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We need to set women free!

set women free
I’ve long thought that we need another shot at the women’s liberation movement.   The first one had a lot of good points to make. But it was too shrill and combative. Sometimes men became the enemy.   Yet for all that, the conditions that gave rise to the women’s liberation movement in the…
By Seth Barnes
swazi women 5I’ve long thought that we need another shot at the women’s liberation movement.
The first one had a lot of good points to make. But it was too shrill and combative. Sometimes men became the enemy.
Yet for all that, the conditions that gave rise to the women’s liberation movement in the U.S. still exist overseas. And often they are much worse. For example check out the top 5 worst countries for abusing women. It turns your stomach.
This post by John Hearn expresses my feelings on the matter:

The ways I’ve seen women treated all over the world have been unforgettable…

met girls as young as 12 years old who have been sold into sex slavery
for a house, car, money, and even a television.  Some women haven’t been
able to stand as tall as I am or even look me in the eye.  If I crouch
down, she has to crouch lower.  If I sit down to eat, she has to
literally crawl to the table to serve me.  At some meals, I’ve had to
eat while the women watched me because they had to eat last after
serving the men.  I’ve witnessed women and young girls auctioned off to
the highest bidder and even sold through a lottery.
I’ve seen drunken
men grope women, emotionally abuse them, and rent them for days at a
time.  Women in India known as the “burning brides” are doused in
kerosene and lit on fire by their husbands and in-laws because her dowry
wasn’t enough – because SHE wasn’t enough.  If they don’t die
immediately then they are left with horrifying scars and physical
handicaps.  Women are abandoned by their husbands after giving birth to
their children and left with no money and no food.  Women are beaten,
abused, spat on, and tortured.

Men, why do we allow these injustices in the world?!?

country, no race, and no religion is exempt from these horrific
trends.  Even women in America are crippled by a faulty belief system
where men are superior.  Women all over the world are mentally enslaved
by a belief system that has ravaged and dominated our culture.  These women are your daughters, your sisters, your mothers….or maybe even you.

So what do I tell a 17 year old girl whose parents have sold her for $20 and a television? 

I tell her the TRUTH….

You are WORTHY.
You are LOVED.
You are HOLY.
You are VALUED.
You are CAPABLE.
You are CHOSEN

When the world tells women who they should be then we need to remind them who
God says they ARE!

Jesus decorated the Bible with multiple examples of the REAL value of women…

this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another,
proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.  The Twelve were with
him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and
diseases:  Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out;
Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and
many others.  These women were helping to support them out of their own
means.”    Luke 8:1-3

we see that Jesus changed the role of women from child-bearing stay at
homes to disciple makers!  Women were invited into ministry WITH Jesus!
Can you imagine!  They gave up their own livelihoods, died to self, and
followed and provided for our savior all because they were worthy.

The news of the resurrection. 

Jesus said to her, “Mary.”

She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means teacher)

said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the
Father.  Go instead to my brothers and tell them. ‘I am returning to my
Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'”

Mary Magdalene
went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!”  And she
told them that he had said these things to her.    John 20:16-18

entire faith is based of the news of the resurrection.  If it wasn’t
for Jesus being raised from the dead then our whole belief system would
be wiped clean.  So what does Jesus do with this absolute VITAL piece of
information?  He entrusted it to a woman.  Jesus didn’t first appear to
his disciples who had been in his inner circle but rather to Mary, a
woman.  Not only did he give it to her, but he told her to GO and tell
the men the good news!

Your Christian faith can be accredited to a woman who said “Yes!” to Jesus. 

Women are not only included in the story of Jesus, they ARE the story of Jesus!

So on behalf of every man in the world I would like to say sorry… 

I’m sorry for thinking I was better. 

I’m sorry for telling you you weren’t good enough.

I’m sorry for not fighting for you.

I’m sorry for not trusting you.

I’m sorry for not speaking to you out of love.

I’m sorry for placing unrealistic expectations on you.

I’m sorry for telling you that you have to look a certain way.

I’m sorry for not showing you how a godly man treats a woman.

I’m sorry for the abuse you have been through.

I’m sorry that you have been taken advantage of.

I’m sorry that you haven’t been treated like the queen that you are.

I’m sorry for not pointing you to the Father.


Hold your head HIGH        Stand TALL        Walk BOLDLY

When the world tells you to be quiet, remind them that Jesus told you to SPEAK!

When the world tells you to stay, remind them that Jesus said FOLLOW!

When the world tells you to sit down, remind them that Jesus said GO!

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