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Provoke me to dare more boldly

Provoke me to dare more boldly
Uche Izuora is a Nigerian missionary to the Sudan. That’s a tough place to minister, but Uche is tougher. He and I have been corresponding for several years and he inspires me with his boldness and humility.  Because of radicals like Uche, I believe there’s a good chance that we’ll reach the …
By Seth Barnes
Uche and SolaUche Izuora is a Nigerian missionary to the Sudan. That’s a tough place to minister, but Uche is tougher. He and I have been corresponding for several years and he inspires me with his boldness and humility.  Because of radicals like Uche, I believe there’s a good chance that we’ll reach the world for Christ in our lifetimes.
Every year, he leaves his wife, Sola, and his children to go and minister in the Sudan for months at a time. Sola stays behind, working to support them.
The ministry in the town of Yei is rich.  Just across the border from Uganda, Yei is beautiful and relatively safe. Young people there are crying out for Jesus. Last year, five out of the nine secondary schools in Yei held weekly fellowships. Uche aims to celebrate the lordship of Jesus every lunch hour in all the secondary schools in Yei before the end of 2009.
This week Uche is running a conference and wrote me today to say, “Just know that we had 860 students here and 228 of them made commitments to Jesus.”
Yei SudanHis vision for Sudan is great: “We look to change the stories out of Sudan, from that of wars, genocide, hunger and starvation to news of the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit, as we yearn to make Jesus famous and followed. We pray all night every Friday asking the Lord to make His way known so that His will may be done.”
Let me issue a challenge on Uche’s behalf: A few of you reading this need to go work alongside him in Yei. The fields are “white unto harvest” there and someone needs to help disciple all these new believers. You’ll find that your boring life takes on resonance and fulfillment there. It won’t be easy, but you’ll do what God made you to do. So, if your heart begins to pound as you read this, please contact me and I’ll send you more information about the opportunity.
Last week Uche sent me this adaptation of a poem I had posted to my blog some time ago. Here it is:
Adaptation of Sir Frances Drake’s poem by Uche Izuora

Stir me, Lord, when I’m too pleased with myself and contented.
When my dreams have come true because I dreamed too little.
When I arrived too soon and safe because I sailed too close to shore.
Disturb me, Lord, when with the abundance of things I possess,
I am losing my thirst for the springs of living water.

Having fallen in love with this life, my dreams of eternity are now shrivel;
And in my desire for a new earth, my vision of Your new Heaven dims.
Provoke me, Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wilder seas;
Where storms will show Your mastery; where losing sight of land,
I shall find the stars and bask in Your ever abounding grace.

Arouse me, Lord, when with seemingly good reasons I welcome slumber;
And ignore the rise of little follies that contend for my affection.
O stir me, when the flesh cries for mercy, and I listen and show concern.
Disturb me, Lord, when Your word seems stale and boring;
And I’m spending hours on TV, entertained by sports and movies.

Will You not arouse me Lord?
When my spirit grows lean with ease being starved of fellowship with Your Spirit,
and yet my friends and family are amused at my latest outfit- a bulging stomach.
Will You give me rest, Lord, when the sighs of the sinner, the cries of the orphan
and the groans of the widow fill the air and I think it’s noise? Forbid this Lord.

Stir me, Lord, when my choices seem to make You No.1;
though I know You seek to be All in all, the First and Last and I object.
O Lord, may the cause of the Cross and the witness of Your empty tomb
ever remind me of what great price You paid to have all of me.

This I ask in the name of My Lord and Commander,
Jesus, The Christ.

I’ve been greatly inspired by Seth Barnes of Adventures in Missions, whose blogs have been a source of motivation over many seasons. Sir Frances Drake, wrote some lines of this prayer in 1577. Having merged here my longings with his, I hope someone prays along today or tomorrow.
Sir Frances said, “The advantage of time and place in all practical actions is half a victory; which being lost is irrecoverable.”

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