| Seth Barnes | Eswatini / Swaziland | 6 Comments on The AIDS pandemic – view from ground zero | Views 4
The AIDS pandemic – view from ground zero

As detailed in yesterday’s blog, Karen and I just returned from Swaziland. Here’s the story of a visit we made:
Pastor Gift’s wife, Philele, led our little group as we approached the first homestead for a visit. A “homestead” consists of a dirt clearing surrounded by a few dwellings of straw,…
By Seth Barnes
As detailed in yesterday’s blog, Karen and I just returned from Swaziland. Here’s the story of a visit we made:
Pastor Gift’s wife, Philele, led our little group as we approached the first homestead for a visit. A “homestead” consists of a dirt clearing surrounded by a few dwellings of straw, wood, and mud. We walked into the circle of huts. A few small children played in the dirt. Random chickens pecked and crowed. Goats and a skinny dog wandered around.

As she nodded a welcome, children ran to bring small wooden stools for us to sit on. The children then positioned themselves behind us as we sat in a semi-circle around her. “I am Gogo Gumbi,” she said, and invited us to sit on wooden stools in front of her.
She pointed to the three children who sat nearby, “These are my grandchildren. Their mother has died and now I raise them.”
Philele translated as we began asking questions. “Who lives here with you?”
“What are you making?”
She answered each query patiently, but briefly, with no explanation.
We asked about her life and how she survives. “It is hard to find food,” she answered, “but it wasn’t always like this. Years ago, everyone had a garden. But the rains stopped coming. Now the sun scorches everything we try to grow.”
With food so scarce and goats so abundant, we asked if they used goats milk. The gogo looked startled and the children erupted in laughter—deep belly laughs. Milk a goat? How absurd! Collecting themselves, the children explained that no, they do not milk goats. But they DO know that goat milk is good for people trying to quit smoking!
She was uncertain about ages of her children and grandchildren. What are years in a cycle of endless days? She remembers that her some of her children were grown when they died. She was not sure of the ages of her grandchildren but thought of them in terms of size and stage of life.
As she answered our questions, her face was impassive, her voice almost a monotone.
Then I asked, “What do you believe about Jesus?”
It was a simple question, but it opened a door. She shared about the pain of losing her husband, siblings, and several of her children to death, but how Jesus carried her through and gave her both comfort and hope. She opened up to share her grief, and as she did, her voice wavered and tears began to fall. Patti responded by going to sit with her on her mat, touching her. There was a bond that transcended physical touch.
Gogo Gumbi indicated with her chin out the grave sites of her family members buried just behind the huts.
“Can we go there?” I asked. I suggested that we offer a blessing for the memory of her two daughters, so we all walked over. She replied without words, drawing herself upright and walking to the area marked by stones. There she knelt on the ground in front of the graves and moaned.
We prayed. I suggested we sing a song. Patti led, “It is well with my soul.” Philele guided us through the next verse in the Siswati language.
Gogo Gumbi wept, we all prayed and sang, and it was indeed well with our souls.
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Praying for Gogo Gumbi and the thousands like her that are grieving yet having to carry on despite the pain for the sake of the children.
Not only do they persevere, but they shine.
Jesus personally walked her through it…she knows what that feels like…I know what that feels like. That is where the bond is. When Jesus personally walks you through something you couldn’t do by yourself…you share something. I think that is as human as it gets. Without realizing your need for Jesus…you don’t possess the ability to relate. It is truly incredible where you find Him…really find Him…amen!!
Wow! Powerful story! Thank you for answering God’s call to go and be with these people at this time. Patti – wait on your blessings girl b/c it’s a-coming! Your faithfulness will be rewarded. God Bless you all!!
Brings back memories. I thought today of writing a book of yours, Andrew’s, and Gary’s teachings. It’d mostly be compiling and editing.
Your Excellency,
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