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The end of an amazing year of adventures

amazing year of adventures
The World Racers are finishing their debrief in South Africa. What an incredible year it has been for them! I love reading their blogs. So far, Kim Kinsley, Laura Frankenfield, Cathy Stolzfus, and Chad Mast have posted their final blogs. Here is part of Chad’s: This year has been a year that i…
By Seth Barnes

The World Racers are finishing their debrief in South Africa. What an incredible year it has been for them! I love reading their blogs. So far, Kim Kinsley, Laura Frankenfield, Cathy Stolzfus, and Chad Mast have posted their final blogs. Here is part of Chad’s:

This year has been a year that is basically the beginning of my life. I have been through 26 years of ups and downs, tears, joy, happiness, relationships, college and a career. But, my 27th year will go down as the year that the veil to the world was lifted off of my face. I was so sheltered in my life, I didn’t realize the extent of what our world faces. I didn’t see the true need for people to step outside of their boxes and take hold of the calling that the Lord has for their lives.

When we were in India, Dr. Samuel Thomas (founder of the orphanage) said something that I will never forget. He said that the Western church is a dedicated church. They will go to church on Sundays, cell groups during the week and read their bibles. He then said something that will challenge me for the rest of my life. He said that the church of the East is a surrendered church. They live in a life of persecution, they see people die because of what they believe and they surrender to the will that God has for their lives.

debrief thailand 282129This year has been an ongoing challenge to realize how to be surrendered. How do I know what my purpose is in life? How can I possibly make a difference in this life? God has given me a glimpse into this world as to where he wants me to begin to find out.

He has shown me the need for the gospel in Mexico. He has let me touch families that have suffered from hurricanes in Guatemala. He has brought me into Buddhist monks’ lives to show them the destructive path of Hell that they are following. He has let me live amongst the lost at a Buddhist monastery in Thailand. He has shown me the life of persecuted orphans in India. He has shown me a revival in the Catholic church of Poland. He has shown me a love for Christ in the Coptic Orthodox church of Egypt. He has shown me hundreds crying out for Christ to come into their lives in Uganda and He has shown me what AIDS is doing to the entire continent of Africa while in South Africa.

I will never be the same. I never want to be the same. Why would I want to live a life that is not on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ? Why would I not want to do what Jesus did while he was on earth and pour love on to people? Why would I not want to show the only way for us to get to Heaven. I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through the Son (John 14:6). Why would I not want to tell the world that the Lord wants everyone to repent and be saved? Why wouldn’t I want to share to the world that they are being lied to by a fallen Angel that is condemned to Hell and he wants to take everyone with him? Why wouldn’t I want to share that the only way to get to heaven is to be born again in the Spirit of Jesus Christ? To accept him as your personal savior of your life and to be rid of the sinful lives that everyone on this planet has been born into.

yanui 28429

We have been lied to in this life and have been told that money, sex, power and materialism will make us happy in life.

I am called to a life that shows that there is a hope in this life. A hope that is called Jesus Christ and if you ask Him to come into your life, then you can live a life that has true meaning.

That is the life that I am called to. I praise God that He loves me and that He has shown me the beginning of a life like no other.

I can’t wait to see what God is going to do next year on the World Race 2007.

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