The meaning of a trumpet blast

It was customary, the Bible tells us in 2 Samuel 11:1, when the spring time came, for the kings to go to war. Kind of an odd little ritual, it would seem. Their armies would stand on opposite sides of a field and then a trumpet would blast and they would begin to fight.
There is a time and place for spiritual warfare, a time when the people of God say to our enemy, “Enough! You’ve ravaged our families and our nation long enough and we will contest you from here forward every inch of the way!” And a trumpet blast – a signal to fight – must be issued.
New Orleans is a symbol of what is at stake in America today. After Katrina hit, Jesus-followers were thrilled as gangs, pushers, and pimps were rousted out of the city and the citizens cried out to God for help.
But lately, evil is seeping back into New Orleans. There is an upsurge of violence on the streets.
Athol Barnes, AIM’s leader in New Orleans, saw this and responded by telling his staff, “The devil is stepping up his game and we need to step ours a. The trends are moving strongly against us and we must realize that the fate of a generation hangs in the balance. A trumpet blast needs to be issued from all the pulpits across the land.
Our enemy has thrown down the gauntlet and is claiming our children.
We need to respond, “Enough!”
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I absolutely agree. My eyes have been opened and my heart too, and by no coincedence, my schedule too!! Bring it on; I’m prayer prepared and spiritually ready to fight the good fight. It is comforting and strengthening to know that The LORD is my (our) vindicator, and will fight the battle for me (us). I am but a warrior for Jesus in this battle called life. The Bible talks about taking back what is rightfully the Lord’s. This takes action and workers. I am in much prayer that the harvest does not pass the workers by. RISE UP ALL!
Praise God. It is time for us as “The Body of Christ” to rise up and go to war against the enemy. I have been continually in prayer ascending to the thorne room for worship and decending in to war.
A few days ago I was a sleep and I awake to a sound of trumpet blowing in my ear, I was visited by a Angel. It was obviously he was telling me to continue fight against the enemies.
Love You all
I heard a trumpet blast in my right ear last night around midnight in a dead sleep. I thought it was the rapture. I prayed in tongues 1 hr, fell asleep.
I’m interested that you think it is a call to arms,to protect our children. I was attacked 10 yrs ago by a demon in a dream- there were lots of these creatures with arms to the ground from their shoulders, hairy with freaky humanlike faces. My husband preached in dream, we got in our car and they blocked our road then one turned flat and spirit like and got into our car and bit me under my thigh. I knew it was an attack directed to our progeny because of our preaching. That night same time my daughter lost baby- exact time I was bit- 4am..(10 yrs ago) I had 2 pregnant. Since then, 2 of my daughter in laws have lost babies too. One is pregnant now. My son, her husband works at Large Christian ministry…
I literally heard a trumpet blast from heaven, around 1:00 am this morning. Lord Jesus Christ in All Authority Bless The Holy Spirit overflow all of God Jesus Christ’s Will. Glory and Praise to GOD. Amen.