. I do not wish to move on without my son. It means so much to have another warrior to add to our prayers for our loved ones.May God bless you to continue to be strong in your faith and may he give us all the patience to wait for him to answer our prayers. I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving!
Happy thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for all the time we have already had with our loved ones and for the time we will all soon have again! God is good and nightly!!!
Stephanie, I know and understand perfectly what you are experiencing and the horrendous daily pain, I am totally and absolutely crushed and suffocating with grief, loneliness and depression without my priceless love Colette….She is my life and world and without her I truly have no life and world remaining. She also battled terrible depression and anxiety for 6 months because she was trying to do God’s service and was attacked by the enemy so visciously in her mind by the filthy liar and father of lies and murderer satan and eventually succumbed to this attack.
But you can add me to your prayer warrior list and I will add you to mine. This list currently contains only Elizabeth and Cindy who are standing with me in childlike faith and storming the gates of heaven for the resurrection and return of our stolen loved ones from us and to restore all that the locusts have devoured in our lives.
As I said in a previous posting to Elizabeth my darling and most precious Colette always stood up boldly for those individuals and children she worked with as a teacher and others that were being bullied or abused.
She also loved all animals. I will give you an example, if she saw a turtle crossing the highway she would stop the car and get out and help that turtle across the other side. We also stopped in a rainstorm to help a groundhog that had been hit and injured by a car and we transported it to a wildlife sanctuary to be treated, then when he recovered we went back and picked him up and she put him back into his area where we found him.
Colette, has and had a huge loving, compassionate and caring heart for humanity and animals, and no one could never ever replace her love and caring in my life.
Shalom and join the three of us as we continue daily to storm the gates of heaven for our miracles of the return of our most precios loved ones.
Yesterday was such a sad day. It was thanksgiving but my heart, my son Josh was not there. I know he will be home soon but the pain of missing him is so terrible in fact is it unbearable. My tears of sadness and joy fall all the time. Sadness because I miss seeing him and hearing him every second of the day. Joy at the thought of having him back with me. I thank God for all of you. Your suppott has made my faith even stronger. I look forward to every message posted on here. May we not have to wait much longer for God to answer our prayers. I know there is no life without my son. I have other family but no one can take his place in my heart and living each day without him is getting harder and harder. Bless each of you and I thank the Lord for bringing us together I think it was his plan!
I feel like the time is coming to where our loved ones will soon be in our arms again. I am praying for us all morning and night and sometimes I feel so close. So close that I know he is right there and I just have to be patient and keep standing in faith. Waiting is so hard but God is good and will keep his promises. All is possible with him and with faith.
I am so eager to be added to your group and storm the gates with you to get out loved ones back. No matter how it happened it was not there times to go or we would not feel it this strong. One of the first things God told me after it happened was that he was not responsible that the devil was and that Chris could come back. I have clung to those 2 things with all I have in me.
Wayne, Colette sounds like a wonderful person. I look forward to meeting you and her when this is all behind us
Stephanie, I go to the foot of the mighty Throne of God morning, noon and night everyday and spend hours praying unceasingly for all our loved ones, including your husband Chris to be returned to us by our wonderful, merciful and loving Saviour Jesus Christ.
I cannot sleep well, so I spend that time praying and crying out to the Lord and our Almighty Father in heaven for Colette, Michelle, Josh and now your Chris to be returned to us very, very soon.
Let us keep on fervently in our petitions and prayers in faith and complete trust in God’s miracle working power.
God Bless.
Wayne, Elizabeth and Stephanie I hope you are all having a blessed day. I feel all the faith that you have when I read the words in your posts. I am also praying hard and as often as possible for the return of Colette, Michelle, Chris and Josh. Even while at work I am praying in my mind. There is actually nothing else on my mind but to bring our loved ones back. It is actually hard to concentrate on anything else. My son was also taken by satan. Josh loves his family, his animals and loved life. I feel satan murdered him! That is the reason I know it was not his time to die. Waiting is hard but our patience and prayers will be rewarded. I feel too that our miracles are close. I thank God everyday for all the blessings we have and for the miracle that we shall soon experience! Amen!
Wayne and cindy, Have not been on for a few days so missed these comments. I agree with you both. What we are believing for takes great faith and you do not need it comprimised in any way. It is a nice thought, but not of faith. Praying hard for both of you . Its been tough on my family as we are missing Michelle so very much as I know you missing Josh and Colette!. Will read the rest of the comments you all wrote. Hugs to you both! Elizabeth
Stepanie, adding Chris to my prayers along with Josh Colette and and Michelle! and also for others believing for their loved ones to rise which is rare! It was a tough tanksgiving for us also. Missing Michelle so very much and waiting on the promise!!!! Hugs Elizabeth
I hope everyone has a blessed week. One full of hope prayer and faith. The hardest thing for me is when I wake up each morning, knowing that I have to go through another day without my Josh. My family members try to help but just feel that I should be doing better by now and that I should start too accept Josh s death. That is impossible because I do not accept it. I will never accept it because I know he was taken by satan. I will continue to pray for Michelle Colette Chris and Josh each and everyday until our prayers are answered. I feel like the time is getting close. I feel that Josh is with me all the time. Thank each one of you for being there. Without your faith and support I do not know where I would be. Praise God our miracles are coming!
Cindy, I fully understand and experience too the deep grief and lonesomeness each morning that I have to face another day without my Colette. I am feeling extremely depressed without her in my life and world and know regardless of what anyone says that I will never experience joy, happiness and fulfillment again in my life, until we are united together again by Christ.
We have to keep in deep, persistent and earnest prayer with Jesus our Messiah everyday and enter His throne room of grace and mercy and plead at the foot of His throne for Him to ressurect, restore and return to us what that evil liar and murderer satan has stolen from us, our dearest and priceless loved ones.
Everyday, I enter into earnest prayer for Josh, Michelle, Chris (Stephanie’s husband) and my Colette, that they be returned to us and that God will restore to us, all the joyous future and even more that the locusts have devoured.
I do not tell anyone, even my two close christian friends or sister this, as I know that they do not share my faith for a mighty miracle from God.
The unspoken expectation of them is, as you say, I should be starting to get over my catastrophic loss and basically getting on with my life, but as long as there is breath in this body of mine or unless I am raptured by Christ, I will never, ever stop praying to my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ my messiah to fulfill His Word and promise recorded in Mark 11: 23 -24.
We cannot allow the enemy to use other christians or others of weak faith to discourage and dishearten our daily prayers and pleas to God to return our stolen loved ones to us.
God Bless and let us keep believing in strong faith and trust for God to miraculously act on our prayers and our faith.
I live alone in our house, and this greatly intensifies my grief and loneliness in missing beyond words my darling Colette. Especially at nights and in the mornings.
I feel the same things you are feeling Cindy and
Wayne and Stephanie. I wake up everyday dreading another day withour her. I love my daughter Shannon and my Grands and family, but does not take the plave of the other. Please forgive my spelling on here. I can spell but type too fast. I should check it before sending it..not important I know. I feel it too Cindy It will be soon. Mom and I are believing wholeheartly in these miracles! We will not doubt or give up. You are all in my thoughts all day . Hugs Elizabeth
Thank you so much! I am praying everyday and night for our loved ones to come back to us. I have 2 other women who I met last year that believe as we do I will ask them to pray as well. I believe the more of us the more powerful it will be. I have faith in God. And in our prayers!!
I woke up the last few nights multiple times and have felt Chris with me. I have had dreams and visits from him in my dreams in the beginning but this felt different. It was just his presence there and I was totally awake. It felt like I was not alone. Like soon I would not be alone ever again. I believe it’s coming too Cindy. Will continue praying!
It was so good to wake up this morning and read everyone’s comments. Stephanie I am so glad to hear there will be two more believers joining us in is our prayers. I am happy you have been blessed by feeling your husband’s presence. Whenever my grief becomes unbearable I sense Josh is with me even more. I smell his cologne and feel that he wishes I was not so sad. Elizabeth I feel exactly like you do. I have other family but they cannot take the place of my son. Nothing will fill this emptiness until Josh returns. Wayne I am so sorry you do not have any support of your family for the return of Colette. Although I have family around I too have no support. My mom is very religious and when I mentioned to her what I was praying for she was upset. She told me I was living in denial and I have to move on. So I keep my prayers too myself only sharing my faith and gaining support from all of you. Bless each one of you! I know God hears our prayers and will give us our miracles soon!
It was so good to wake up this morning and read everyone’s comments. Stephanie I am so glad to hear there will be two more believers joining us in is our prayers. I am happy you have been blessed by feeling your husband’s presence. Whenever my grief becomes unbearable I sense Josh is with me even more. I smell his cologne and feel that he wishes I was not so sad. Elizabeth I feel exactly like you do. I have other family but they cannot take the place of my son. Nothing will fill this emptiness until Josh returns. Wayne I am so sorry you do not have any support of your family for the return of Colette. Although I have family around I too have no support. My mom is very religious and when I mentioned to her what I was praying for she was upset. She told me I was living in denial and I have to move on. So I keep my prayers too myself only sharing my faith and gaining support from all of you. Bless each one of you! I know God hears our prayers and will give us our miracles soon!
At times I smell my daughter also. About a week before she passed I could smell this sweet smell on her and that is what I smell now. God is doing miracles in healing and raising the dead right now. I saw some facebook posts yesterday sayiing. I believe our time is coming to see our loved ones! Come back now Colette, Chris, Josh and Michelle. Our faith will make them whole again! The Lord sees it and he hears our cries. He is bottling our tears!
It erased part of my message when I sent it. I saw some posts saying the blind are being healed and many miracles are happening. One guy said that it is like something has opened.
Elizabeth thank you so much for sharing about the Facebook posts. Just another sign and confirmation that our miracles are coming. I will have to look up the posts. Your post came at the perfect time. I was feeling extremely sad until I read your comment which lifted my spirits! Thank you God!
I wanted to share a sermon that I listened to this morning. If you Google The one who has the power to conquer death there is a podcast. It is such a helpful message about the power of Jesus and how our faith is all we need for the resurrection of our loved ones. Sometimes when I get up each morning I am so overwhelmed with sadness and cannot imagine going through my day without Josh. This was something I just came across. I think God led me to it. I thought you all might like to listen to it as well. The power of Jesus has no bounds. After listening to this I had a feeling of peace and knowing that our miracles our closer! Have a blessed day!
Cindy, I will look up that podcast. Sounds amazing. God is working where we can’t see right now. In Daniel he says that we will do exploits in these times. Can’t wait to meet Josh, Colette, and Chris and for you all to meet Michelle. We will have a celebration for sure. Its hard for me also, in the morning, going through another day with out my girl. I keep believing that each day is the day! I cried out to the Lord this morning for him to work fast in bringing our loved ones back. Isn’t it funny how other Christians don’t believe, yet the Lord himself said we would raise the dead. Why be a Christian if there is no power! We serve the true God! Keep the faith!
Elizabeth, I totally agree with your evaluation of christians that do not believe that God will answer prayers made in faith and trust in Him for miracles of raising our loved ones, that have been stolen from us by the enemy way before their appointed times.
As you ask the very accurate and true rhetorical question, why be a christian if there is no power? That would be pointless, but we serve indeed the true, loving, merciful, forgiving and all powerful, miracle working Abba Father and His Son our Messiah and Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I have told and pleaded with the Lord that the one and only gift that I want this Christmas is my everlasting love and priceless Colette ressurected and returned into my arms. Otherwise, I do not even want to think about Christmas, I go about and hear Christmas music and it makes me extremely sad, lonely and depressed. God has blessed me in many ways in life and I am very thankful to Him, but I just cannot continue on if He does not return His largest blessing to me that was stolen from me.
I pray that You, Cindy and Stephanie will also be blessed with the ultimate miraculous blessing of your loved ones back in your arms also.
Keep up the good fight of faith and keep your eyes fixed on the prize of our loved ones being miraculously returned to us by our mighty God, the Alpha and the Omega, whose Word never comes back to us void, and with whom NOTHING is impossible.
God Bless and let us soldier on until we receive our answer, for our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities in high places. So let us put on our armour of God and of faith (Ephesians 6:10-18) each and every day, as we present our petition for our miracles of the return of our loved ones back in our embrace, to our Heavenly Daddy and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ.
Wayne, thank you for your encouragement! I believe God will honor our faith and answer our prayers for our loved one! I have a friend who has prophetic dreams and I just shared with her that I am part of a group praying for our loved ones to resurrect. She was excited and told me that she had a dream recently of people coming back to life. She is believing with us now! We will stand together until we get out miracle. I told satan “you might as well give back what you have stolen because we will not stop bombarding heaven until that is done!” You are always in my prayers!
Wayne I feel the same way about Christmas. I work in retail and all I hear are Christmas songs and deal with customers trying to spend a lot of money on fancy gifts. The only gift I want is for our loved ones to come home! I celebrate Christmas for it is the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ but I will not be drawn into the commercialism of who has the biggest tree or the best decorations or the most expensive gifts. The true meaning of Christmas has been lost by many. What a perfect time for our Lord to give us our miracles. The bible says ask in my father’s name and you will receive whatever you ask! I know he hears our prayers and continued cries for the resurrection of Colette, Michelle, Chris and Josh! Elizabeth it is so wonderful to know there are more Christians who believe as we do and I too yell at satan they he will not win this fight! Thank you both for all your inspirational words and support! Have a blessed night!
Cindy, I am so glad that I came on this site!!!!! I agree Cindy. We have toned down Christmas in my family too. The true meaning can get very lost if we let it! Since losing Michelle everything has changed. It would be so wonderful if we get out miracles by Christmas. Either way I won’t stop believing til all of our loved ones are back! I love it when someone else joins our prayers and believe too! there are so few with the faith for it even though Jesus told us we would do great miracles!
Tyler Johnson of the Dead Raising Team, posted a video on youtube called ” Did Santa Claus Really Raise the Dead?” St Nick was a true man of God who went around doing miracles including raising the dead. he even raised children who had been burned up in a fire.. The power is coming back again just like the days of old. We have been made to be passive to true miracles. No More! I am believing for our loved ones to be raised! elizabeth
Elizabeth I just watched the video about St.Nick it was truly awesome! Thank you so much. Watching the video just gave me more confirmation that our miracles will happen soon. I just received a book called saints who raised the dead which has hundreds accounts of saints who performed miracles healing the sick and raising the dead! Sometimes I cry so much. I went to the grocery store today and cried because Josh always shoped with me and cooked special dinners all the time. Than I have too remind myself too try not to cry because he will be home soon just like all our loved ones. Sometimes it is hard because we miss then so much! Thank you Elizabeth for sharing the video I cannot wait until Michelle, Colette, Chris and Josh are with us. We will celebrate and I feel like we will all be friends forever!
Hi Elizabeth and Cindy, I really do not know what to think about Tyler Johnson and the dead raising team. A few months ago I emailed them and explained about losing my wife and if they would pray with me for Christ to perform a miracle and ressurect and return her to me. I also asked if they had a group in the city where I lived in Canada or anywhere in Canada, so that I might be able to meet and go with one or more of their members to pray for the miracle of my wife’s return to my arms.
I never did ever receive a response from them.
Let’s keep up the strong fight of faith and I continue to pray daily also for Josh, Michelle and Chris to all be ressurected and returned to their loved ones waiting, joyful and expectant arms
May God keep you in His safe and comforting arms of love and grace.
Hi Elizabeth and Cindy, I really do not know what to think about Tyler Johnson and the dead raising team. A few months ago I emailed them and explained about losing my wife and if they would pray with me for Christ to perform a miracle and ressurect and return her to me. I also asked if they had a group in the city where I lived in Canada or anywhere in Canada, so that I might be able to meet and go with one or more of their members to pray for the miracle of my wife’s return to my arms.
I never did ever receive a response from them.
Let’s keep up the strong fight of faith and I continue to pray daily also for Josh, Michelle and Chris to all be ressurected and returned to their loved ones waiting, joyful and expectant arms
May God keep you in His safe and comforting arms of love and grace.
I emailed Tyler Johnson when my husband passed and him and his group prayed tho they did not have a group in my area to come. In the months that followed he said he would continue praying. I have watched his teaching and videos and he is so inspiring. He shows God the way he is, a father that loves us, wants us to be happy, that gave us the power to raise the dead, not as someone that wants to get us when we sin like some people preach.
I will watch the video on Fb that you have mentioned. I have been having very strong feelings that the time for our loved ones is near! I am so excited for Chris, Michelle, Coelette and Josh to come back and meet you all! I know something big is about to happen and it will bring them and all of us together. Get ready!!!!
I cry a lot too,Cindy. Everything is a memory, it seems. I too tell myself, Stop, She will be here soon! I am reading a book called “Imagine Heaven”. I want to know what she is doing right now, while believing she is coming back. God is not a respector of persons and if St NIck and St Patrick cold raise the dead along with many others. Sorry Wayne that you did not hear back from Tyler. I heard from him. Maybe your email didn’t get to him. I would try again although we don’t need anyone except the Lord to bring back our loved ones. All of us on here have enough faith to make miracles happen and they will! I can’t wait til our celebration! Friends for lifew for sure! Stephaie, My feelings are very strong too that it is very soon! Hugs
Elizabeth, isn’t that interesting, I was reading an interview on Biblegateway .com with John Burke about his book Imagine Heaven, I am planning to get the book and read it too. I will probably have to order it from Amazon, because I can’t find it in the bookstores in my city.
Have you read the book 90 Minutes in Heaven or seen the movie…It is about a Baptist pastor named Don Piper from Texas who back in 1989 had a terrible car accident with a large truck and claimed to have died and gone to heaven for 90 minutes. I think the book is better than the movie.
Thanks for all your encouragement to keep soldiering on in faith in Christ for our soon to be realized miracles of resurrection and restoration to us of our most precious loved ones.
I also cry everyday since losing Colette and just get overwhelmed with grief and loneliness when I think of the beautiful and joyous future that was in store for us together, until the enemy struck and turned all our future hope, joy and goals into ashes….But I know that I know and believe in complete faith and trust in my Almighty Father and Lord, in His mighty miracle working power to transform our ashes into joy again and to reinstate and multiply what the locusts have destroyed and stolen from us so suddenly and tragically.
Praise be to God!!!!! The Alpha and the Omega, the same yesterday, today and forever!!!! His Word never comes back void to us. Let us prepare spiritually, emotionally and in every respect for our soon to be realized answered prayers for our miracles from the Master.
Elizabeth, Wayne and Stephanie I hope you all had a good weekend. I will definitely have to order that book imagine heaven. Elizabeth I also wonder what Josh is doing. Does he hear me talk to him and is he looking down at saying mom you have too stop crying so much! Wayne I just watched the movie 90 minutes in heaven the other night. It was very inspirational. I will have to also read the book. When I was at church today the pastor said how there were some exciting things that were happening and miracles were coming soon. Just another confirmation of our prayers being answered. I thank you all so much for the support you give. Stephanie I agree something big is about to happen. All the signs point to it. I had a dream last night that we were all together praying for the resurrection of our loved ones. I just hope for a Christmas miracle but if not by Christmas I will continue to pray and have faith no matter how long it takes. Our loving father hears our cries and will answer our prayers soon!
I would just like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, safe, blessed and peaceful 8 days of Chanukah.
I would also like to wish everyone a blessed wonderful Chanukah!
Happy Chanukah to you also and to everyone. I am over halfway through “Imagine Heaven” and it is totally making me realize how much Jesus loves us and that he can change his will. He did for a man in the book.. I won’t ruin it for you so when you read it you will know. Your dream is real, Cindy, because we are all one in spirit praying. One day it will be all together in person! Wayne I feel the same way. Satan robbed us and I command him to give back all he has stolen In Jesus name! Lord the world needs Josh, Colette, Chris and Michelle! We believe in your resurrection power and you said that faith moves you! We are waiting and will not lose faith. Please bless my friends on here with answers to their prayers! Hugs to You Cindy , Wayne, and Stephanie!….elizabeth
Also just picked up the book “My Time in Heaven” by Richard Sigmund. It says that he has been used to heal the sick and raise the dead . Will read that next. Read 90 days in Heaven also.Somewhere in there it talks about how the Lord is going to allow huge miracles soon like never before. Very exciting. 😉 Also in case this site goes down in the future my email is lachance8@aol.com.
I cannot wait to read the books that you have recommended. I am ordering then tonight on Amazon. Elizabeth that was a great idea about email addresses. It would be terrible if this site was not available. My email is boozbabe@att.net. My daughter made that adress up haha! God bless you all and I have faith our miracles are on the way!
Thank you Cindy! I do not want to lose touch with you guys! You will love Imagine Heaven. Haven’t read the other one yet but heard it was really good. Hugs
Elizabeth and Cindy my email is deme7777@hotmail.com.
In faith and praying unceasingly and waiting patiently for our miracles.
I am very thankful and encouraged that the Lord has put both of you and also now Stephanie in my path as prayer warriors, because quite frankly I was getting very discouraged as I have no one else to join me in faith and belief for the miracle return of my Colette back to me….I also am going to order Imagine Heaven from Amazon and read it…..My greatest and deepest prayer from the depths of my spirit, heart and soul is that our miracles will be answered by our Loving and Merciful Saviour very soon and that we can meet and have a huge celebration together with all our resurrected and returned most precious loved ones.
Your partner in prayer and faith.
Wayne, You better believe I am praying for Colette to raise up! Colette, Josh Chris and Michelle are on my mind and in my prayers 24 hours a day. I wake up at night and pray.I need you guys, and am so thankful for you all!.So glad because Mom and now the orphanage in India, are praying for you guys too! I understand how it feels to be alone in what you are believing. I was blessed to have my Mom agree with me. in prayer but at first I didn’t even tell her what I was believing for. When I did she lite up and said Yes!!!! Glad you are going to read this book. It is putting me into a whole different dimension! Hopeful that we will be celebrating all together soon with Cindy and Stephanie! And of course our loved ones! Keep hope alive, Wayne. If you start feeling discouraged feel free to email me! I am sure Cindy and Stephanie will tell you the same thing! God bless!!!! Elizabeth
Wayne I also know what it is like not to have support from your family. My mom who was the one who always took me to church as a child and raised me to be a Christian does not support my prayers for resurrection.When I mentioned to.her what I was praying for she quickly told me I was just in denial and I had to move on with my life. I also discussed it with my husband. He felt that if praying for Josh’s resurrection helped me to cope he was all for it. Again he did not have the faith I have to pray with me. That is why I am so thankful too have found you, Elizabeth and Stephanie. Just knowing that you are all praying and have faith has strengthened my faith. I will never stop praying for Colette, Michelle, Chris and, Josh. I keep reading about miracles happening everyday. May the holy spirit fill each one of us and give us the patience to keep praying to our Lord for our loved ones to come back too us. I was always look forward to the posts on here. They always seem to come when I am crying or feeling depressed. Thank you all for being there. God bless each of you! Thank you God for all your blessings and for us being led too each other through this site!
Cindy, I feel the same. I check my email to see if any of you have commented! My husband feels the same as yours. He is not totally with me on it, but doesn’t put me down for believing it. We were all definitely lead to each other! I thank God for you all everyday! Big hugs!
Some days seem harder than others. Today was one of those days. I just cried so much. Everything I saw or did reminded me of Josh. My husband made a good point. He said if I have complete faith that Josh will return home soon that I should have a glad heart. He said that Jesus could look at my sadness as a lack of faith. I guess that is true. It is just so hard because I miss him so much. I will never stop praying for Michelle Colette Chris and Josh. I have been reading scriptures and watching videos of raising the dead. May our faith be rewarded soon! God Bless you all!
Cindy, I understand your hurt and I do the same thing. Your husband is probably right. We should be excited with anticipation, as hard as it is too do. Tyler Johnson just put up a great vid. Hope you, Wayne and Stephanie will watch it. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i34_cUQAipU. It is about the dead rising from their graves in the Bible, Hugs
Your husband is totally right but it is so much easier said than done. I feel the same way as you. I try to be happy think of the future with him but when you go day after day without I can be hard. I just try to pray and focus on the small things of joy I can find and believe. I try to live as he would want me to until he’s here. Again easier said than done. Praying for us all and our loved ones. Even if I do not respond everyday I see each update and email and it helps keep me going. Raises me spirit I am so grateful for each of you and for God bringing us together.! Keep your head up the best you can!
I am looking forward to watching Tyler’s videos. There are actually quite a few I want to watch. Hopefully will be able to catch up on them tomorrow. Praying for Coellette, Josh, Michelle and Chris
Elizabeth, Cindy and Stephanie I have total 100 % faith that God is able to perform His miracles and ressurect and return our most precious loved ones to us in answer to our prayer requests and pleas, made in simply child like faith from the bottom of our hearts to Him.
Even though I believe this in my heart, soul and mind I still am crushed and drowning in grief and loneliness without my darling to share my life with. I ask the Lord to forgive me, as the excrutiating daily pain and emptiness in my life and heart and in every area of my being since losing Colette is absolutely unbearable, and even though I pray and ask the Lord to strenghten me, I am flooded and overcome everyday with indescribable and suffocating grief. I truly believe, regardless of what anyone says, that I will never again experience true
joy or happiness in my life or my world so long as Colette and I are not together.
As I said, that is not to say that I am doubting God’s miracle working power, not at all, but I really do not have any control over my overwhelming grief and my experiencing meaninglessness and total emptiness in my life and thought of a future without Colette. If that were to be the case, I would ask the Lord to take me to be with her in heaven, so that we can hold each other tightly in our arms and I would never have to lose her again.
Peace and blessings,
Wayne, the grief overwhelms me at times also.I cry out to the Lord many times a day.. I am reading books so I know where she is for now, but never giving up the hope that she is coming back. I believe that for Colette, Josh and Chris also! Tylers video gave me strength also. Especially when a friend of mine came on and said he has the faith to believe that God is going to raise the dead in these times! God is also going to use those of us who are not well known out there. That is what I believe! Stephanie, you, Cindy, and Wayne, are such a God send to me also! Hugs
Wayne I also ask God to forgive my constant grief and that it is not a sign of lack of faith. I also have 100% faith that Colette Michelle Chris and Josh are coming back but each minute of each day that Josh is not here is still unbearable! It seems that there is no joy in my life at all. He was the one that made me laugh. He was the one that called me at work and made funny voices or sent me funny pictures to get me through my day. I too would ask God to take me to heaven if I did not believe he was coming home. Elizabeth I have also been watching Tyler’s videos which have really been helpful and have ordered the books you mentioned. I am reading one called proof of heaven. I just started it so I will let you all know how it is. I was buying some Christmas gifts for family members and Ann buying some for Josh also. I know he will be home soon! All our loved ones will be here soon. I had a dream last night like it never happened! Thank you all for being there and all your support. God bless you!
I have to say that you three have more faith than I have ever seen, Not lack of it. What we are believing for barely anyone believes for. God sees our faith and I know he will answer. Cindy I too am buying for Michelle and acting like she is only gone for a little while being healed to come back. I feel all of your tears and hurt and am constantly lifting you all up to our Lord! Hugs
Elizabeth I love your idea. Just imagine our loved ones are away for a while healing and preparing for their return. It has been helping me too function better throughout my day. My husband did tell me he is praying also. His prayers are for all our prayers to be answered. He is not praying directly for our resurrections but cannot believe the complete faith we all have. My faith and all of you are the only things that keep me going. I know God hears us and will answer our prayers soon! God bless you all. I hope to receive my books soon so I can begin reading then. I search anything I can find on raising the dead!
Cindy, Please tell you husband I said thank you so much for praying! Means the world to me! I was thinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If the Lord is coming back with those who have gone before us to reign on this earth, why wouldn’t they be able to come back early to start the work. We know they left too early and did not complete their missions. I also believe that is why we all believe they are coming back. It seems that the ones who completed their mission don’t have their loved ones praying them back. I didn’t pray my Dad back 7 years ago. Did not feel to.because I believe he completed what he was here for. Satan cut our loved ones live too early and it is the Lord who has put it in our hearts to intercede for them. So Satan give back all you have stolen, in Jesus name!..I love reading books on the dead raising and on Heaven too Cindy. We are learning through this process … a lot of new things! Hugs
Elizabeth I feel the same way. When my grandmother and my dad died I was heartbroken but I did not pray for their return. It felt that their journey here was complete. But it is different with our loved ones who were taken by satan before their time! My son’s death was so sudden and totally unexpected. Michelle, Colette, Chris and Josh need tho be returned too us. In the name of Jesus I have undying faith that they will all be home with us soon! Amen!
Elizabeth and Cindy I cannot think of a greater and more magnificient gift from our Messiah, Lord and Saviour than if he would return our most precious and dearest loved ones Michelle, Colette, Josh and Chris to us as wonderful gifts of His miracle working power for Christmas.
When my beloved christian mother passed on to be with the Lord in 1993 I was shattered and crushed with grief also and did pray for her return, because I was very close to her and she was the most loving, caring, devoted and giving mother to me and my siblings. I was very blessed to have such a wonderful mother. I had a wonderful father too, but he died when I was 10 years old. I did pray for her return. As you said it seems somewhat different with Colette, Josh, Michelle and Chris, as it is beyond doubt that we were robbed of them and our joy of lifes journey and blessings with them way before their appointed times…. Let us continue to approach the Throne of God and beseech Him to return all our loved ones back to us, so that they and us with them can live, laugh and fulfill our God ordained and appointed number of years on earth before God calls all of us home either through the blessed hope of His rapturing us to heaven or through natural physical death. I truly believe with all my heart, soul and spirit that our loved ones were not taken by God at their appointed times, but as I said before they were cruelly murdered by the father of lies and evil enemy of our souls way before their God appointed times to go to be with the Lord. I don’t know why God allowed satan to commit such a horrible and heinous act against our loved ones, but God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts according to the Good Book, the Bible. He certainly can reverse the damage done by the evil one, who in actuality is a defeated foe, because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Yeshua our Messiah. So let us not tire, waver or allow doubt to creep in and steal the seeds of our faith and trust in God to perform and fulfill His promise to us for our miracles according to His Word in Mark 11:22-24.
Wayne, I am in agreeance with you. No wavering and no doubt! Satan took our loved ones. My daughter was the most giving person, everyone was her charity! To watch her go down and the things that happened to her body the last few months of her life was not of God. She heard God say “I am going to Heal you”. People came to the hospital that we did not even know and said “God showed us this is not a sickness unto death”. These were True believers who were shocked at her death. Michelle even saw the words god across the hospital room carried by doves that read “This is not a sickness unto death”. She started to improve and then some weird nurse came in and heavily sedated her before we could blink and she never came out of it..Passed about 5 days later! she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer but then a scan showed it to be severe infection.. We are not even sure , except it was not of God. Sounds like your Mom was young. My Dad was 81 and had just told my husband he was ready to go when God wanted him. He passed peacefully when he went. so I did feel that it was his time. However if God will allow it it would be great if e comes back with Michelle. They were very close. She loved him some and he loved her.She was a great granddaughter to my parents.I am living like she is coming back at any time. This would sound crazy to anyone else, but when I clean the house for my son-in-law and grands down there, I anticipate her coming home to a clean house. . Keeping things ready. he has done it for others and he will do it for Colette, Josh, Chris and Michelle, because he is not a respecter of persons! Faith moves him and our faith will endure and work! Hugs
Elizabeth, my mother was 70 years old when she passed on suddenly and totally unexpectedly to be with the Lord. My father was 48 when he passed on to be with the Lord in 1971. I had been with her just two weeks previously and she was not ill in anyway as far as I could tell, she had high blood pressure, but that was under control. She suffered a massive aortic anuerism.
I of course would also love and be overjoyed if our Lord would return my beloved mother and father to me, as well as of course my darling and most precious Colette. I do the same as you and try to keep our home clean and tidy as she would I know like and expect it to be kept. I want it spotless for when she is restored and returned to me soon.
Before this horrible nightmare struck and my life, world and future was brutally stolen from me as a result of an act of that filthy and evil enemy, we were planning to sell our present home and move into a new and bigger one. I wanted so much and was looking forward to get her her dream home….There is nothing I would not do for her or get her that money could buy, and if I had all the money in the universe I would give every red cent and the last shirt off my back to get her back in my life….If I could, and if it was required or necessary, I would exchange and give my own life in exchange for hers back….Words truly cannot explain and describe my undying love and devotion for my sweetheart Colette…The world is truly a worse place without precious, caring, loving and compassionate souls like your Michelle and my Colette.
So, I pray for the strength to keep marching on in complete faith of the very soon arrival of our loved ones I pray before or by Christmas!!!!!
Hugs to you too.
Wayne and Elizabeth, my dad was suffering from cancer and in a lot of pain. Although his death was unbearable I was thankful his suffering ended. While in the hospital he said he saw an angel and wanted to go. My dad and I were very close and his death left me with a deep sadness. I felt he was happy and at peace so I guess that is why I did not pray for his return. It would be wonderful if he were here right now. I love and miss him so much and him and Josh were very close too. Josh passed so suddenly that sometimes it seems like it never happened. He had grilled steak and we were eating and watching a kitchen show. We loved to watch them and he would try recipes. His last words to me were so do you really like the meal. I said yes it is delicious. After a few minutes I noticed his head was slumped forward. At first I thought he was sleeping because he seemed tired earlier. When I tried to wake him and he did not respond I knew something was wrong. I yelled for my husband and when he was checking Josh I knew something was terribly wrong. I called 911 and my husband started cpr. That was a Friday night they put him on a ventilator but he never woke up. By Sunday they told us there was no brain activity. He was gone and I never really got to tell him I loved him. I told him in the hospital and never let go of his hand but I wondered if be heard me. I know satan took Josh and left me with feelings of guilt and sadness that I have never known. It is like my heart has been ripped out. I know God hears our prayers and feels our faith and he will resurrect Colette, Michelle Chris and Josh. I have also been doing things in the house to prepare for Joshs return. Without all of you and the faith that Josh will be home soon I would be praying for God too take me now. I too would give up my life to have Josh home. Just so I could see him for a minute to tell him how much I love him. I started reading a book called raised from the dead by father Albert j herbert. It tells of hundreds of miracles of resurrections. I am still waiting for the books I ordered rom Amazon. I hope and pray for our Christmas miracle! I will never give up praying for Michelle Colette Chris and Josh to come back too us! I pray for us to continue in our faith and prayers God bless each of you!
I read all of your comments today and I agree the way all of our loved ones were taken was wrong, was not by God, was not meant to be, Satan is evil and he will be defeated. I knew as soon as it happened that it was not God I will never accept it and God told me that Chris can come back.
I believe our loved ones are coming back soon and I too am waiting. I still have all his things right where they were left. Last year I bought Christmas presents for him. This year I have not but I still wait and pray. So glad I found you all!
Stephanie, so very glad that we have all met too!!!! Cindy I am so sorry !!! I Feel your pain! Michelle had ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. for 2 weeks. then she came home and was doing better although on oxygen. . She was using less and less. Then all of the sudden she had a seizure. I will never forget that. I held her while calling 911 I thought I was losing her then. She ended up on a ventilator that afternoon also. But within a few days even the doctors and nurses couldn’t believe how she woke up and was writing notes and lip talking to us. The doctor said she was improving until that nurse highly sedated her. So I too know it was Satan that took her. It was so horrible, it still doesn’t feel real. I also was talking to Michelle when the nurse sedated her and her eyes rolled back. the nurse told me she just fell asleep, but she never woke up! Michelle”s last words to me were, “Mom I feel better”. I hear them over and over again!! I will never give up praying for Josh, Colette, Chris and Michelle. I am trying to contact a guy in Amsterdam who likes to pray for the dead to rise also. Atheist do not like him so I figure he must be ok. When I hear from him I will have him pray for all of our loved ones to resurrect. I read an article where he said that the the Lord hates death. and wants to bring people back. Looking forward to that day. I am here for all of you anytime! Hugs
Also Cindy, I watched kitchen shows with Michelle too. she also loved them and lwas a great cook! They sound so similar! I was reading in” My time in Heaven” and he said that there are balcony’s where the people overlook the earth and can watch us and cheer us on etc. si I believe they know what we are praying and maybe they are requesting that the Lord bring them back. How exciting.
Evangelist Ronald Plat from Amsterdam is now praying for Josh, Colette, Chris and Michelle to rise. here is what he wrote to me when I asked him to pray for our loved ones to raise up.”
“Hi Elizabeth
I stand with you in agreement. It is the time Now to see Matthew 10:8 in his fullness bring
Life and transformation in the nations.
Bless Ronald”
Elizabeth and Cindy, Colette used to love to watch the home decorating and renovation shows and read House and Home and other similar magazines, she would say that they gave her decorative ideas .etc. she also was excellent at color coordinating and really liked decorative and other such items especially from Indonesia, India and the far east. She was a very good cook and I miss her cooking tremendously, she made the best pancakes including with chocolate chips, nuts and fruits. I am a pretty good cook myself, but have lost all interest in food and just eat enough to stay alive. The thought of food now just makes me feel sick and nauseated. She also was very athletic and loved down hill skiing in the winter, cross country skiing, snowshooing and in the summers we would swim, hike, kayak and play tennis and ride our mountain bikes. Colette was also a very good volleyball player when she was in high school. Needless to say I have lost any and all interest in doing such activities without her. I try to stay away from places we used to frequent because the pain and grief in my heart is too unbearable and overwhelming. It is impossible to describe this pain. It is as if my heart has been slashed into a million pieces.
I prayed to God and promised Him that if He would ressurect and return my darling bride Colette to me, I would go anywhere He led, directed and guided me to go to spread His gospel of salvation. I would go to the depths of the jungles of Africa and to the depths of the jungles of South America and to the ends of earth, so long as my Colette was with me and at my side. What a testimony then she and we together would have to share to the lost.
I realize that it sounds as if I am trying to negotiate with God or manipulate Him, and we as mere mortals should not try to do that. But that is not my intention whatsoever, Christ can examine my heart and my motives as King David said in the Psalms, God search my heart.
I would immediately honor my promise to Him upon His miraculous return of my love to me.
I am sharing this with you from my heart, so that when our expected miracles happen, you, Cindy and Stephanie can hold me accountable as fellow christian believers to ensure that I stand by my pledge and promise to the Lord for blessing me with the absolute miracle of my most precious wife back in my life and in my arms, and to proceed and go wherever
God and His Son our most loving, merciful and forgiving messiah leads Colette and me to go to preach and share His gospel of life and salvation with the lost in the most remote areas of the world.
God Bless and let us never lose faith in the one true and mighty miracle working God.
Elizabeth, thanks a million for asking that Ronald pray and join us in belief and faith in God for Colette’s return to me. I am very appreciative and may Christ bless you and your family and activate our miracles very soon based on all of our prayers of faith and trust in Him.
Cindy, I too sense Colette is looking down from the balconies of Heaven and I many times a day everyday plead with much tears with Her to ask God to return her to me, as well as, plead to God for her very soon return.
In faith and trust in a mighty and all knowing, all present and omnipotent loving Father God, we wait with great hope and anticipation for answer to our awesome miracles.
Elizabeth, thanks a million for asking that Ronald pray and join us in belief and faith in God for Colette’s return to me. I am very appreciative and may Christ bless you and your family and activate our miracles very soon based on all of our prayers of faith and trust in Him.
Cindy, I too sense Colette is looking down from the balconies of Heaven and I many times a day everyday plead with much tears with Her to ask God to return her to me, as well as, plead to God for her very soon return.
In faith and trust in a mighty and all knowing, all present and omnipotent loving Father God, we wait with great hope and anticipation for answer to our awesome miracles.
I have been trying to prepare myself for studies in naturopathic medicine by doing an online course in anatomy and physiology. I have a number of degrees already, and have always loved learning and studying, but since losing my Colette I have found it extremely difficult to focus my concentration, which has never really been a problem for me. It is an area Colette knows that I have been interested in pursuing for a few years now, but when, not if, she is returned to me by Father God, I am ready and willing to be His travelling evangelist along with my ressurected and returned beautiful wife, should He lead me in that alternative direction. As I said in an earlier post, I would obey His leading and guidance and go wherever He directs us to go in His Name.
Wayne I will share with you all what I told the Lord also. I told him if you will resurrect Michelle I will even go to India if you want me to. I have no idea why I picked India! A few days later a Missionary from India befriended me who I got to know over the next month or so. I told him about Michelle and he told the orphanage children (40) and they cried and said “Lets name the orphanage after her. “. So they did. They even took pictures off of my facebook of her and her family and us and did big posters for their wall. He said the children think of her as mom since they have no parents. It touched my heart because he never asked me for money. So Mom and I decided to raise support for them. to help with the children who are precious. I know the Lord was testing me because I said India, And the kicker is that He told me that they are looking forward to me coming to India, with Michelle. they are praying she is risen also. They cannot be a coincidence. I feel like I know your loved ones from all of your descriptions. Can’t wait to met them and you all in person, Wayne, Cindy and Stephanie! Hugs
Elizabeth thank you so much for contacting Ronald to pray for our loved ones. I feel so blessed that there are so many praying for Josh. I love the idea of Michelle Colette Chris and Josh all standing on a balcony cheering us on and seeing how much faith we have and love for them to return. I talk too Josh all the time and let him know how many are praying for him. Michelle Colette and Chris sound like such wonderful people. I cannot wait to meet all of you and them when they return. Wayne I also tell the Lord that I will give my life to him in anyway he wants. I will help to convert people or tend to the sick. Whatever he would ask of me. The rest of my life on earth would totally be dedicated to him if he would restore my son to me. I also do not mean this in the wrong way just to praise his mercy goodness and compassion. I cannot wait for us all to get together to celebrate our miracles. I woke up this morning feeling so sad but tonight I feel anticipation for our loved ones to be here soon. I pray for a wonderful Christmas miracle. Bless all of you and thank you so much!
Elizabeth Wayne and Stephanie I found a book that was mentioned while researching miracles today on the internet. It is called Life Resurrected Extroidinary Miracles through Ordinary People. It got wonderful reviews and is full of testimonies. I just ordered it and wanted to share it with you all. Hope you are having a blessed day!
Wayne, Elizabeth, Cindy,
I have a very strong feeling that change is coming. The feelings I keep getting are not the only sign that things are going to happen. It is December here right before Christmas and it is 60 degrees, the robins that had migrated before are now back, I saw them yesterday. They were all over the cemetery. On Christmas there is supposed to be a huge moon. These signs of nature say something is going on, something beyond us. I think it is spiritual and that it involves us and our loved ones. This change will bring back our loved ones and with it many other changes to this world. Get ready for it!
I continue to pray all thru the day for us and our loved ones to come home. I also have read a few good books about spiritual healing and miracles. I will look them up and send them. I have also watched the DRT trainings online. Tyler is so inspirational the way he teaches of God!
Stephanie thank you so much for sharing the signs you have been witnessing. I too have had strong feelings and dreams saying that the time for our miracles are coming. Josh was fascinated by the moon. He often took pictures of it so when I heard about the Christmas full moon I too thought it was a sign. Without the faith that our loved ones will be here soon I do not think I could go on another day. Jesus hears our cries and will answer our prayers soon. God bless all of you and thank you for being there!
Elizabeth just started reading imagine heaven it is wonderful. I cannot wait to get off work today so I can go home and continue reading. I continue to pray every minute possible each day for Michelle Colette Chris and Josh. I have not been doing much better with my grief and sadness. I just miss Josh so much it physically hurts and I cannot imagine life without him. I know God is compassionate and understands our sorrow. I try to have a glad heart in knowing that soon we will all be reunited with our loved ones. I cannot wait for the day we all celebrate together! God bless you all!
Cindy, I know perfectly only too well, and like you, cannot imagine continuing through the remainder of my life here on earth without my most treasured and irreplaceable eternal love Colette to share my life with. Without her, as far as I am concerned my life and world truly have lost all meaning and I know regardless of what anyone says that I will never have any joy and happiness again in my life, until God either resurrects and returns her to me and undoes all that the filthy and evil enemy and murderer satan has done in prematurely stealing my beautiful and loving wife and life partner from me and returning all that the locusts have devoured and destroyed of what should have been our beautiful blessings and promises from the Lord for a future together filled with much love, joy, success, brightness and promise together.
Otherwise, I really do not want to continue alone in this evil, incompassionate, cruel, wicked and selfish world and would rather the Lord remove me physically from this earth and take me to be with Him and my darling Colette and other loved ones in heaven, where we will be in each others arms again and I will never have to suffer the untold and daily crushing and suffocating agony of grief, loneliness and depression that I have experienced 24 hours a day since losing my Colette.
Anyway, let us march on in total and unwavering faith as we place our absolute child like faith in Yeshua and our Almighty heavenly Father in heaven for our Christmas miracles and divine gifts of our loved ones back in our arms until it is time for the rapture of the church of believers, which I truly believe is at the door and imminent.
I have told the Lord, Yeshua that the only gift that I want for Chistmas is my sweet, beautiful treasure of my life Colette back in my arms…. Nothing more and nothing less!!!!!!!
I haf to do Christmas shopping today. I had been putting it off but I knew I could not let the rest of the family down. I did buy Josh gifts and I know he will love them. Yesterday I was petting sime puppies. I have been considering getting another puppy because Josh really wanted one. While I was playing with the puppies just for a minute I forgot that Josh was not here. I actually went too the car and was going to call him to tell him how cute they were. Then I remembered he would not be answering. I too only want one gift for Christmas. Just my son to come home. I know it was not his time to die. I continue faithfully praying for Colette, Michelle, Chris and Josh. I also pray for our faith never to diminish. It is just impossible to keep a glad heart when your heart is broken. I do try my best and just keep reading scriptures and praying asI much as possible. I hope you are all having a blessed weekend. Stay strong in faith! Miracles are on the way!
I had a wonderful dream last night. Before I went to bed I asked God to give me a sign that Josh wanted to come home and that I should be praying for his return. Well in my dream Josh was back. I was in my room and he called out momma like he always does. He said he never really died and that he was back. I was so happy I wish I could have stayed in that dream forever. When I woke up of course I felt sad for a moment because I knew he was not there but then I felt happy and excited knowing this was my sign.our miracles are coming! My faith is 100% strong that Michelle Colette Chris and Josh will be with us soon! May all of us stay strong and patient in our faith. I know everyone is busy with the holidays but just know you are all on my mind and I will never stop praying! God bless all of you!
Been out of town and just got on my son in laws computer. so happy about your dream, cindy. I am not giving up hope. A friend of mine just lost her nephew suddenly the other day. Its horrible His Dad a wreck and so hurt. I asked God to let him surprise them and come back also. I will be back on in a day or so. Hugs to all of you1
Wishing you all a blessed Christmas as we await in faith for our miraculous and ultimate gifts this Christmas season of the return of all our most precious and beloved loved ones back into our arms and lives…..I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was not the will of God to take our loved ones prematurely from us. Colette, Michelle, Josh and Chris were all taken before their missions and service to the Lord on this earth had been completed.
Colette was serving the Lord in a loving, caring and compassionate fashion by caring, teaching, sharing the gospel of salvation and advocating for those individuals in her care who did not have a voice and who were unable to protect themselves and speak up for themselves, some of whom were being bullied and abused emotionally and physically by others in authority.
Satan of course became angry and did not want her standing up and defending the weak in our society, so he then directed his attack and wrath against my beautiful and loving wife. If she had instead acted as if it was none of her business and had turned a blind eye to the injustices and abuse of her students that she had witnessed in her workplace, as most others would have done in the situation that confronted her, she would most likely be alive now, and I would not have lost my most valuable and precious treasure of my life, but my sweetheart had an enormous heart of compassion, love and a strong sense of moral responsibility to stand in the gap for people and children that were being bullied and abused, and she could not turn a blind eye and pretend that such evil behaviour was not occurring. This wonderful virtue of hers became a target of the enemy and in large measure caused her horribly tragic and premature death.
Let us maintain our strong faith and trust in our Almighty God and His Son our messiah and saviour Jesus Christ, who is the Alpha and Omega and is the same wonderful and mighty everlasting miracle working God, yesterday, today and forever. His promises in His Word never comes back void to us.
Elizabeth, I will also believe in faith for your friend’s nephew.
Shalom for now,
Definitely in the midst of the Christmas rush these last few days whether I wanted to be or not. It is not the same without him. Though this is the second Christmas season he is not here it seems harder. Last year I was in such a fog. This year my emotions go from anger, to depression and back again. I am taking the promises God has given to us to heart and focusing on them. Focusing, praying, thanking and believing that our Christmas miracles are on their way for us! That Christmas morning we will wake up with Our loved ones at our side. That Josh, Colette, Michelle and Chris will be there. There smiling faces lighting up our lives once again. Scared, excited, grateful, thankful for this!! Waiting is hard. Thank you Lord for all that you give us and for leading us all together for this miracle!!
I hope you all have a blessed Christmas. I know the only gift we want is our loved ones to come home. Today we had a visit from some of Josh’s friends. They made a book of pictures and memories of Josh and how he was such a wonderful friend. One of his friends called him a saint that helped him in his life so much. Just another reason that I know Josh was taken before his time. Taken by satan. The last few days I feel so bad because I have not cried as much. I guess because I have been trying too make Christmas special for the family who are still here so my mind has been elsewhere. I feel like I am just going through the motions without any joy or happiness. But you have to smile and act happy for everyone else. Now today that all my running around is over I feel extremely sad again and am missing Josh so much. My only prayer is that Colette Chris Michelle and Josh are here when we all wake up Christmas morning. I did buy a new puppy for Josh and have not named him. I am waiting for Josh to pick his name. Elizabeth I will add your friends nephew to my prayers. I had a visit from a good friend yesterday who said she believes that miracles are happening and that she feels that all the signs are pointing to the rapture. I know that God hears our cries and will bring home Colette Michelle Chris and Josh soon. I will faithfully continue my prayers and never stop! God bless each.of you!
Merry Christmas to my amazing new friends who believe the words of Jesus who said we would do greater miracles that even he did! So glad to see you all, cindy, Wayne, and Stephanie, remaining strong! Its hard day. We are having our family Christmas tomorrow in keeping with my tradition of letting my girls have Christmas with theirinlaws and ours the next day. I alwaus thought it took the stress off of them to do that. Lord we are patiant in waiting fr our miracles. Please let it be soon. Josh, Colette, Chris and MIchelle, We ca’t wiat to see you again. I have a feeling that you all 4 already have meet in heaven and are looking down and preparing for your resurrection back to this earth! Hugs to you all! Don’t let Satan discourage you! Tears are prayers too!
Elizabeth hope you have a wonderful time today celebrating Christmas with your family. Wayne and Stephanie I hope you are enjoying the holidays. Christmas eve and Christmas day were so hard. I enjoyed being with my family and celebrating but the whole time I was missing Josh so much. My other children of course wanted to keep our traditions the same but it was so hard without Josh being there. After all the family time was over I was finally able to just cry and cry. I know god hears our cries. Josh’s Christmas gifts are sitting under the tree just waiting for him!. I agree Elizabeth I think Michelle, Colette, Chris and Josh are all together in heaven watching us faithfully pray for their return and cheering us on. I also pray for our strength and faith so that we may never give up asking God in Jesus’s name to return our loved ones to us! Without you all I do not think my faith would be as strong! Bless each of you for being there and let’s pray that our loved ones will be with us to ring in the new year!
This is my first Christmas that I have ever spent alone…My sister invited me to her home to celebrate with family and friends but I was, and am, too emotionally distraught to go anywhere and did not want to spoil it for them by being around them in a very depressed mood, so I stayed at home alone and just cried and cried for my Colette…It is very difficult to put into words the depths of my agony of grief and loneliness without my beloved and priceless gem Colette anymore in my life and world. I can only say that my heart feels as if it has been shredded and pulverized and I do not believe it will ever be healed unless God answers our faithful prayers for a miraculous restoration of our loved ones back to us, or otherwise takes me to be with her in heaven, where we will be in each others arms and in the arms of our loving and merciful God for eternity and where I will never again have to face this unbearable agony of losing her again.
Hope you all had a blessed and peaceful Christmas with all your family members.
Shalom and in faith.
Wayne, I understand your feelings. I had a dinner for my family yesterday and it was so hard even though I love each one of them dearly. Michelle missing broke my heart. Her husband could not stay as his grief was like yours. First Christmas without her. I will not give up on our prayers for our precious loved ones. As hard as it is we have to believe god has a plan and that he has put it in our hearts to believe this for a reason. Hugs to you and Cindy and Stephanie
I know what you all mean. My whole family just expects me to be okay now. They tell me I have to accept what happened as God’s plan. I just cannot accept that. I do not feel that it was God’s plan to take Josh, Colette, Michelle and Chris. People say he is in a better place. Although I know it must be wonderful to be in heaven I know Josh was not ready to leave us or finished his time here with us. I agree Elizabeth that we would not all have the faith of our loved ones returning if God had not put that desire in our heart. There has to be a reason we are all standing together and praying for our miracles. Tomorrow my daughter goes into the hospital to have our first grandchild. This is such a blessing but I know I do not feel the true joy I should because Josh will not be here. I know he will be with us tomorrow protecting his sister and his neice but I just pray with complete faith he will be with us soon. I feel we are getting closer to our miracles. I know we will never stop praying and asking God to bring back our most precious loved ones. I also pray for all of us not to loose faith hope and patience. Good bless each of you!
Cindy, its impossible to let it go. I have an idea. We are all probably on different time slots, so when everyone can lets set aside an hour , all at time to pray for our loved ones to resurrect. i have my grands for a few days, but after that I could do that. I am in Arizona so on mountain time, 2 hours behind the east coast right now.
Elizabeth, Cindy and Stephanie I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and am in the Eastern Standard time zone. That sounds like a great idea Elizabeth, let us arrange to send up all our prayers to Almighty God for our loved ones return and storm the gates of heaven and the throne room of God together prostrate on our knees in complete faith and trust for the physical restoration to us of our dearest and most precious loved ones…..Just let me know so we can coordinate our times. (Mark 11:23-24)
God Bless you all.
That sounds like a great idea Elizabeth. I am in Georgia. Just let me know what day and time works for everyone and I will make it work for me. Enjoy your grand babies!
Trying to stay positive and know that it is coming! I await it! I pray and spent a lot of time thinking and planning! Thank you all for being here, for believing with me!
I spent a good amount of time on Christmas in tears, crying my eyes out, went to the cemetery and just prayed cried out to God and to Chris. Was not that I did not believe, it was just so painful without him! Spent the morning and evening going through the motions with family and I too enjoyed it for a few minutes but then that emptiness was there. It did not feel like Christmas. When they are all back we will have to do it all again! I am 100 percent for New Years miracles, for new beginnings with our loved ones, for them to come back and start 2016 with us! Get ready, Colette, Josh, Michelle and Chris are coming!
I feel your pain, I wish I could take it away, take all of our pain away, just hold on to the fact that you know God will do as he promised! Do not give up! No matter how much Satan tries to get at you, no matter how hard he tries to attack. We will beat him and have them back where they belong!
I am with you all, that is a great idea, just let me know when. I think it will be very powerful coming from all of us at once!
So happy that you are all on board for this. Will be in touch soon. Had my 4 Grands and helping with Michelle’s girls this over next few days and then wil coordinate with you all! Hugs
Just wanted to say Happy New Year to everybody! Sorry I have not been on here for a while my daughter had her baby. There were a few complications but her and the baby are fine now. She had a7.1 lb baby girl. Such a happy time but such a sad time. Josh would be an uncle for the first time. I am still having faith and praying for Colette, Michelle, Chris and Josh. I will never stop. I know God hears our prayers and cries to return our most precious loved ones. Soon I know we will be joining together to storm the gates of heaven with our prayers. Just let me know when I will be ready anytime. Have a blessed day!
Congratulations Cindy. Grandchildren light up your life. We will get together on a time. I am 2 hours earlier than all of you. I can’t wait to storm heaven together. MOm will join in too. what time of the day works for each of you? We are beliveing for this last day miracle! Raising the dead should never have stopped! Our loved ones will be brought back because Jesus said we would do greater works than even he did and because of our persistant faith! Love and hugs!
Elizabeth, Cindy and Stephanie, greetings in the name of our mighty and faithful miracle working Lord and saviour Jesus Christ….Is 7 pm EST good for each of you? Elizabeth, that would be 5 pm in your locale. Otherwise, I am open to any other suggested times. Let me know the day and date that is good for all of you and I will be ready.
Congratulations Cindy on your new grandchild.
Shalom and many blessings,
Wayne that time is fine with me I guess it would be 3 p.m for me. You all just name the date and time and I will make it work. Thank you both for the best wishes about the grandbaby!
Yes it would be 5 for me, Wayne. Cindy I thought Georgia was on Eastern Standard time like Wayne. which would make your time 7 also? Or is it different.?Stephanie is also I believe. That would work fine for me! Tuesday or Wednesday would work for me of this week if we can pull it off this soon. Let me know I will check the computer more often! Hugs
Elizabeth yes I think you are right it would be 7 for me. Wednesday works perfect for me. Just let me know. Talk too you all soon!
This Wednesday, 06 January at 7 pm EST I would be available to pray as one united voice together in unity and faith, as we storm the gates of heaven together for the return to us of our beloved ones, who were stolen and wrenched from us by the filthy enemy who has been defeated once and for all time by the death on the cross and resurrection of our one true saviour and wonderful and mighty miracle working Lord, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamaschiach.
If this date does not work out for any of you, just let me know and I will adjust to a mutually agreeable time and date for us to come together to offer our petitions for our miracles of restoration, as one united voice crying out at the foot of the Throne of God.
In Christ,
Wednesday is good for me too. Also I am going to say an extra prayer everyday at 5, even if I am busy I will stop for a few minutes. So feel free to do the same. Although I pray for our loved ones all through the day, it would be great if we did it together a lot more. Dont have to get back with me on that just fo it when you can. I will be in prayer at the same time as you all this wednesday with Mom also! We will storm heaven! Hugs
Also I have Stephanies email , but it is up north in my house there. Does anyone have it to let her know?
The prayer at 5 everyday sounds awesome. I am at work right now but I have Stephanie s e mall at home. I will email get this evening and let her know. Cannot wait until our loved ones come home!
I emailed Stephanie, about us planning on getting together as one voice in prayer for our loved ones return this Wednesday 06 January at 7pm EST. You should still email her to notify her about the daily prayer plan at 5pm….Count me in for prayer at 5pm everyday. That would be 7pm in my time zone of course.
God Bless and love in Christ.
Thank you for the comments and emails to inform me of tomorrow and daily prayers. I will be doing all the praying I can myself and along with you! I feel like this will be so powerful! Powerful and so right. I was thinking yesterday that as was mentioned before that Colette, Josh, Michelle and Chris must have met and had a part in bringing us all together. I thought about them all meeting and then us meeting and the chances of us all coming together. I do not believe any of this is conincidence. I believe soon we will have them all back with us. Satan does not know what he is up against. We are all children of God and have more power than him in just that. Together with the lord we can and will do this.
How was the New Years for all of you? I spent it was family but like always I know that Chris was supposed to be there. It feels like an empty place, a void. I can never accept it because it was not his time and I know that with 100 percent certainty! I’m so glad for all of you praying, and standing with me and fighting for the return of our loved ones. They were all taken early.
I can’t wait . I feel it with everything in me. Just got back from cleaning Michelles house . Today is also her husband Aarons Birthday. Stephanie, I too belive that satan doesn’t know what he is up against and that our loved ones made us meeting happen! Hugs and love to you all . Its almost itme. Am at Moms so know we will be praying from 5 to 6. Our loved ones are hearing us!
I’m ready!!!!
I have been praying since 6:30 pm….I shut off my phone and approached the throne of God on my knees with our petitions for our miracles.
Been praying since 7. I had a dream last night that our loved ones came home. I will continue to pray until we have our miracle! I will be praying everyday at 5 which is 7 for me! I will never stop. Bless each of you! I know like Stephanie said we are together for a reason!
Mom and I were on our faces before the Lord. Felt it with every ounce of faith in me! Great dream, Cindy! I just told mom that I have to check the computer because I felt that one of you had a dream!!! 5 everyday for me along with the many other times during the day. Its so great to know that we are all praying at the same time. I feel so connected to each of you! Hugs!
I just thought I would see how everyone is doing. The last few days have been pretty bad. Some days are much worse than others. I have complete faith that our loved ones are coming home but as days pass it is hard sometimes to be patient. It must be extremely hard for you Wayne and Stephanie because for you both it has been a longer time without your loved ones. I know it seems like a lifetime since I have seen Josh! I know it is up to God when our miracles take place and our patience is a sign of our faith! I pray so hard for the return of Colette, Michelle, Chris and Josh and I pray for our faith too stay strong! Without the faith that Josh will be back soon I do not think I would be able to continue living! God Bless each of you!
Same for me Cindy, it has been very bad for me and I agree that without holding unto God and Jesus Christ in faith for our miracles of the return of our loved ones back to us soon, I too do not believe that I will be able to keep on living.
Each day is one seemingly endless day of living a meaningless, empty, purposeless and aimless life, filled only with unceasingly crushing, suffocating and drowning grief, loneliness and depression without my sweetheart Colette to share it with…. As I have said before, I will never know or have any more joy or happiness without and apart from Colette.
Since losing my beloved wife, life has become for me one long nightmare of a daily Groundhog Day existence like the movie.
God Bless,
Yes Wayne I agree about life being like the movie groundhog day. The days just keep going on and on. I wonder how everything continues when our loved ones are not here. Life for everyone just goes on except for us who have lost our reason for living! My family says things like Josh is at peace and he is in a better place. I know he is in a better place but I also know he did not want to leave yet and it was not his time! Knowing the devil stole our loved ones is what makes it so hard and unbearable! I pray that our Lord shows compassion and does not make us wait much longer for our miracles! I read the scriptures over and over when I pray. The words of our Lord is what keeps my faith strong. Without that and the support of everyone on this site I would not be able to continue on!
I agree with how you all feel. Ground hogs day, wake up, do things mostly on auto pilot, then go back to sleep and do it all over again. Sometimes it does not even feel real and I swear I’m still there in the day before he was taken from me. Life stood still, life did not move on at least for me. All around me has. I try to do the best I can and most of the time I succeed pretty well but as soon as the day ends, when I have time to actually think and feel it hits me. It’s hard, grief is hard and even knowing and believing it is still hard not having our lives ones here. I know that. It’s hard but I take heart in knowing they are coming, that there are miracles for us! I have dreamed of Chris the past 2 nights and I’m excited to dream about him again. Even more excited for when it actually happens!
Thank you all for sharing how you felt. It makes me feel less alone in grief.
Our loved ones will be here soon, Josh, Michelle, Colette and Chris! Thinking of all of you
Michelle was not ready leave either so I am right there with you on that! You all have helped me more than you will ever know. I will not stop believing for our loved ones to be resurrected! Praying always for them to come back! I feel the pain with all of you! I am reading “Falling From Heaven” now. The more I read these books on these experiences the more I am convinced that our loved ones can and will come back. Glad you are having dreams of Chris, Stephanie. i am praying for the Lord to give us all dreams and visions and let us know when this miracle will happen! Big Hugs!
Oopa I mean I am reading “Falling Into Heaven”. Wayne I am worried about my son-in-law. He is hurting deeply , and won’t talk at all about it. Any advice?
Elizabeth, my humble advice is to shower understanding and love on him and pray with, and for him, and for God to comfort him in his pain and grief. I know, empathize and understand fully what he is going through, and if he is experiencing grief, loneliness and depression to the degree that I am on a daily basis since losing my most precious and beloved Colette, it must be horrible for him, I realize mere human words cannot describe sufficiently the deep pain and grief he and we are experiencing….But until God fulfills His promise to us in His Word, particularly in Mark 11: 23-24 and performs His mighty and wonderful miracle working power to miraculously return our prematurely stolen loved ones to us, I offer the following scriptures to prayerfully meditate and focus our hearts and minds on, as we eagerly await in faith and daily pray and cry out to God for the return of our loved ones.
A few scripture verses to meditate and focus our hearts on: II Thessalonians 2:16,17, Matthew 5:4, IICorinthians 1:3,4, Isaiah 61:1-3, Psalm 119:50, 1Peter 5:7,
Hebrews 4:15,16, Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 51:11, Psalm 23:4, Isaiah 43:2, Revelation 21:4, 1Thessalonians 5:24, John 14:27, Psalm 31:24.
Elizabeth, what is the name of your son in law, so that I might pray for him?
One piece of advice, do not say or even suggest to your son in law what my sister suggested to me. My sister is a born again christian and an integrative medical doctor, but her advice to me recently was to basically now get on with my life, her suggesting this really hurt me and it was like rubbing salt into a very deep and gaping wound in my heart. I have been very close to her growing up and she can be very loving and caring, but I have found that over the years since she got married and had her own family, she has become rather callous and not the same loving, compassionate and caring sister that I knew growing up. It is no use even sharing with her that I am praying for a miraculous return from God to me of my Colette, because she does not have the faith to believe with me for such a miracle. All she can say is that Colette is now in a better place in heaven and some day we will be together again, I realize that is perfectly true according to the Bible, but the fact of the matter is that Colette, your Michelle, Cindy’s Josh and Stephanie’s husband Chris were all stolen prematurely from us by the filthy enemy satan….That is the horrible reality that we face and only our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His glorious Father our Almighty God is able to exercise His miraculous power and return our loved ones to us….I ask God why He allowed satan to do his filthy work and bring down such an avalanche of grief upon us, but God acts according to His own sovereign will and purpose, that we do not or cannot, presently understand, and only He can reverse this constant grief of ours and return our darling loved ones to us.
God Bless, and let us all keep praying daily and unceasingly with the faith of small children for our miracles.
Shalom and in Christ,
Wayne, thank you so very much! The scriptures you sent, your words, and your perseverance mean the world to me! My son-in-laws name is Aaron. Thank you for the prayers for him. You and Aaron are going through the same thing. Understand and would never tell him to get on with his life. I can’t even do that, I miss my daughter soo very much. and can’t wait for her resurrection . Mom said to me today” It would be wonderful if Collette , Josh, Chris, and Michelle all rise together! We also pray for the others who we do not know, that are believing for their loved ones resurrection. God is not a respecter of persons and he has used others like “St Patrick” and St Nicolas” to bring back those who have passed. I keep praying he will use us all in that way, not only for our own loved ones but to bring others back and for healing in these last days. My heart breaks for you as it does for Cindy and Stephanie. We all feel each others grief and pain. Am here for all of you, always. Hugs
Elizabeth I will also pray for your son in law Aaron. He is lucky too have you for support. My grief seems to be getting worse everyday. I have no one in my family who understands. Everyone just tells me that by now I should be getting better and just think of all the good memories of Josh. Whenever I think of Josh and everything we did together I fall to pieces. My life can definitely not continue without Josh. I will keep faithfully praying for Michelle Colette Chris and Josh’s resurrection. It would be wonderful if they all came back together. I know God will answer our prayers soon. Without Josh I feel there is no life.. I know each of you feel the same way about your loved ones. I will keep praying for al of us and mediating on the scriptures that confirm our resurrection prayers! Have a blessed day and thank you so much for all being there.
Elizabeth I will also pray for your son in law Aaron. He is lucky too have you for support. My grief seems to be getting worse everyday. I have no one in my family who understands. Everyone just tells me that by now I should be getting better and just think of all the good memories of Josh. Whenever I think of Josh and everything we did together I fall to pieces. My life can definitely not continue without Josh. I will keep faithfully praying for Michelle Colette Chris and Josh’s resurrection. It would be wonderful if they all came back together. I know God will answer our prayers soon. Without Josh I feel there is no life.. I know each of you feel the same way about your loved ones. I will keep praying for al of us and mediating on the scriptures that confirm our resurrection prayers! Have a blessed day and thank you so much for all being there.
Elizabeth I will also pray for your son in law Aaron. He is lucky too have you to comfort and understand his grief.I know my family loves me and worries about me but their only words of comfort are for me to move on and be thankful that Josh was in my life.They tell me to just live with my memories and thank God for all the good times. My life cannot continue without Josh. My grief is getting worse everyday. I will continue to pray for the resurrection of Michelle, Colette Chris and Josh. I have complete faith that God will answer our prayers. I just pray that it will be soon. The day Josh died I also died. I try but there is no joy in life without him. I thank each of you for your support and prayers. I will continue to meditate on the scriptures that promise the resurrections of our loved ones. Bless each of you and I pray for our continued faith!
Cindy, Telling you or anyone that you should be getting better is one of the things that grief counseling tells you to ignore! My Mom goes to a group and I have been there a couple times, but because of what I am believing for I don’t feel that I fit in. but that is one thing she learned there is to not listen when people say that. She lost my Dad , her second husband and my Michelle (her granddaughter) all in a 7 year period. So it helps her although she is also believing for Michelle to rise. She just doesn’t share it in the group as we all know they would condemn us for that. Isn’t it funny that we are condemned by others Christians. for believing what Jesus and the disciples believed! Some tell me that raising the dead was only meant for the disciples, but then why did Jesus say to go and make disciples of all men.(and woman) We are disciples also and have that power in us! Cindy, I know your pain! It gets harder not better. We never wanted to outlive our children! I am keeping hope and faith that not only God can do this but that he will! Big hugs!
Cindy, I know EXACTLY where you are coming from and I also cannot continue to live this ongoing nightmare of a life filled with crushing grief and loneliness without Colette.
I also died when Colette died….I too have tried to regain some semblance of joy, but this effort is useless for me too, as my life has become totally devoid of all joy and happiness without my sweetheart to share it with. I just cannot fake joy and happiness for the sake of those around me. That is why I try to stay away from the world, except for 2 christian friends, who do not really share my belief and faith for God to resurrect and return our loved ones to us, but it is crucial I believe that we not allow satan to discourage us from keeping unceasingly praying in faith for our miracles.
God Bless and expect our miracles soon.
What a great thought, Elizabeth! I would love to be the “st Patrick or st Nicholas” for this day and age, along with all of you!! Though I pray for our family members, I also pray that the same for everyone that has lost a loved one! I would love for us to go around bringing them all back. I think this country needs faith and miracles and God more than it ever has at any other time in history!! Praying for us every day!
I agree with Elizabeth, grief is different for everyone there is no time limit on grief and until they come back it will never end, it is a part of our life, grief changes you! It makes me appreciate the little things, learn not to take people or life for granted and always be on the look out cause Satan will use anything and everything he can to get to you and break you down. He took all of our family members and not only did he do that to get to them but also to try to destroy us in the process, the more death and destruction he can do the better in his eyes. That’s why we cannot let this take us down, we have to be strong and positive and know God will answer our prayers!!
I see a grief counselor and she helps me realize the thoughts I have are normal, I am not crazy or abnormal! I recommend it! I did not want to do the group setting tho I have a few people online that I consider my group!
Praying for us all and for Josh, Colette, Michelle and Chris!
Stephanie, you are blessed to have a grief counselor that lets you know that you are not crazy. I love the folks in moms grief group but they, like many do not believe in the dead coming back til Christ returns. I just can’t stop believing for Chris, Colette, Josh and Michelle. I have a few other friends who believe it can happen, but most don’t so I am careful not to talk about it with just anyone, as it can hurt your faith when others don’t believe. Have gotten to the point that it doesn’t bother me what others believe and I know the Lord is happy with our faith. Many do not understand that Satan has the power to take life otherwise the Lord would not have had to tell him to not take Jobs life. Obviously he could. I believe he allowed Satan to take our loved ones for a higher reason, to bring them back and be an amazing testimony of the true God we serve. Otherwise all of the people around the world who saw that Michelle’s illness was not a sickness unto death would have lied and I don’t believe they did as they were people who had nothing to gain from telling us this. My heart and prayers are with you all…Hugs
Elizabeth it is so awesome that you mentioned Job. I was talking to my husband this evening telling him how I believed that satan killed our son. He said that satan cannot kill anyway because he could not kill Job. You are right God told satan that he could not kill Job. I know satan kills people and tempts them too make bad decisions in their life. I also feel that satan tries to lessen our faith and cause us to doubt ourselves and what we believe. I feel that I have no one that I can talk to about praying for our loved ones resurrections. My husband does know about it and does not agree but supports my decision to pray. Without this site I would have no real support but I will never stop believing and praying. I think it would be awesome to perform the miracles of healing and raising the dead like St Patrick and St Nicholas. I read about the miracles they performed along with many other saints like st Jude Thaddeus.I love reading all the miracles that the saints performed. I did try to join a grief counseling group but their first recommendation was too write a letter saying goodbye to our loved ones. I could never write a letter telling Josh goodbye. Again I thank all of you for being here. It seems like when I am at my lowest there is a new comment that gives me the support that I need. I know our miracles will happen soon.We will all praise God rejoice and celebrate all ttogether with our loved ones. God bless you all!
Cindy, Your comment brought tears to my eyes. I so know how you are feeling..Woke up in tears today because I miss Michelle so much. I could never say goodbye to her..ever! God is looking for people to have the faith that we 4 have…5 including my Mom. These last days great faith and great works of miracles is needed. Jesus had to tell Satan to get behind him. Satan tried to get Jesus to jump off a mountain. That showed me that in our human bodies he is able to take our lives. Prayed again at sunset point for our loved ones. I go back and forth between Prescott and Phoenix a lot to help Aaron, and sunset point is the mid stop and there are railings overlooking some valleys. Love praying there. Above the noise and going ons of this world. I will not give up til the miracles for all of us are done and our loved ones are with us! Am definitely here for all of you always! I feel like I already know each of you and can’t wait to hug all of you! Never think that you are crazy for believing what Jesus told the disciples we would do. Greater works than even he did! Hugs!
Elizabeth, Cindy and Stephanie, I am in a particularly very bad way today, I have been weeping and weeping, because the memorial centre contacted me to ask me what I wanted to do with my wife’s ashes, they have been in the safekeeping of the centre for awhile now, and my intention and the intention of her closest living sisters is to inter them at her family cottage on the lake in the spring……Please!!!!! I beesech you all in your prayers by faith, please plead and request that Jesus our Messiah and Lord will perform His miracle working power and breathe His breath of life into my wife’s lifeless ashes, and that she will be resurrected and returned to me soon. I ask God daily, what is sharing a few more years on earth with my only love and most priceless stolen treasure Colette, in His grand scheme of eternity, where all His children who have placed their trust in Him will eventually live and worship Him in His presence for an eternity. I believe the sign of the times is definately pointing to a very immanent rapture and Second Coming of Christ for His church of born again saints on earth.
I will also continue daily to come boldly, yet humbly before the throne of our King and continue to plead in tears that He ressurect your loved ones too….Michelle, Josh and Chris.
God Bless you all and do not give up fighting the good fight of faith, and let us pray not to become discouraged, weary and faint.
Wayne I am so sorry you had such a terrible day. I know we need to be patient but I ask God sometimes how long we have to wait and will our prayers be rewarded soon. Sometimes it feels like our miracles are so close and then nothing happens. I will continue to get on my knees and plead to our Father in heaven to return Colette, Michelle, Chris and Josh. I have promised God that if he returns our loved ones I will do anything he asks in his name. This last week sends to have been one of my worst yet. I miss Josh so terribly and he is missing all the events which have happened in our family. I pray for our loved ones and for our strength and faith to continue to be strong. I also pray for us not to listen to disbelievers. I feel surrounded by then all the time. I know it is satan trying to weaken me and my faith. God bless everyone of us Amen!
Wayne, Aaron has Michelle’s ashes in the Urn on his dresser. I lay hands on it and pray every time I am there. Maybe don’t spread them although when God resurrects her body will be brought back together! As are people who have been burned up. Prayed at 5 for all of you and I try to remember that time everyday. Also pray throughout the day. Will not give up. Having you three helps me get through the day! Knowing you are believing for the same thing. Bad week for me too. My daughter Shannon is having a hard time too. Our loved ones deaths seem so senseless. I too Cindy, refuse to let the unbelievers affect my faith.. I’ve cried so much this week that my head hurts and my vision is blurry. Josh’ Colette, Chris’ and Michelle come back now in Jesus name! I believe that God will do this to honor our faith and to prove to many that He is the true God! Wayne and Stephanie, you have both believed for a longer time. Don’t give up!Hugs
Wayne and Elizabeth I also have Josh’s ashes on my dresser next to his picture. I also put my hands on them when I pray. I try to also pray at 7 everynight and throughout the day and whenever I wake up during the night. I have not slept a night through since Josh died. I agree with Elizabeth about spreading the ashes. It will not matter to God. He can raise us no matter what has happened to our bodies, but not spreading them might make you feel better. God hears our tears and feels our sorrow. I pray we will all be celebrating together soon on the return of our loved ones. In the name of Jesus!
I feel you pain! Life is hard and without our loved ones it is even worse, it lacks color, joy, hope, peace. Most of the time I can go to God and find peace in him, but sometimes I fall into despair as well. I am praying for peace for you and all of us, I pray for Colette, Josh, Michelle and Chris to hurry back to us. It is so hard to be strong while I wait, I know it is for all of you too. Sometimes I just do not want to go on, I just want to lie there and cry and never move until he is back. sometimes it even gets to the point that if he can’t be here I don’t want to be either. So I concentrate on God and knowing that he is sovereign and he can do this, that we can do this together and I read all of your comments and I feel less alone in grief. Thank you all!
Wayne, Elizabeth, Cindy,
I do not have Chris ashes. He was buried because that is what we both always said we would do, not that we talked about death and burial it’s just what everyone in our family’s did. Sometimes I wish I had his ashes, I think I would feel closer to him, I know his spirit and soul is not in his body at the moment but it is hard going to his grave and knowing the physical body of the man I love is right there- under 9 feet of rick and dirt. It is so far away.
Do what feels right, if you feel better keep the ashes do not spread them. It’s the same as the grave, does not matter God will bring them back wherever they are, in a grave, an urn or scattered in the wind but it would be hard for me to scatter them also.
This is also hard and sad. Had an ok week yesterday but all of this is really weighing on me this week, try to be patient but I just want my love and my life back!
Praying for them everyday!
I am just checking out the site there seemed to have been a problem with it. I hope you are all doing well. Or at least making through each day. I think the worst part is when I wake up in the morning. I wake up and realize that Josh is not here. The best part of my day besides reading your comments is when I finally fall asleep. That gives me just a little time without the agonizing grief. Sometimes that does not even work because some of my dreams are me looking for Josh and knowing he is not with me. So I guess there is no real escape from the suffering. The only thing that will end the suffering is for Jesus to return Michelle, Chris, Colette and Josh. I feel at times like I cannot breath. I know our prayers will be answered soon. Bless each of you and thank you for being there!
I’m back in. Had to find this blog in the archives. Don’t know what happened but it said I had deleted it, but I hadn’t.. weird! I am with you all in heart everyday and feeling your pain!! Whenever I pray for Michelle to return I pray for Chris, Josh and Colette too! I just heard a prophecy on the miraculous starting to happen . Will be praying again at sunset point on my way to Phoenix. Hugs
Wayne just wanted to check in and see if you are doing ok. Had not seen a comment from you since you were having a pretty bad time. I hope you are doing alright. I cannot imagine your pain. I have been without Josh for 17 weeks and each day seems to get worse. You have been without your beloved Colette for a lot longer so I know it must be unbearable. I pray God will answer our prayers and end our suffering soon. Please know I am thinking of you all and am praying for our resurrections and for each of us to continue in our faith and prayers. God Bless everyone!
Cindy, I am worried about Wayne too. It could be that he is having trouble accessing this site like I am. It keeps telling me that I deleted my notifications and I have to copy and paste the link to get in. You are all in my heart. Mom and I just prayed for all of you. Not giving up. The pain does get worse. Its been 6 months for me. With the things happening in the world it can’t be long! Still a, going to set up a facebook account for us to communicate. Hugs
Elizabeth not sure if what I just posted went through. You might get this twice. I am faithfully praying too and will not stop. Each day seems too get worse without Josh. I know I cannot continue life without him. I hope that our miracles will be here soon and that Michelle, Colette, Chris and Josh will be here with us. I will never stop praying. Let me know if you hear from Wayne and when you set up the Facebook page. God Bless!
Did you try emailing Wayne? I hope all is ok! Praying!
Hello Elizabeth, Cindy and Stephanie, am still praying in faith for the resurrection and return to us of our loved ones, but it has been extremely hard going for me, and like Cindy I do not know how I am going to continue living without the love of my life.
The days go by for me in a nightmare of grief, tears, meaninglessness, aimlessness and emptiness.
It is only by the strength of God that I am still surviving.
But in God’s strength and grace I will continue praying in faith for the return of all our loved ones to us.
Blessings and thank you all for your caring and concern for me and my wellbeing.
No I will try emailing tomorrow. I left my journal that I write too Josh in at work and it had my emails in it. I am praying he is alright too. I know he had sounded extremely upset the last few times he had posted comments. Keep me posted if you hear anything and I will do the same!
Wayne, I am so glad you are alright. I know how hard things have been lately. Sometimes I feel so angry. I know I am not supposed too feel that way. Of course I am angry at satan for taking my son. I am angry at myself. As a mother I am supposed to protect my children no matter how old they are. I feel like I failed. I also feel like maybe it was my fault that I did not pray hard enough. Why would God not hear my prayers and cries too heal my son. I try not to be angry at God. Sometimes it just feels like why did our loved ones have to die why could’t satan have been stopped and why can’t God bring them back now! I know I must be patient and faithful and keep praying. Sometimes it is just so hard when you are full of such grief. Everyone around me expects me to be better when I am literally dying inside. I would rather join Josh than to keep going on with such pain. I pray that each of us stay faithful and keep praying and that our miracles come soon. God bless each of you!
Cindy, I know exactly how you are feeling and what you are experiencing and can perfectly relate to the pain and agony in your heart. I have the same thoughts and regrets. You echo much of my daily inner torment very accurately. I am alone at home and my sister and couple of friends that I have, expect me to just suddenly overcome my grief, loneliness and depression….I have asked and pleaded with the Lord, that if He is not going to answer my/our cries and our prayers in faith to Him and ressurect and return our loved ones to us, that He rapture us very soon or take me physically in death to my priceless love Colette in heaven….I feel as if I have been sentenced to a life of constant, tormenting and unrelenting grief, loneliness and depression on earth until I breathe my last breath, and I just cannot continue to live in and with this agony for much longer….I do realize that God is still in control, but I cry out to Him morning, noon and night as to why He allowed the enemy to kill my most priceless treasure and undying love on earth in such a premature, totally preventable and pointless tragedy.
I also ask and pray to God why He has not answered or indicated to us that He intends to answer our cries and prayers for our loved ones’ return to encourage us…..I say to God and ask Him, compared to His grand scheme for us to be with Him for eternity , what are a few more years on earth, with our loved ones to experience and share with them our joys and laughter and blessings that God had in store for us as a couple, had not that filthy serpent, liar, father of lies and murderer not been allowed by God to destroy in the blink of an eye, all of our future blessings, joy, laughter and happiness together.
I know beyond a doubt that God, through His Son Jesus our messiah and the Holy Spirit, had promised to answer Colette’s and my deepest, prayer, longing and desire, which was to have a child, and to shower this blessing on our lives….But satan was allowed by God to snuff out us realizing this special blessing and that intensifies my grief in my heart beyond words.
I have tried grief counsellors but they do not, and cannot, heal my crushed heart.
Only God can accomplish that feat, either through answering our cries and prayers for the resurrection and return of our loved ones to us, or to take me to heaven to be with my Colette and my other loved ones like my dearest father and mother…Where all tears, grief, tragedy and pain will be wiped away and Colette and I will be in each others arms again for eternity and I will never again ever have to lose her.
But, I am still praying in faith constantly every single day for our mighty miracles and by God’s strength and putting on His armour daily (Ephesians 6:10-18). I refuse to be discouraged and disheartened by the enemies schemes, plans or stratagems, or those around me who may be used as satan’s agents to discourage me and destroy my faith and belief for our soon answered miracles, or else Come quickly, Lord Jesus!!!!
Blessings all and Shalom.
Wayne, Elizaberh and Stephanie. I continue praying daily for our miracles. I also ask for signs that our prayers will be answered. I even ask God that if Josh is happy and does not want too come back to let me somehow know. His happiness is what matters too me. If that is the case then I beg God too rapture us or take me now too be with Josh. The pain and grief I feel is just becoming worse daily and almost too the point where I cannot bear it much longer. It is so hard too function. When I do manage to get through a day or ever smile then I feel guilty. How can I smile when my son is not here to enjoy life. I search for answers. Am I praying in the right way. Saying the right things. Should I be fasting. I usually eat just one meal a day. I feel sometimes like there is no response from God. Like we have all just been left in this darkness with no light in sight! Sometimes it is so hard too see the happiness of others and I wonder why our loved ones had to be taken from us by satan. Josh was taken so suddenly that I was in shock and did not even have a chance too tell him I love him! I am not sure how to keep going on each day. I just try to keep my faith strong but I hope for a sign or answer soon. God bless each of you and hope your faith is still strong! Please God show compassion on all of us and stop our suffering and bring back Colette, Michelle, Chris and Josh#
So glad to hear from all of you. I am in Phoenix helping out, but have not stopped praying. Wayne I believe that on the new earth people will still be able to have babies and that is one of the many reasons we will all be reunited with out earthly bodies. You will have a child with Colette. However I am believing that she ll come back and that you will continue your life here with Colette! As Cindy with Josh , Stephanie with Chris and me with Michelle. The word says he will give us our desires and I am standing one the word! Hugs to all of you. Elizabeth
Elizabeth, your faithful prayers, encouragement and assurances are enormously appreciated and I believe are truly a Godsend, as I really do not have anyone in Ottawa who will stand by faith in the gap and believe along with me for God to perform such mighty miracles. Your kind words and prayers floods my eyes with tears…God bless you and your family, and I am also continuing my prayers and believing by faith everyday without fail for the return of your dearest Michelle, and for the resurrection and return also of Josh and Chris.
Return Hugs to all of you too!!
So glad tho hear from all of you. I went too a grief group meeting yesterday to make my family members happy. I of course did not mention what I was praying for. It was good to spend the evening with people who understand my suffering and this group does not believe in getting over the loss of your loved one. They just share and talk about how bad their grief is. I too will continue praying faithfully for the resurrection of Collette, Michelle, Chris and Josh. Without all of you I do not know how I would go on. Thank you so much for being there. Hugs back to all of you!
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Probably a silly question because if you feel like me everyday seems to become more painful than the last. Our faithful prayers for the resurrection of our loved ones is the only thing that gives me the will and hope to go on. I also think each day I get through gets me one day closer to being with Josh. Whether it is through resurrection, the rapture or my death at least it is one day closer. I know God hears our cries and prayers and sees the faith we all have in our miracles. I pray and repeat the scriptures over and over that promise the return of our loved ones. I cannot wait until we are all together with Colette, Michelle, Chris and Josh celebrating Gods love and the power of our undying faith and prayers! God Bless everyone! May we stay strong in our faith! Amen!
Haning in, Cindy. Think of you all often throughout the day. I know you are all feeling the same pain I am. I stay busy , but the grief over losing my girl continues on. I enjoy being with my family and helping . Makes me feel closer to Michelle. Mom is still praying to for all of you and your loved ones. Still standing on the word! Wayne , so glad my words help you. Its what I truly believe. Randy Alcorn, the writer of the book “Heaven” believes the same way.also… Life on the new earth will be what it was intended to be before the fall. ..I told my granddaughters that they will get to marry and have children pain free! If it wasn’t for you all I would feel alone in what we are believing for. There are some saying that the time has come for the greater works like raising the dead. Holding on for me and for you 3 and for all of those who are believing for loved ones. Hugs.
Wayne, Cindy, Elizabeth,
I too have felt all the things that you have, the depression, sadness, hopelessness, loneliness, I still feel those things a lot and though I can do other things and push those feelings away for a bit they are always there. The only thing that will stop that feeling of loss that void left from Chris, is Chris. God helps me feel that void also and the promises he has made. But each day is rough. I had all those dreams about him now none and that makes me sad. Makes me feel further from him. I thought I heard him call my name the other day and I called his back turned around. He was not there and I cried.
I don’t know how well this website is working, I have tried to post a few other times this week and it did not work. I wish we could find a better different way to post. So hopefully this one does. I think about you all and pray for us and our loved ones everyday!
Stephanie, it does seem like this website is acting crazy. Elizabeth mentioned she was going to set up a Facebook page for us too talk on. I would do it but I am not to good at all that lol. Hope everyone is having a good week. Lately I feel like my grief is making me physically ill. The headaches, hardness to breath and the no sleep takes a toll. Functioning each day has seemed to have gotten harder. My kids came to the house on Saturday. We set off a balloon with a message tied to it for Josh. We told him how much we miss him and love him. Having gatherings without him is so difficult! I hope and faithfully pray that we will not have to wait much longer for our miracles! Talk to you all.soon and have a blessed day!
Stephanie, Cindy and Elizabeth, my sadness, grief, loneliness and depression increases with each passing day, I have tried grief counselling, but for me personally it does not work at all. As you so rightly say, the only thing that can replace that huge void filled with grief and emptiness is for God to return my eternal love Colette and Chris, Michelle and Josh…..It is becoming more and more difficult and intolerable for me to continue living every day, filled with meaninglessness, emptiness, aimlessness, a seemingly bottomless black hole of unceasing grief, lonesomeness and horrible depression having to continue living on this earth without my Colette….But with the strength that comes only from God I will not allow the enemy satan and any of his human agents to inflict me with the spirit of discouragement and utter despair, to give up all hope, and will continue by faith and with the strength provided through the Holy Spirit to continue believing for the miracle of the resurrection and return of our loved ones to us very, very soon……Otherwise, Come quickly Lord Jesus for us your born again believers and take us to be with You and all our loved ones in heaven for eternity!!!
I received a new comment but it only showed up on my email and not the site. We have added another prayer warrior to our team. I will definitely being adding your husband Bill to my prayers. Sorry beings your comments were not on the site I do not know your name. I cannot imagine your pain and grief as my son has only been in heaven for 17 weeks and 3 days. Your husband has been gone for a lot longer and I know my pain gets worse each day. I also have no family support. They all think I should be doing better by now and accepting what happened. I cannot do that I know my son should be here! I will continue to faithfully pray for our miracles and never stop. The thought of seeing Josh soon again is the only thing that makes me get up each day! We need to continue to flood heaven with our tears and prayers until Michelle, Colette, Chris, Bill and Josh are resurrected! So happy to have another believer! God Bless everyone!
Elizabeth, Wayne, Cindy, Stephanie, and all the others on this site that are believing for their precious loved ones return, I am with you. My precious husband Bill passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack in Oct. 2013 and like all of you, my world fell apart. I went to a couple grief counseling sessions too and although the facilitator was very compassionate, I left feeling just as empty and alone as when I arrived. Like you all have said, nothing…nothing can take that empty, lost, knot in the stomach feeling away, except the return of our loved ones. We were in Colorado at the time, had only been there a little over a year so we did not know too many people. We were just so comfortable with each other, we really didn’t have or need a busy social life. I moved back to ND where I’m originally from to be closer to my kids and their families. I love them beyond words but it is still not the same as having my Bill to share and do things with. I found this site a while back and wanted to post before now but sometimes get too gabby, but then talking has been therapeutic even if sometimes friends and family may get a little tired of hearing the sadness after this long. I just had to say my heart breaks for all of us who are enduring this kind of pain. I am so thankful there are others that believe like I do, that The Word tells us that more miracles are coming, that we are to do greater works than our Lord Jesus did, that bringing our loved back will happen. I pray for it, I believe it (even though most around me think it’s a little way out there) I will not let their opinions deter me from believing it. I have prayed for all of our loved ones on this site to be brought back to us: Josh, Chris, Colette, Michelle and Bill, and others that are believing for their loved ones return. I had wanted to start a “Group Belief” where I am at to encourage one another with this and the imminence of the Rapture, but unfortunately a lot believe that just doesn’t happen and kind of look at me like I am a grieving desperate widow who has lost it. Well I guess I have lost it then….any unbelief I ever had that is. Reading your posts has been such a boost for me and will continue to read and share prayers. Hugs!
Welcome to the group Sheila! So happy to have another believer on board with us! I will add Bill to my prayers and let mom know to add him also! Its 2 minutes til 5. We all pray everyday at 5 my AZ Time and 7 Cindy , Wayne and Stephanies time.You are welcome to do the same. Its nowing we are all praying at the same time and for the same thing, that gives me comfort. Like all of you the pain gets heavier everyday. I am reading in a book about a woman that the Lord took to heaven 17 times. In one of those times Jesus said that he answers the prayers of those who are persistant and don’t give up. … I can’t wait til we can all get together with our loved ones when he does the miracles he promised to do. On serveral of the NDE’s the Lord told the people that he was going to allow great miracles near the end. Well we are in those times! Here for all of you and praying many times a day for all of you! Hugs! Praying now! Elizabeth
Also, I am gettting my grandaughters to help me set up a facebook site for us. They are better at it than me lol. Soon!
I will add your Bill to my prayers too!
we all feel the same as you! It is so good having a group of people to pray and believe with. Sometimes I get worried that I will get used to feeling this way, the loneliness, sadness, this void. That can only be filled by my husband. But then I remember that the devil wants me to have these doubts and I look towards God and know that he does not want me to have that bleak lonely life. He wants to do o lay good for us his children and he can do anything!
I pray for all of our loved ones swift return!
I am glad you are getting help, I am not getting any emails from this site at all
Hey everybody. Some comments I get on the site but others are on my emails. Hopefully I am not missing any. Everytime I am feeling extremely sad a comment shows up which keeps my faith growing and strong. Thank you all for being there. I agree Stephanie that I do not want too get used to the way life is now. I want my life back the way it was before satan stole it. Sheila I have added Bill to my prayer list. I know that all our loved ones are together in heaven cheering us on too bring them home! Elizabeth I have also been reading about persistent prayers and what power they have. I plan to try to pray even more each day so that our miracles are here soon! God Bless each of you for believing and standing together in prayer to bring our loved ones home!
Wayne, Cindy, Stephanie, Sheila,I agree,, I could never get used to not having Michelle here. Each day I get through thinking that this might be the day we see our loved ones. Stopped at Sunset point again on the way up from Phoenix,and prayed for each of you and for all of our loved ones soon return to us. The Lord has promised to answer our prayers and know he will. Thinking of all of you many times a day and never pray for Michelle without praying for Colette, Josh, Chris and Bill to resurrect and for you four, all of those who truly are believing like we are! Cindy the comments on here help me through too! Big hugs
Am reading the book “The Day I Died” by Freddy Vest who used to be an actor on Dallas and now builds homes. His Mom prayed his Dad back from the dead. Freddy also died and went to heaven and came back. He quotes the verse from Hebrews 11:35, which is talking about the faith people used to have in the Old Testament. Verse 35 states” Woman received their dead raised to life again”.. God didn’t change, Peoples faith levels did! He will do for us what he did for them!!! I was praying yesterday morning for our loved ones and the sweetest smell came into the room. I live in the country, so it could not have even been a neighbors perfume etc. Only word to describe it are heavenly. Wish I could have bottled it.The Lord is hearing us! Hugs Elizabeth
I am truly finding everyday harder than the one before. Waiting for Josh to return is unbearable. I know I cannot let satan wear me down and I must continue to be strong and have complete faith. It is just so hard because I miss Josh so much. Each day when I wake up I feel so disappointed that Josh is not here but I still am. Lately I feel like there have not been any signs of our loved ones return. I know that too is satan who is trying to break me down. I will never stop banging on the door of heaven crying out to bring back Michelle, Colette, Chris, Bill and Josh! I know God listens to persistent prayers it is just so hard to keep living without him if you can even call this living! I pray for all of us that satan will not get the best of us and we will all continue in our faith and prayers for our loved ones! May God bless each of us !
Cindy, I understand and am right there with you. Your comment made me cry because I know how deep the pain is. Never thought id feel like this. I’m working on a facebook site to make it easier for all of us to communicate. I am going to name it ‘ The Greater Works Believers” unless you all think of something else. Not that it really matters. All that matters is seeing our loved ones again. Hugs to you all!
Just thought I would check in with everyone! The days seem to be all running into each other and time keeps passing. Sometimes it is so hard to see the world continuing on and happy people living their lives when my son is gone. At the grief share group they talk about a new normal. There is nothing normal about loosing someone you love. They tell us how our loved ones are in a better place. I know this is true but I also know Josh was not ready to go and his life was taken by satan.Sometimes it is so hard not to have anyone that I can talk too about what I believe. My husband knows but the more time that passes he seems to be telling me not too get my hopes up for a miracle. He says he prays that my prayers will be answered but does not want me to be devastated if Josh does not come home.Without this site I would truly have no one to share my true feelings and beliefs with. I pray and pray for our miracles too come soon. No matter how hard I try there is no joy or happiness in my life now. I know this hurts the family that is still here so I try to pretend when I am with them but that makes things worse for me. Sometimes I just want to scream in public and say why why my son! I pray everyday reading the scriptures over and over that support our miracles. I pray for each of us not to let satan break us and for our faith to strengthen. I pray that God will give us some signs. I know he hears our cries but sometimes it feels as there are no answers. Please God have compassion on us ad answer our cries to resurrect Colette, Michelle, Chris, Bill and Josh! Amen!
Cindy, I share your grief and sentiments one hundred percent…..That is why I do not personally go to a grief support group because I would leave there more upset and stricken with grief and loneliness over my loss of Colette than before I attended. Maybe it is helpful and comforting for some grieving individuals, but it will not help me. I have went to a few one on one sessions with a trained grief psychologist, but I also did not find these sessions of any help to me. The only one that can help and restore all that the enemy and the locusts have stolen from my life, is miraculous intervention and answer to our prayers by God to resurrect and return our darling loved ones, Josh, Michelle, Chris, Bill and Colette to us.
Yes, as far as I am concerned words fail to adequately describe the pain, grief, loneliness, depression and anguish I have to endure and fight each and every day, which as you so aptly put it, seem to run into each other. I realize that I have to hang on and depend on God’s strength as my only solid anchor, lest my grief, lonesomeness, despair and depression overcome me totally. The idea of adjusting to a new normal is a ridiculous, hurtful, unhelpful and nonsense notion to counsel or advise a grieving individual who has lost a loved one. I personally, without my irreplaceable treasure Colette, will never be able to reclaim the joy and happiness in every respect that I felt and experienced when my sweetheart was with me and we shared each other’s life. In other words, as the Bible says, when we became one flesh.
I am still storming the gates of heaven for our miracles of resurrection and restoration and intend to continue doing so until my very last breath or the Lord’s rapture removes me from this earth.
May God Bless, give you strength daily and keep you in His arms of comfort and protection, Cindy, Elizabeth, Stephanie and Sheila.
Wayne , Am also storming the gates of heaven daily For Colette, Josh, Chris, Bill and Michelle! Cindy, My husband is the same as yours. I also say the same thing.”.How can life still go on and people keep living their lives when my daughter is gone?” She was not wanting to go either. She wanted to raise her girls. I too still believe she was taken before her time by Satan, but that God will do the greater miracle to counteract the works of Satan. Am believing that for all of your loved ones too! Am working on the facebook page and will email the link to you. From there will only let those on who are believing like us. I refuse to let any of us be attacked by those who don’t believe. Hugs
Thank you Elizabeth for working on the Fb page. I had not gotten emails from this site in a while so I looked on it and say all of your new comments. I don’t know why I’m not getting the email. It seems we are in the same place these days. Usually I can go about my day and push on for my kids but not recently. I am very depressed and sad. This grief thing us terrible, this loneliness is terrible. I miss him so much and feel alone even when I have friends or family to talk to. Chris is my other half my soul mate, the one I am supposed to grow old with. See grandchildren with. I am not happy with the way things are and I refuse to accept it! I am praying for us all and for all of our loved ones!!
Just thought I would let everyone know that you and each of your loved ones are Shasta in my thoughts.I am continuing to pray in faith for the return of Michelle, Colette, Chris, Bill and Josh. I will never stop praying and believing! I know satan wants to wear us all down and defeat us. Together we continue to knock on heavens door. I have been reading a lot lately on persistent prayer. God answers those who will not give up. He sees our faith and love and will reward us with our miracles soon. Bless each of you and know that I will never stop praying for our loved ones!